Slavery is for Followers

in #hive-1503292 years ago

Just making a quick update to share my view of this time of year.

I'm not indoctrinated by the lies Jude and Abraham concocted into a book high on psychedelics, to sell to the Greek, Summerian, and Akkadian cultures, all of which had a plural appreciation for the high powers calling them gods.

I hate this time of year and really pity my peers for participating in a 2000 year old lie.


I'd recommend celebrating the 21st of december. It is very liberating!

Good, hate is for the weak minded retards like yourself.

You're one of the most repulsive people I have met on the internet. I do not enjoy your comments. I don't know why you follow me, but I hope you have a fucking shit day because I have resented every moment I have ever spend interacting with you.

Whawhawha cries the moron. Who cares, lolololol!

I'm not indoctrinated by the lies Jude and Abraham concocted into a book high on psychedelics, to sell to the Greek, Summerian, and Akkadian cultures, all of which had a plural appreciation for the high powers calling them gods.

Reduce much?