Never ever let hate to cloud your judgement.

in #hive-1688692 years ago

In a sea of clouds, hate is a darkest puff.

No matter how calm the weather is, dark puffs come out in a blink just like hate.

Hate is so inevitable while life still remains for it is like a violent and devastating typhoon, very turbulent condition, that drains and tarnishes the spirit through a darkest frame of mind.

In fact, it leads to the detriment of a complex life, and that it is like a terrible emotion of a cloud in the sky.

Have you ever allowed hate to cloud your judgment?

Many people claim that it is so hard to decide when your heart is filled with hatred. I admit that allowing hate to run would only end up with suffering and a lot of regrets as anger often makes us lose ourself.

”Personally, I have experienced allowing hate to cloud my judgement wherein I was difficult to control, but I have learned the best lessons through a bad weather and through the storms of life.”

Perhaps hate does not only go in solo, yet it comes along with jealousy and selfishness as it brings a worst soul, making anger echoes to its maximum.

In the real world, no matter how good and kind we are, we cannot really please everyone, and that the world would lucidly tell us that there are some souls who would dislike us, belittle us, hate us for no reasons, and destruct us silently, even if we are not causing harm at their lives.

I remember when I was was younger…

Hate blocked my ability to solve dilemmas, which rooted from people who were attacking me just because they were jealous of me in terms of my personal and professional achievements.

Being born as very sensitive, little by little I was losing confidence and I have been filled with hatred for there were people who hated me me and tried to drag me down, but humility, kindness, and compassion were so loud to me as they embrace my soul graciously.

Some days, people were so good because they want something from me, but when they already got what they want, there comes betrayal. Due to hate, they were trying to drag me down through making issues and false stories that would ruin my reputation. But I firmly believe that staying calm through the storms of life would save me.

As a result, I felt drained, however I was able to withstood the hard times. Haters would badly hate but I believe that love would always dominate the world.

The key is to let go of hatred.

Despite being hated by others for personal reasons, I never lose hope to make things right by being true to myself as I let go of hatred.

When I am very angry, I usually end up with an ocean of tears. I just cry it loud as I kept to myself my heavy emotions, and I learned to let go of hatred through ignoring a false story, proving myself right, and staying positive.

Ignore a false story.

The easiest way for people to destruct us are through making a story that would make others hate us. They spread a false story so the clan becomes bigger and stronger. But then, when we know that everything is just part of the play, the best thing to do is to ignore a false story. For a greater self-esteem is also a best defense against toxicity.

Prove yourself right.

Other people would make us feel weak about ourselves making us lose our confidence. This is something that is beyond our control, and thus, it is a matter of being a motivation that could fuel our dreams to come true. We just need to prove them wrong with due respect by simply proving ourselves that we can make things right, and that we can always make it until the end come what may.

Stay positive.

Despite being hated for so many reasons, staying positive is key. It is a matter of standing straight once more and back taller again in spite of being blown away by a turbulent storm of hatred. Stay positive with a humble heart.

Consequently, hate could be a terrible emotion but this is just temporary, and that we must not make the worst decisions while we are angry.

After a storm of hatred is a sea of spectacular clouds…

There would always be a perfect time for peace and serenity in a respectful atmosphere where relationships never die. Let live with a moment of reconciliation before it is too late.

Thus, never ever let hate to cloud your judgment for it drains and tarnishes a soul. Instead, let us spread more positivity through a bright reflection of a pure heart.

This is my personal response to @galenkp’s #weekend-engagement concept 124.

”Have you ever allowed hate to cloud your judgement?”

Disclaimer: All texts and photos are my own, unless otherwise stated


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May mg tao tlga na mabait lang kapag may kelangn..kpg wala na..true, betrayal will start..
I didn't experience it though in the real world..wala pa ako nakaaway or nkasamaan ng loob..
Most na betrayal at backstabbing na naexperience ko ay dto sa virtual world..
Ignore na lang ganun.. We can't please everyone..

I so feel you sis. No matter how good we are, people would backstab in a blink or even abuse our kindness. Perhaps the root cause is jealousy that would lead to hatred. As the old man says that if you are a good tree, many would be throwing stones at you. But the key is to never let hatred dominate in our hearts. Let us always remain humble and kind. After all, there are still many good people surrounding us.

Tama.. Yun na lang ivalue

Indeed, we must let go of hatred before it consumes us. People making false stories do not know the truth about us, they make stories because they are jealous and not satisfied with their life.

So true, jelly. They are making false stories because if jealousy. Although we may get hurt because we are just humans, the key is to ignore them and their false stories as we learn to be humble. Thank you so much for being here. Stay blessed and keep safe.

Good Stuff.

I have indeed experienced that hatred. It can consume you if allowed. It takes constant effort to keep mine at bay.

Thanks for your kind words on my post also. ❤️

Aww, grateful of your time and attention my dear friend with your heartwarming remarks. Perhaps hate is a dark puff for me but at the end of the day, a bright rays of hope bring us delight. I hope you are having a good day and take care.

It happens, happens to everyone. The good thing is you were able to identify and came out from the dark cloud.
Good to read your words, they are so meaningful :)

Awww, those words from you really made my day, dear friend remona. Perhaps it was a matter of self-control as I think for what is right. Thank you very much for your time and attention. I hope you are having a nice tine and take care always.

Self control and realization, these can lead us to the right path.
Thanks for the nice words 😊

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