SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! LAVA SPIDER! Presented to you by Pix21

in #hive-133233 years ago

Hello everyone,

It is the weekends again things have been looking better for crypto-verse lately with higher prices, and appreciating assets. In line with the theme of the week, here goes my battle challenge for the Lava Spider. In this edition the formatting of the post have gone though some revamping. New fonts, colored fonts, headings are added.

L͓̽I͓̽N͓̽K͓̽ T͓̽O͓̽ B͓̽A͓̽T͓̽T͓̽L͓̽E͓̽



Rarity: COMMON
Element: FIRE
Attack: RANGE
Abilities: SNIPE Lvl 1, SNARE Lvl 6, POISON Lvl 10

Snipe is the most used skill for most players with the fire deck especially when Yodins are involved!



Targets enemy Monsters with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that are not in the first position

When attacking enemies with Flying, removes the Flying ability and cannot miss

Attacks have a chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied. Reminds of the new summoner which will have the Poison feature!


The Lava Spider is the latest addition to the Snipe family for Fire decks in addition to the Fire Beetle and the Ferexia general for instance.

Let's move on to the battle, the ruleset for my battle was Weak Magic and Odd One Out with a mana cap of 30. The only splinter is fire, and usually for a fire battle, we are looking at ranged or melee attacks.


I took a gamble with Yodin Zaku as the summoner, even though the opponent has a higher level summoner.


Positioning and Choice of Monsters

Summoner: Yodin Zaku


This is really the best summoner for the Fire Deck in my opinion as it buffs all ranged attacks, and give blast to all monsters.

1st Position: Living Lava


The Shield ability from the Living Lava provides excellent protection against Melee and Ranged attacks.

2nd Position: Creeping Ooze


The ooze is cheap and slows down the enemy. Seeing that the enemy uses similar setup, speed might be the difference between losing or victory

3rd Position: Goblin Shaman


Low cost and reduces all enemies health. Hoping to kill of the low health monsters in fire quicker.

4th Position: LAVA SPIDER


With snipe and paired with Yodin, the ranged damage will be increased

5th Position: Fire Beetle


With snipe and paired with Yodin, the ranged damage will be increased. Fire beetle is a good and cheap card and is well loved.

6th Position: Ferexia General


With snipe and paired with Yodin, the ranged damage will be increased. With Ferexia as the last card, my lineup is complete with a total of 3 snipers.


BATTLE Commentary

Round 1:

The opponent is using a level 3 Yodin Zaku, compared to my Level 1. In terms of level I am at a disadvantage, however my line up has the advantage of having more snipe monsters. Even though the oppponent has a level 5 Living Lava, the difference between my Lvl 3 and the Level 1 is minimal except for the rust ability.

In the first round, all monsters from both sides gained the blast ability and +1 health. The effect from my goblin shaman activates to weaken the enemy, while my ooze slows them down. Unfortunately the opponent's Zalran Efreet has headwinds, so my ranged attackers are weakened.

Thanks to my monsters having the higher speed, my Ferexia General and Lava Spider is able to execute their attacks first. The 1st two attacks effectively killed of Zalran Efreet and the rival's Grenadier. With Zalran gone, my ranged attackers regained their attack power. Due to the ruleset, my goblin shaman was only able to scratch living lava's armor and damage the opposing general.

Subsequent attack from the enemy's Ferexia General kills of my Ooze, while my Fire Beetle lands an attack on Ferexia general with some blast damage to the enemy's lava spider. The enemy's lava spider retaliates and kills of my Goblin Shaman.

Both living lava attacked, reducing the health of each party. However the enemy's already weakened Ferexia General is killed in this exchanged.


Round 2:


In the 2nd round, clearly I am holding the advantage as all my snipers are still alive! The enemy is only left with his Living lava and the lava spider. A +3 attack from my Ferexia General kills of the Lava Spider.

Only living lava is left on the enemy's field.


My monster continuously attacked the opposing Living Lava, though the enemy's Living Lava attacked, all monster managed to survive the direct hit and the blast damage.

Round 3:

The enemy is annihilated in this round from the combined attacks of Ferexia General and Lava Spider!


Killing blow was dealt by our theme monsters LAVA SPIDER




What do I like about Lava Spider most:

The SNIPE! The speed is also good and it comes cheap at 3 mana cost

What I do not like?

None so far! Would be nice though if the lava spider has some other abilities like piercing or life leech. Though Poison is useful but at level 10 that is quite far away for normal users.


If anyone has not signed up with the game feel free to use my referral link and let me know in the comments down below. I will reciprocate with dec or cards equivalent to the amount received.

I wish everyone...


@splinterlands @play2earn


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Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

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