The POB price is low. It's not time to complain. It is time to use the POB you have.
That wear wolf NFT is a bargain at 36.3 POB.
Read more abut @jaxsonmuph's collection here.
The tokenomics of the PobPunks are set to increase in price as more are sold. There are some very special Pob Punks in @jaxsonmurph's collection. These PobPunks are the start of a Proof of Brain economy.
One day the NFT market will be more than some pictures of characters but there will be a whole market of goods and services. This will be a big part of the value of POB. At that time the original items sold will be in high demand. But in the meantime you can pick up a Pob punk for almost nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if at the right moment someone buys them up and goes for a slash and burn.
Anyway those are my thoughts about the POB NFT market.
Pobscholarship is always open for applicants and supporters.
We are also saving up for a big Christmas HBF giveaway .
It's time to end this with the story of Christian Kane's Kentucky Derby win 50:1.
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