in #2 months ago

This post is an urgent plea to everyone on Hive to support their critics. It is them, more than anyone else, that is enabling you to defeat deceivers seeking to lead you astray.

If you have sought to censor speech because it was critical of you or policies you approve, please reconsider based on any substantive criticism you may find.

Do you really believe that those who so gleefully hand out downvotes and flags left and right with impunity and constantly try to gaslight and enforce everyone into following their whims and rules have the slightest intention of reconsidering their arbitrary and misconduct in the interest and in behalf of freedom of speech?


"Do you really believe that those who so gleefully hand out downvotes and flags left and right with impunity and constantly try to gaslight and enforce everyone into following their whims and rules have the slightest intention of reconsidering their arbitrary and misconduct in the interest and in behalf of freedom of speech?"

I do. The world is cray cray today. The gaslighting from every direction is more intense that I would have believed only recently. AI is able to whip up fake pics and video. The only way we can get a handle on reality anymore is through free speech, through actual people that witness events reporting factually on them. I think these rapid, unprecedented changes in the media are already changing people's minds, changing their actions, and scaring them to death.

If they haven't yet, they will.

People are being arrested and convicted in the UK of 'anti-establishment rhetoric' in the West. ~10x more people are being arrested and jailed in the UK for their social media posts than in Russia.

So, we are being lied to and whole events are being created out of hole cloth, and we're being threatened with prison for disagreeing with fake news - or killed if we believe the lies and take the jabs.

This tyranny of deception is changing hearts and minds, without doubt.


The only way we can get a handle on reality anymore is through free speech, through actual people that witness events reporting factually on them.

Well, that's true and I agree. Nonetheless, I still have my doubts that those who still exercise power today and establish laws and rules through oppression and force, are close to reconsidering their tyrannical actions while they still have the resources to buy and count with the support of the mass media.

People are being arrested and convicted in the UK of 'anti-establishment rhetoric' in the West. ~10x more people are being arrested and jailed in the UK for their social media posts than in Russia.

Oh yeah, I have seen it. And it seems to be spreading throughout the world like a real epidemic. But even though many governments actually have a Kill Switch to shutdown the Internet and the alternative media against freespeech, more and more people with conscience and influence will find the cracks through the blocking to spread their message of awareness and liberation.

The problem is that the West really is the best when it comes to privacy rights, rights to speak forthrightly, and rights to access information. Around the world there are many places where no such rights exist. From the Aadhaar Digital ID system based on biometric features of Indian individuals that was initiated in 2009, but only adopted it's data protection law in 2023, and has ignored that enabling 3rd parties to access that data just hands Indians' biometric data to all and sundry - including scammers that can pose as Indians because they have their biometric data and can afflict them for their entire lives without any mechanism to relieve that affliction - to the warring parties in the Sudan waging information access/denial campaigns to capture hearts and minds - and clay - by either providing free Starlink to their favored ethnic groups (the warring parties) or cutting off power to ISPs - to the globally common situation that 'anti-establishment rhetoric' is a crime and criticism of officials and their policies punished more or less severely that is now endemic in the West.

The exfiltration of biometric data is going to strip polities of their ability to provide services to their populations, because it will be impossible to prevent scammers from using that biometric data to scam those services because it is in the wild. Half the Indian population has recently suffered their data being offered for sale ($80k for the lot of it). Since the actual people can't complain about being denied services, because that is a crime (and scammers using their digital ID have already taken their subsidies and effusively praised the program/government, which the government will claim is the reality), what is their recourse?

They have a right to starve, grovel in dust, and die. That is all government (the corporate puppeteers blackmailing/bribing government agents) will provide them. Will those people just lay down and starve to death? No. No, all of them certainly will not. Government will have to kill them to end their suffering, because that will end their complaints, which has become law enforcement where 'anti-establishment rhetoric' has become a crime.

Such democide inevitably will result from biometric ID, and AI will replace meat populations praising the Bukeles' that eliminate pesky criminals, and the flaggots will ride off into the sunset with all the Hive, air, water, food, and land humanity once owned. Alternatively, the flaggots will decorate lamp posts, with mob-armed populists carving out fiefdoms from the empires that used to be. We see the poorest polities are first in line, and Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are modeling the future of the UK, the EU, and the West, who seem to admire the results achieved in those countries and strive to emulate them.

"The toppled leader, Ms. Hasina, had transformed a parliamentary government — something devised to easily weather leadership change — into a deeply centralized system in which she held all the power. An escalating crackdown on protests, which went on until she boarded a plane to India, left about 400 people dead, and once she was gone, it resulted in a total collapse of government authority."

"Police has also lost its confidence to do policing — that’s the reason they could not even come out of barracks, because they thought the people would bash them to death...”

This despite the Nobel Laureate Yunus pleading for peace. The populists leading the mobs aren't going to hear such pleas because the blood of their families is plugging their ears, and the smarter ones are going to secure commercial assets for their parties', under the guise of 'economic justice'.

This same process is being followed by the UK, which is lagging Bangladesh because the population had more resources and will take longer to be reduced to the existential need to remove the government or die. Also the Muslim majority has had to be immigrated into the country, the UK lacking the Muslims necessary for proper mobs hitherto. Another problem the UK has run into is that the preferred 'opposition' to the Muslims it has been importing, Tommy Robinson, has been revealed to be a paid agent of Israel and has fled the UK (so I have read elsewhere), which flings a monkey wrench into their works and greatly reduces their ability to successfully manage the populist mobs by which they intend to reduce the UK to the level of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Countries with populations that are politically unified are prone to wealth and power, which makes them difficult to manage by Zionist puppeteers bribing and blackmailing corrupt populists, so pitting the Muslims against the natives in the UK is essential to the NWO plan to conquer the world, and the outing of Robinson as a Zionist agent has set them back a bit. Here their scheme was entering the government crackdown phase that was to inspire the EDL to burn down Buckingham Palace, and their favorite demagogue has taken to his heels.

The most troubling possibility for the City of London is now the EDL and the Muslim Brotherhood could get together and decide that the City should be tapped to fund redevelopment of Syria and Iraq with funds being disbursed to the Muslims currently fled to the UK to get out of the hellholes those countries were turned into by the City, but only in Syria and Iraq, or wherever they came from, for the purposes of economic development.

I bet both the EDL and the Muslim Brotherhood would happily accept that policy, which would put quite the damper on NWO conquest plans for both MENA and the UK. This underlies the necessity of government prevention of such public discussion, criticism and reversal of government policy, and censorship in general. Much like flaggots on Hive going all scorched Earth on user retention to prevent the rising of a community competent to reform Hive governance from a pure plutocracy into 1a1v with oracles to prevent botting, as @ned proposed to do before he capitulated to the oligarchy, took the money and ran.