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The only African map in theHunter: Call of the Wild is Vurhonga Savanna.
A hunting reserve teeming with indigenous flora and fauna and offering a hunting experience like none other. The reserve spans over several biomes, covering the savanna, woodlands, fever tree forests, swamps and scrublands.
Hunting in the Savanna is not the most challenging because of the wide open dried-up fields with less dense vegetations. But sometimes the long grass makes it a bit difficult.
Some of the smaller animals like Springboks, foxes, hares etc can easily hide in those and in some rare cases, you will find some lions trying to ambush their predators. Sometimes they will attack us too but it is so rare. Every animal's first instinct is to be confrontational and run away. Only in cases when they have no other options they will try to attack you.
Outposts here are usually just a few tents placed on top of a wooden platform. This is not as sturdy and permanents as you will see in some of the other maps. Oh and notice my Sheru always in action trying to find some fresh dropping and tell me. What a legend...lol
Also, the hunting structures are unique too. They blend well with the map. Some of them are just a metal shed placed on the ground while others are raised wooden platforms.
It is a pretty dried-up map with just a few sources of water. It is a big chunk of land isolated and surrounded by a long but narrow river which kind of works as a border of the map. You can't go into deeper water in this game.
Look at how Sheru enjoys being my model for the shots. He is a good boy, and you can see the river behind him at some distance.
This map has a few different biomes though, one of the greenish ones is the Fever tree forest on the western edge of the reserve. This place is rightly named Bush Valley!
It gets harder to find animals in this bush valley, they blend well and most of them have a good sense of hearing which alerts them when you get closer. I spotted a herd of Lesser Kudo who always give me a tough time here. They were already alert and running by the time I opened my camera and tried to take a few shots. Can you spot one in the next photo?
There are some big lakes spread across the whole reserve. They work as perfect hotspots for animal activities. So many of them come here to drink depending on the time of the day but none more majestic than the Lions. One of the central lakes attracts a lot of them in the afternoon.
I found a couple of big males by the edge of this lake. They weren't too cautious, one of them was busy drinking while the other was more attentive and looking all around the lake. I couldn't resist but took the shots.
Even after a loud gunshot, the other didn't run away. This daring and somewhat stupid attitude helped me kill both of them. Much easier than I suspected.
Look at how confused Sheru looks at me, he must be asking for his treat but he just had his cookie, what a greedy bastard!
I hunted a few Springboks too but it got too messy and bloody so I won't share it here...lol
But I will end it with some trees! How could I not...right? I love to take pictures of them both in games and Irl, so here is one.
Let me know which ones are your favourites among all of them. Mine are #1 and #8
Thanks for reading...
Until next hunt...