Forza Horizon 4 - Cross Country Races

in #hive-1402174 days ago

Hello and Welcome back to my blog!

I am having a blast playing Forza Horizon 4. Most of it is just casual driving and doing whatever I fancy. There are a lot of events spread across the map into different series, and as you complete these races, more races get unlocked in those series. My current favourite series is the Cross Country series, where you mostly drive offroad vehicles using more stable vehicles. I love this offroad experience a lot more than the other races, maybe because the AI is a bit stronger on roads.

I love to take my buggy and drive everywhere except on the roads. Its handling and grip on any surface are so good that I just love it. I went into the lake to see how deep it goes, and I was surprised to see that you can drive in it for some time until it suddenly goes way deeper, and the game teleports you back to safer ground.

I loved this Volkswagen Class 5/1600 Baja Bug and even took it to some cross-country races and won all of them. I am afraid a lot of farmers will go out of

I have won a lot of these events. Now I am level 6 and unlocked the Castle Cross Country circuit as well. Look at how much gap I created on this circuit race. A whopping 7 seconds with the average difficulty. Some races are way easier than others and the difficulty levels are not consistent. Or maybe I am more natural at doing some races than others. In any case, I am having a blast with the off-road scene.

My map has been filled with a lot of new races and points of interest. It has been hard to catch up. But I am going at them at my own pace. I bought a couple of houses as well. They were a few hundred credits each but I have my eyes on the castle. That will cost millions to buy and I am hovering over 2 million credits right now.

The best way is to win races, gain more influence and level up to unlock wheelspin and win rewards. Once, I won a million cash from that and some cool cars too.

I loved the Quarry Cross Country Circuit so much that I decided to record it on above-average difficulty after clearing it comfortably at average. Here is the complete race. (Ignore the low video memory error, there is no way to hide this annoying warning).

I have been here on this Quarry for a few times, there is a stunt jump on the left cliff as well and a speed camera too. I have been trying to get that last star on both of those. But this race popped up after I completed some of the other races in this series.

I was driving the Trailcat Jeep. I am very impressed with its performance and grip on the dirt. It gave me no issues in this race. The track was fairly short and simple too. Just an oval-shaped track with a couple of jumps.

I messed up in the last jump of the third lap. Just before jumping off the ramp, my Jeep hit the left side of the platform which made the rear wheels lift up and the jump just turned into a front flip. Luckily, there was an option to reverse in this solo race. But what an unfortunate mistake it was. That little bump made it all happen. You can find it in about 2:45 minutes into the above video.

Once I corrected this mistake, it was an easy win. I loved this jump but now I will be super scared of

I completed a few more races in this Jeep. This is the stock one that I got and nothing changed, not even the design. I will try to change a few things, especially the design. That green colour is ugly tbh. But I still got some cool shots from this ugly green colour. Look at this one, the audience is cheering as I was about to win this race. I like this shot.

I am still trying to get comfortable with the other camera angles, especially the first-person view from inside the camera. It restricts the view in so many ways that it feels quite tough. And it is really horrible in dirt racing with a lot of ups and downs. You can't see anything when you are going up. But on the other hand, it feels faster and more exciting than the third-person/full-car view.

It has been a fun ride so far. I would be spending a lot of time in this game for sure. This is a beautiful game. I will leave you with a morning shot from the game.

Thanks for reading!

Until the next race...

  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, Forza Horizon 4

I'm a fan of racing games and by the way, rally or dakar races cost me a lot because they require a very strict technique with the car, I'm more about accelerating and whatever comes haha.

Good post, that truck jeeb and I would like to have it in my garage.

haha... I love speed too but only when I can control it.

I absolutely love the first person, it does feel a little restricted at times and take a while to get passed that. I get use to the car in 3rd person and then swap out once I feel good, but that's just me.

I am loving that ripped up Beetle you have 😱😃😃

I am having trouble at times, especially when using bodies with high seats like buggies. I love the 3rd person a lot.

You play in the manner you feel most comfort at! After all it is meant to be enjoyed!!!

Listen bud... is it possible for me to join the HiveGaming community as a curator or something?

When the car overturned at 2:49 I thought the other cars would overtake you as it overturned very badly and the check point was nearby.

Well, actually they did overtook me but the rewind mechanic helped me to reset the time back. I don't love to use it but sometimes it is necessary when you have this kind of horrible

What a great race, my friend. Very exciting, that's a first class rustic race, pure cars roaring hard.
I must tell you that it was inevitable not to laugh in that last lap, you already had it in your pocket and suddenly you flew through the air hahahaha xD. Although that backtracking where everything is returned, I didn't understand it, I guess it must be some mechanic of the game.

Yeah, that last lap was bizarre. That rewinding feature is in Forza Games when you play the solo modes. I belive there is an option to disable it too but this is the default mechanic in the game. Even when free-roaming you can use this rewind if something terrible happens. I try not to use it unless in situations where I have to do it.

Ah ok! now I understand, thanks for the clarification.

each Horizon is better and better, I remember playing the first two and the graphical and technical leap was incredible, I can't imagine how these installments will look on a nasa pc

LOL... I don't have a NASA pc too, just good enough to run FH 4. Even then if I start recording you can see the 'Low Graphic Memory' warning. But even with these medium settings it looks amazing. I will play Horizon 5 once I upgrade my GPU (hopefully next year)

First three pictures says it all how beautiful this games world is. I believe you used the in built photo mode to capture them. And it sounds like you're really enjoying your time with this game.
Is the last picture also from this game or from your other game (theHunter)?

I used the photo mode in 1st and 3rd but the 2nd photo is just a screenshot from the gameplay. I hid all the HUD items like speedometer, map, skills etc. I enjoy it that way when I am not doing the races