Daily Prayer Sault.

in #bdcommunity11 months ago


Good day my people, welcome to another glorious day. It's not your power you are still alive but grace of God. Remember, many slept yesterday and they couldn't wake up again, it's not you are better that them, but that precious grace found you. So, appreciate that and give thanks to God.

Many people have neglected God's work, or they don't care to make the work of God progress. Apparently, they know the right thing to do but they won't. And I want to tell you, if you decide not to do the work of God, God would bring up another person to replace you because God's work would always progress. I pray God will not replace us for His work.

It's also important to pray consistently, especially this period of frustration and difficult situation. God says, “Whatever you ask in my name I will do it”. This is the promise of God and He is waiting to fulfill His promise. Only if you ask in His name.

Let's Pray,

  • I withdraw my wealth, properties, goods and projects taken by the enemies from today. Let the crooked ways be made straight, the gates of brass be broken into places be released to me now in Jesus name. Isaiah 45-14

  • “And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I have set a fire in Egypt and when all her helpers shall be destroyed”. Lord, defend me, my marriage, work, and ministry. Evil occurrences in the night season be cancelled, weapons of the enemies be rendered powerless and let me not be overcome by the household wickedness. Ezekiel 30:6:7.

  • God, let me not be like Jonah who fled from the presence and instructions of God. I will obey your words and be more fervent in my department assignment. Every good work that I have left undone, I will take it up again and do
    not count me as a stiff-necked child. Release your power of service into my life
    . Jonah 1:8-11.

Thanks for reading
