Hello everyone, welcome to the Amazing Drinks Community, where you can share your recipes on how to make different types of drinks and also learn from people all over the world.
Today I will be making a very healthy, nutritious, and of course sweet drink with just two ingredients, and they are very affordable as well.
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I love the fact that the drink was rich, and it came out creamy, sweet, and delicious as well. Who would have thought just two ingredients would be enough for this kind of healthy drink, but I did the magic anyways, so let’s get into the kitchen and see what I was talking about.
Ingredients are:
700g of pineapple
160g of liquid milk
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As you all can see, the ingredients are very few, affordable as well, but trust me when I tell you they work the magic out perfectly because there was even an excess of the drink by the time I was done blending them together. So let's get to work and see how I work the magic out with just two ingredients.
I started the process by slicing the pineapple into four parts because it is big, and I want to make sure I peel it completely.
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After that, I peeled them off; inside a clean bowl, I threw the backside away and then sliced them into pieces on the same tray.
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I poured them inside the blender and then added about two teacups of water for blending.
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I blended it for about 4 minutes so that it could be smooth.
After that I placed a sieve on a clean bowl, then poured the blended pineapple inside gradually, and I made use of a tablespoon to stir it until there was no juice in the shaft again.
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I broke the ice cube into pieces because I wanted to blend it with the pineapple juice, and I poured the ice into the blender alongside the pineapple juice.
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Lastly, I poured the liquid milk into the blender as well and blended them all together for a perfect and smooth mixture.
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After that I pour some inside a cup and the rest inside a container; you guys need to taste how refreshing this drink was.
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I hope you love my drink recipe for today.
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