The theme for this week is titled "The God we worship". Hello community, how are you all doing? It's another privilege to be able to present again this week with other amazing musicians I have been able to visit their posts.
Last night I got a call that a cousin of mine died. We were told she was fetching water and fell, and that was the end of her journey in life. Does it mean she has gotten to her destination? I was devastated yesterday night as I couldn't go back to sleep again. Then, I looked up and said, "God, you understand what just happened but it doesn't stop us from worshipping you". The truth is that, though it's always painful to lose someone close to us, we want to believe God knows why things happen this way which is unknown to human beings. God will not because of that stop being the Almighty.
This theme made me remember the story of the three Hebrews in the Bible and how they refused to serve or bow to an image created by Nebuchadnezzar. He got angry and ordered them to be thrown into the fire. The trio said something to the king, "The God we serve and worship is able to deliver us from you, and if He doesn't, we won't bow to your god". This made him angry and they were thrown into the fire. But there was the fourth man who was the Holy Spirit. Their faith moved God and came to deliver them.
When we choose to worship God truthfully and with a sincere heart, He knows how to protect His own and give them the best life they wished for. God is Holy and great and those who would worship Him must believe in His name too.
I got this amazing song that goes well with the theme and was from Bethel Music and Jenn Johnson, titled "Holy Forever". I enjoyed singing this song last night. Perhaps I wouldn't have participated if I have been informed of my cousin's death earlier before I did the video because right now, I am still not in a good mood. With my heart heavy, I tried to bring my presentation to the community.
You can click the lyrics of the song here.
Thanks for your time on my blog.
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