In recent times, the replicas of Adiyogi is garnering much popularity in India. Adiyogi is a popular tourist spot that people visit from all over the country. Situated in Bangalore at the Isha foundation, the Adiyogi statue is the world's largest bust sculpture, standing 112 feet tall and made from around 500 tons of steel. The 112-foot face of Adiyogi represents the 112 ways to attain wellbeing and one's ultimate nature. The statue is dedicated to Adiyogi, who is considered the 'first yogi' and the originator of yoga.
Adiyogi is seen as a reminder that humans can rise above their limitations and reach their highest potential. It is designed to inspire people to take up the practice of yoga and realise their highest potential. Adiyogi is considered relevant today because he is seen as a teacher whose tools can be used for self-transformation.
Recently I have been gifted one such replica. The majestic outlook of devoted Shiva can charm anyone. A posture quite resemblance to faith and devotion. Adiyogi is a tribute to human effort, epitomized by Sadhguru. I have been trying to snap them from different angle. But ultimately I decided to make a short video.
I made used of many random things to make it look good. Like for lightening I made use of mobile torch and some water bottle reflection. Hope you will like the work.