Regular practice is the key to get success in every field. Whatever we does, might we does not get success at first attempt. But after keep trying it number of times allow us to get success at the end. This is the reason that our scholars have quoted practices makes man perfect number of times. I have seen the same I my art work. In begining I faced lot of issues drawing the eyes or the lips but gradually I manage to get perfection on it.
Our Sanskrit scholars have comes up with own verses on this topic:
अभ्यासिनामेव लभ्या अपि विद्याश्चतुर्दश|
अप्यर्कमण्डलं भित्वाSभ्यासिनैवेह गम्यते||
Abhyaasinaameva labhyaa api vidyaashchaaturdasha.
Apyarkamandalam bhitvaabhyaasinaiveha gamyate.
my own artwork
Abhyaasinaameva = abhisaaniaam + eva. Abhyaasinaam = regular practitioner.
Eva = really, thus.
Labhyaa = acquirable.
Api = even.
Vidyaashchaturdashaa. = Vidyaah + chaturdashaa.
Vidyaah = various disciplines of learning, Chaturdashaa = fourteen (in number). Apyarkmandalam = api + arkmandalam.
Arkamandalam = Solar system.
Bhitva + abhyaasinaiveha = bhitvaabhyaasinaiveha
Bhitvaa = breaking.
Abhyaasinaivaih = regular practitioners.
Gamyate = travels, goes.
"People are able to learn even fourteen disciplines of Learning simply by regular practice. Giving the examples of Un, our scholars quoted that, even the Sun also traverses the Solar System continuously only because of regular practice."
The above verses highlights the importance of regular practice to have command over any discipline of Learning. Our scholars thought goes to the extent of saying that if no regular practice is done to revise and update the knowledge, it becomes outdated and is just like a poison. So ultimately to taste the success one must keep practicing to get perfection.