Assessment of the situtaion is important for many reasons. A person should act and work as per their situation. Going beyond their situation might result in adverse consequences. To give a brief example, a person who spend outside their income, ultimately leads them to poor condition. Our Sanskrit transcripts highlights the importance of assessment through these lines.
कः कालः कानि मित्राणि को देशः कौ व्ययागमौ|
कश्चाहं का च मे शक्तिः इति चिन्त्यं मुहुर्मुहुः||
Kahh kaalha kaa cha me shaktih ko deshah kau vyayaagamau.
Kashchaaham kaa cha me shaktih iti chintyam muhurmuhuh.
Kahh = what.
Kaalah = times.
Kaani = who are.
Mitraani = friends.
Ko = which.
Deshah = Country.
Kau = what.
Vyayaagamau = vyaya + aagamou.
Vyaya = expenditure.
Aagamau = income.
Kashchaaham = Kahh + cha + aham.
cha = and.
Aham = I am.
Kaa = what.
Me = my, mine.
Shaktih = power, ability, strength. Iti = this.
Chintyam = to be thought about,to be kept in mind.
Muhurmuhuh = again and again.
What is the situation at present, who are my friends, what is the situation in the country where I am presently residing, is my income and expenditure well balanced, what is my present status and how capable and powerful I am, all these aspects must always be kept in mind and appropriate action should be taken accordingly.
We should react as per the situation because it allows for a thoughtful and appropriate response based on the specific circumstances, rather than impulsively acting based on emotions alone, which can lead to better outcomes and positive interactions in different scenarios. Adapting our reaction to fit the needs of the moment is key to effective communication and decision-making.
A knee-jerk reaction can often lead to regrettable words or actions, while considering the situation allows you to choose a more constructive response. Different situations require different approaches, and being able to adjust your reaction accordingly shows flexibility and good judgment. Keeping in view so much advantages, we must focus on mindful life and behave after proper judgement and assessment.