in #hive-1820742 months ago


Is another day in God's presence where we come together to hear and share the word of God of which God has been greatly using his servant brother Eli in making us come to the perfection of his doctrine and teaching.

Today God greatly used his servant in making us understand that

•We can not be seen as people who after dinning with our father in heaven who go back to dine with the devil. We must stand out for what we have which is the salvation that God almighty has brought for us, we are to decline from all form of impurities that will come to stain us which is SIN. we are to be for God and for God alone.

•I was able to understand today that giving both in the church of God and wherever we might found must be done freely and voluntarily from our our mind. We must not be seen as people who when giving are mumuring or are angry in spirit rather every man should give as he or she proposes in his heart as seen according to God's word in the book or NUMBERS 35.

•We must be seen as people who are of the partakers of Christ, abiding in God's law and making sure that we are not sen as people who will forget the assembling of one another mostly of the church of God but we are to be seen as people who have dedicated their heart in truely serving and in doing the will of our father in heaven.

•One great thing that also struck me in today's Indoctrination program was seen from the book of 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7 God truely expects that we are to give cheerfully and we must demonstrate the love of God towards our fellow brethen be it that the person is of thesame fellowship with us or not but we are to give to all nations knowing that as we do that we are greatly announcing our father in heaven here on Earth.

I was able to understand that another doctrine of God as was been taught by brother Eli Soriano today was whenever we pledge any form of vow in the church of God that we must not be reminded that we ought to fulfil that which we have vow unto God because God does not see delight in the vow of the foolish brethen neither do he see pleasure in an empty promises. Therefore in as much as God did what we ask for, in thesame way we are expected to come back to is presence and return bunch of THANKSGIVING to him and as well pay that which we have vowed in the presence of God.