Color vs Monochrome: 17 photos from Fencing Day festival at St.Petersburg .:. EN/RU

in #hive-1500154 months ago


In my recent post accounting photo-activities back in May, I mentioned that I visited the annual Fencing Festival, which took place near Palace Square in St. Petersburg; and finally today I devoted half a day to sorting the files in this directory, removed the unnecessary ones, renamed the necessary ones, and looked in person at how much post-processing I have to do... (a little less than 600 files). Horror! But nevertheless, I was left with a lot of beautiful photos and will slowly dig through them from time to time.

I met this girl at the festival, I was impressed by how dashingly she acted in a Jedi lightsaber duel, and later, noticing her at a tray with samples of interesting medieval edged weapons, I showed my large camera and inquired if the lady would like to receive a few photos of yourself with a wonderful blade in your hand? and accordingly, would she spare ten minutes to pose for me? It turned out to be very simple, a camera in your hands can be a very eloquent argument, lol. The girl was happy and said that she didn’t mind posing for 30 minutes... until she got tired.

I should note that I also photographed several other people, so I don’t have a reason to think for a long time about which photos to start processing: I started with her photographs. They turned out very expressive!

But there is one small... no, actually a big problem (as always): I can’t decide which color solution is preferable and better reflects the essence of what is happening in the frame: color or monochrome. I would be sincerely glad to hear your thoughts!

В моем недавнем посте про интересные события мая я упомянул, что посетил фестиваль "День фехтовальщика" проходивший во время Дня Города возле Дворцовой площади. было много всего интересного, и файлы в каталоге "Недавнее" росли кака снежный ком. Сегодня наконец у меня дошли руки до снятого, я удалил лишнее, переименовал нужное, и ужаснулся тому, сколько обработки мне предстоит (чуть меньше 600 файлов). Но тем не менее, я получил массу красивых карточек, которые буду рад вам показать - со временем.

С этой девушкой я познакомился на фестивале - меня впечатлило, как лихо она махала джедайским световым мечом. Позже, заметив ее у лотка с образцами интересного средневекового холодного оружия, я высунул вперед себя большую зеркалку и осведомился: не желает ли леди получить забесплатно несколько фотографий с клинком в руке... и не уделит ли она десять минут мне попозировать. Оказалось, это супер просто! камера в руках может быть очень красноречивым аргументом, лол. Незнакомка оживилась и ответила, что и 30 минут не вопрос. (clickable... )

Должен заметить, что я фоткал еще нескольких человек, поэтому проблемы выбора с чего начинать обработку у меня нет. Карточки супер выразительны!

Но одна проблема таки есть: не могу выбрать, какое цветовое решение предпочтительнее: цветное или монохромное. Буду искренне рад услышать ваши соображения!




Or monochrome?..




Or monochrome?..




Or monochrome?..


This time I have no doubts: surely, it is mono! Look at her face, it is much more expressive in this variant. The rest of the background also loses its distracting accents and merges into just ... a crowdy background.



This? or that?..



Here I would rather go for the color (I dont like too much foliage shade in b-w that I get in the end).



Definitely I prefer B-W for this one.


Now the last but not the least! 😎 I visited the festival not alone, but with a friend-photographer @tatdt. Of course, she is also waiting for my photos - I couldn’t but add to my post one frame especially for her!

И последнее. На фестиваль я пришел не один, а с другом-фотографом @tatdt. И конечно же она тоже ждет моих фотографий - я не мог не добавить в мой пост одну карточку специально для нее!


Color? Or Mono? Very hard question. What will you say, my friends?


Thanks for walking with me -and see you next time.

location: St.Petersburg, Russia May 2024 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D 16-35mm raw-conv
f/4.5 t 1/250 ISO 320 --


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
My posts at
Thanks for visiting my blog!


Nice! I always wanted to try my hand at fencing... looks even more fun without all the Olympic gear!

Pretty fun, I assure you. And its fair game of noble men.


There was this nice pair, a young student and an old master - I almost fall in love with this old man... with his outlook, I mean.

He looks like one of the characters from the Three Musketeers!

146% so - and that was exactly one of the reasons for me, haha. We all have a romantic imprint, dont we?..

Hey @bengy, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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На монохромных фото больше акцентирую внимание на взгляде и деталях а на цветных больше на общем плане и картине в целом

I guess it depends on the background. In some cases, someone's red skirts or T-shirts are in the background, and they automatically draw all the attention to themselves - then it's definitely B&W. And if there is no motley background, then colour - is a very beautiful, summer colour.

Yes. Agree. This is one of factors significantly influencing my perception, and this random trifle determines my decision. 😁

Those are nice pictures
Sorting 600 files is a whole lot
Well done

Mille Grazie, Melinda! 🙏


$PIZZA slices delivered:
qwerrie tipped papilloncharity
@papilloncharity(3/15) tipped @qwerrie

Great photos and the African version of fencing is a game called stick fighting !LOLZ

Yesterday a clown held a door open for me.
I thought it was a nice jester.

Credit: reddit
@qwerrie, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of papilloncharity



'Fencing' was just the title. Actually it gathered two dozen of different clubs from the field of wrestling / martial arts. Mostly it was fencing but a few others as well. I noticed a lot of Jedi with 'light swords' and also Irish gentlemen equipped with something they called "Irish cane" i.e. not a club... but it seemed to me that it were exactly clubs, haha. In any case, definitely sort of a stick fighting! so, this is not a South African exclusive. European settlers emigrated everywhere bringing their traditions and cultural heritage to all corners of the world. .. and !BEER ... and !PIZZA too. 🐈

this is not a South African exclusive.
I am aware that it's not an African exclusive, as many countries in the world were invaded by European settlers, and to this day many Europeans still live here in South Africa. Stick fighting however is an African sport where each participant gets two sticks, and they try to outdo each other by blocking blows to their arms and legs.

Very cool to see the color and the B&W's. It's interesting that in some cases the details really come out in the monochromes that I never would have realized. I agree with your call on the first bunch, the last one I go with monochrome, the details of the subject just come out so much more, great picture!

She pose so well, In all the photos, I will go for the colored ones, because those are the ones that shows every beauty of the photos, impressive 🥰

Thank you for giving your voice, Sir - I appreciate different opinions and fresh look.
Have a Hive !BEER, and a nice day!

You are welcome @qwerrie I enjoy the beer 🥰

Hey @repayme4568, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of BEER from @thebighigg for you. Enjoy it!

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