Crypt Beetle Against Physical Enemies ! | Weekly Battle Challenge

in #hive-133232 years ago


~Lore of Crypt Beetle~

Any explorers that delve too deeply into the crypts, mausoleums, and necropolises of the world will find a foe they are unprepared for. Not undead, not liches, and not other monsters that can be found in the deep. Instead, tales are told of the crypt beetles. Enormous insects that are found feeding on the corpses within. Most explorers think they are a mere nuisance and will try to scare them away from whatever tomb they are choosing to rob.

But things don't end well for those explorers. These large beetles will defend themselves and their food aggressively. And any explorer that makes it back out alive will have impressive scars to show from the crypt beetle's bite.

Source: Lore

Battle Link :


You can watch the entire battle from this replay link Battle Replay

My Lineup's Explanation :

Rules :


+2 Armor : All monster got +2 armor, could make your low mana monster become tougher with 2 armor.
odd monster : Only monster with odd mana cost available. Crypt Beetle are one of those
18 Mana Cap : Low mana to use, need to pick monster carefully and not wasted a single mana on it.
Splinter available : Water, Life, Death, and Dragon Splinter are available


00. Thadius Brood.png

For this match, thaddius brood as my summoner because i prevent enemies from spamming magic damage due to +2 armor ruleset. Thadius will debuff 1 of their magic attack, and have -1 health debuff as well to make enemies easier to be killed. Thaddius brood suit crypt beetle because crypt beetle only have shield ability that make him great against physical enemies but exposed against magic monster.

Front Row

01. Crypt Beetle.png

This week monster challenge, crypt beetle is my 1st monster. This monster suitable for tanker rules since he got shield ability that reduced every physical attack that come from the enemies, especially on this +2 armor ruleset that makes him could tank more physical damage. Combine with thaddius brood that reduce enemies magic attack, i expect this monster to lure time for my attacker. Crypt Beetle also have 1 attack that could help to scratch enemies armor :D

Second Monster

02. Carrion shade.png

Another monster for buying time, carrion shade is my 2nd monster. With just 1 mana cost, he got 1 atk, 2 speed, and 2 health which i think is pretty good, and with +2 armor ruleset, he could buy more time if enemies got physical damage.

Third Monster

03. Cursed Slimeball.png

Third monster is cursed slimeball, just like the 2 previous monster, this monster also bought to the field for buying time. This cursed slimeball is weaker version of the carrion shade because he got lower speed and lower health.

Fourth Monster

04. Death Elemental.png

Death elemental is my 4th monster. This monster is one my hitter for this match because he got magic attack that could directly hit enemies health, and have snipe ability to aim enemies hitter. I put him on 4th position to make him safe from enemies front hitter.

Fifth Monster

05. Life sapper.png

Another hitter for this match, life sapper is placed on 5th position. With 1 magic attack to hit enemies directly to their health and have life leech ability to gain health everytime he hit enemies health. I put him on backline to give him time to gain more health.

Sixth Monster

06. Grenadier.png

Grenadier is my last monster. With just 3 mana cost, he got 2 range attack and oppress ability. The oppress ability are great against enemies that have no attack. But this monster only got 1 health which cause him so easy to be killed. That's why i put him on 6th position.

Does My Strategy is Worked ? : (1).gif

It's a tight match but, Yes ! With life sapper directly hit enemies tanker and gain more health on every attack, he bring wins to the entire teams. Crypt beetle also have a good role for tanking enemies hitter because he reduce their attack and survive long enough to give more time for the life sapper.

About Crypt Beetle :


What i like about Crpyt Beetle
What i like about Crpyt Beetle is he only cost 3 mana. With just 3 mana, this monster have a pretty good ability against enemies physical hitter. At first level, he already have the shield ability. On lv 5, he have 2 melee attack, for the defensive role, he also got 3 health, and increase into 4 health at lv 4 and 5 health at lv 8. His armor also increase into 2 armor at 3rd lv, grow into 3 armor at lv 6, and 4 armor at lv 9. ;
What i don't like about Crpyt Beetle :
He got very low health, speed, and health which cause him very easy to be killed by enemies magic attack

When to Use Crpyt Beetle :

I suggest you to use this monster for this situation:
1. On equal health ruleset. With the help of this rule, crypt beetle could have more health to survive against enemies attack, especially the magic one
2. On all melee ruleset. With his shield, he could be usefull monster against enemies melee attack.

When to Avoid using time mage :

I don't recommend you to use this monster for situation:
1. On high mana cap ruleset. There are just many monster with better stats and abilities than him.
2. On regular ruleset. As i've mentioned, he is very fragile against enemies magic attack on regular rule.


Crypt Beetle is a very tricky monster. With just 3 mana usage, he got shield ability that were good against physical enemies, but he also have very low health that cause him to easily killed by enemies magic attack. Use him wisely on specific ruleset the get the max out of him because he is very tricky monster!

Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this monster and the dragon element as well. Let me know if you got another view about this monster on comment section. If you haven't play #Splinterland (the greatest battle card game), you can start join this #Play2Earn game using my referral link below to get a 60 Dec Bonus and A simple guide to start gain earn from this game with those DEC. (Just Dm me 😉 ).

my referral link

Twitter Post:

@splinterlands for the cool game
@peakd for the very useful blog and community platform
@peakmonster for the cool card rent platform
Mr. Flauwy for the cool dividers
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
all curators for the upvotes!
@marianaemilia , @archange , @fengchao for keep supporting my post
@oadissin for reblogging my post



Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121