Estimada comunidad, es un gusto estar por aquí por primera vez. Hoy vengo a compartir mi experiencia cuando estuve embarazada de Alma.
Una noche me encontraba acostada viendo un programa televisivo y sentí movimientos extraños en mi vientre. En principio, no le presté mayor atención, pensé que era un asunto intestinal relacionado con los gases. Al repetirse tal movimiento, advertí que era como si un renacuajo estuviese nadando ágilmente dentro de mí, quizás pensarán que exagero, pero mi cara de asombro era la misma que tienen ustedes en este momento al leer. Razón por la cual se encendieron las alarmas, tenía cuatro días de retraso de mi período menstrual, así que empecé a sospechar.
Dear community, it is a pleasure to be here for the first time. Today I come to share my experience when I was pregnant with Alma.
One night I was lying down watching a TV show and I felt strange movements in my stomach. At first, I didn't pay much attention to it, I thought it was an intestinal matter related to gas. When such a movement repeated, I noticed that it was as if a tadpole were swimming agilely inside me, perhaps you will think I exaggerate, but my face of surprise was the same as yours at this moment when reading. That's why the alarms went off, I was four days late for my period, so I started to suspect.
De inmediato, mi esposo y yo quisimos despejar las dudas y fuimos, al día siguiente, al laboratorio para realizar una prueba de sangre. La estudiante de bioanálisis, que tomó la muestra, me realizó algunas preguntas y concluyó que lo más probable era que el examen saliera negativo, pues es muy pronto, por tanto, habría que repetirlo en una semana porque el resultado no sería confiable. La miré con incredulidad y esperamos dos horas, lo cual nos pareció eterno, ya que la ansiedad se apoderaba de nosotros. Creo que es habitual en todos cuando se trata de una noticia importante. Allí abrimos el sobre y nos enteramos de la buena nueva y, al recordar aquellas palabras, sonreímos. Luego, nos dirigimos a casa de mis padres para compartir la noticia.
Immediately, my husband and I wanted to clear up the doubts and, the next day, we went to the laboratory to do a blood test. The bioanalysis student, who took the sample, asked me some questions and concluded that it was most likely that the test would come back negative, because it is very early, therefore, it would have to be repeated in a week because the result would not be reliable. I looked at her incredulously and we waited two hours, which seemed eternal to us, since anxiety was taking over us. I think it's usual in everyone when it comes to important news. There we opened the envelope and found out the good news and, remembering those words, we smiled. Then we went to my parents' house to share the news.
Una semana después nos pusimos en control con la obstetra. Los primeros cuatro meses fueron de vómitos y malestares estomacales, perdí siete kilos. Sin embargo, observar el crecimiento de mi bebé a través de los ecos me enternecía, desde allí se iba despertando ese instinto maternal. La doctora nos dijo que este proceso era totalmente normal. Ya para el quinto mes, dejé de tener síntomas y empecé a engordar. Me emocioné cuando me develaron el sexo de la bebé, es muy hermoso sentirla patear y escuchar su corazón acompasado con el tuyo.
A week later we were in control with the obstetrician. The first four months were of vomiting and stomach discomfort, I lost seven kilos. However, observing the growth of my baby through the echos touched me, from there the maternal instinct was awakening. The doctor told us that this process was totally normal. Already for the fifth month, I stopped having symptoms and started to gain weight. I was excited when they revealed the baby's sex, it is very beautiful to feel her kick and hear her heart in sync with yours.
Al enterarme que era una niña, quise escogerle un nombre bonito y, de inmediato, vino a mi mente Alma Miuriel, esa combinación me pareció perfecta. Ella es una princesa de corazón noble, emotiva y sensible, sus acciones demostrarán su bondad. El significado de su primer nombre se asocia a tales características. Alma llegó a mi vida de forma inesperada, tenía muchas emociones dentro de mí. No niego que el miedo era una de ellas, han sido tantas situaciones y experiencias desagradables y traumáticas de las que he sido partícipe, trataba de no pensar en ellas. No obstante, el sentimiento de alegría fue mucho mayor cuando la conocí y la tuve entre mis brazos. Ahora sé lo que es un amor puro e incondicional, el amor de una madre hacia su hija.
When I found out it was a girl, I wanted to choose a beautiful name and, immediately, Alma Miuriel came to mind, that combination seemed perfect to me. She is a princess of noble, emotional and sensitive heart, her actions will demonstrate her kindness. The meaning of her first name is associated with such characteristics. Alma came into my life unexpectedly, I had many emotions inside me. I do not deny that fear was one of them, there have been so many unpleasant and traumatic situations and experiences in which I have been involved, I tried not to think about them. However, the feeling of joy was much greater when I met her and I had her in my arms. Now I know what pure and unconditional love is, the love of a mother for her daughter.
Las fotos son de mi galería personal.
The photos are from my personal gallery.
Traducido y formateado con Hive Translator por @noakmilo.
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.