Chocolate morsels with almonds, coconut and peanuts- The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #147

in #hive-17079810 months ago

In Anaco-Venezuela, on Aragua street, Cipriano lives with his wife Margarita and their 4 children. He works in a home for children living in extreme poverty. His wife takes care of the housework.

In the month of November, Cipriano starts buying in large quantities the ingredients to prepare snacks for the consumption of his family, some friends and some children who do not have parents, from the office where he works. To share Christmas dinner with all of them.

His wife enjoyed eating almonds, and also eating the snacks. At night, while her husband was sleeping, she would get up and steal the almonds, she looked like a rat, stealing the cheese. When December came, Cipriano started to count all the sacks, which contained the ingredients. He discovered that it had been stolen, he had an embezzlement of 10 sacks of almonds. The man shouted:

"It is not possible that they have taken almost all the sacks of almonds, which is one of the ingredients, for the preparation of the snacks".

He called the four sons and asked them:

"Which of you, has eaten the almonds?"

They answered in quartet, "We haven't."

Then called the wife and asked, "Have you eaten the almonds?

With a mischievous smile that gave her away she replied:

"I think it was the rats."

He replied: "Have you seen them?

She did nothing but laugh, her husband, who loves her very much, laughed.
All she did was laugh, her husband, who loves her very much, said: "It seems to me that this rat, instead of having 4 legs, has 2".

With a look full of love and a rictus of happiness, she added:

Margarita, very exalted, refuted: "Don't be mean to me".

After this episode. Cipriano got dressed and left in his car, in a few hours he returned home, got out of the car and loaded in his hands all the bags of almonds that had been eaten.

When the eighteenth of December arrived, when he received his collective vacation, he prepared himself to make his snacks: he cut his coconut into very small pieces, in the same way he did with the almonds and peanuts. In a very large pan she put the chocolate in a bain-marie to melt, when it was ready she poured the hot water out of the pan, dried it and poured the melted chocolate in it, then added all the other ingredients, which she had already crushed. When this cooking was ready. He divided the snacks in aluminum foil, which were their wrappers. Then he put them in a refrigerator, which he had a key, and a day before Christmas Eve, he put them in cardboard boxes that he kept with great suspicion.

In those days, at home, his wife and children prepared the tree, the nativity scene, his whole house was decorated with Christmas motifs, everyone was waiting with great joy for Christmas Eve.

Finally, Christmas Eve arrived. Margarita, together with her husband and children, prepare the hallacas, baked turkey, chicken salad, rice with chicken stew and of course the snacks that had already been prepared for days.

At sunset, they placed in the roofed patio of their house, several tables decorated with red and green tablecloths. On them they placed on trays all the culinary dishes they had prepared. In addition to these, snacks were placed on several trays. On the walls there were sparklers, allusive to Christmas. At the foot of the Christmas tree, next to the nativity scene, gifts for the children.

Before long, his children were wearing their brand new clothes and ten more children, from the department where he cared for them, were also wearing their brand new clothes, which he had bought for them. They played in the courtyard while he and his wife dressed up and waited for their closest friends and family to sit at the table.

When all the attendees were complete, they sat down at the table, soon after the clock struck midnight, everyone sat down to eat, of all that was prepared, what most delighted everyone present, were the chocolate snacks of almonds, coconut and peanuts. Cipriano was congratulated and all the attendees asked him for the recipe.

As soon as dinner was over, the children went to the foot of the tree and took their gifts, which they uncovered with great joy and sang the villansicos to the baby Jesus born in the manger. That happiness delighted Cipriano more than their delicious snacks.


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Bocadillos de chocolate con almendras, coco y maní

En Anaco-Venezuela, en la calle Aragua, vive Cipriano con su mujer Margarita y sus 4 hijos. Él trabaja en la casa de Atención a los niños que viven en pobreza extrema. Su esposa atiende los oficios del hogar.

En el mes de noviembre, Cipriano comienza a comprar en grandes cantidades los ingredientes, para preparar los bocadillos, para el consumo de sus familiares, algunos amigos y algunos niños que no tienen padres, de la Oficina donde él trabaja. Para compartir la cena navideña, en unión con todos ellos.

A su esposa, le deleitaba comer almendras, y también comerse los bocadillos. De noche, mientras su esposo dormía, ella se levantaba y se robaba las almendras, parecía una rata, robando el queso. Cuando llegó el mes de diciembre, Cipriano comenzó a contar todos los sacos, contentivos con los ingredientes. Se encontró que había sido robado, tenía un desfalco de 10 sacos de almendras. Ese señor pegó el grito al cielo:

“¡es posible que me hayan quitado casi todos los sacos de almendra, que es un ingrediente, para la elaboración de los bocadillos!”.

Llamó a los cuatro hijos y les preguntó:

“¿Quién de ustedes, se ha comido las almendras?”

Contestaron en un cuarteto: “Nosotros, No”

Luego llamó a la esposa y le preguntó: "¿Te comiste las almendras?

Con una sonrisa pícara que la delataba respondió:

“A mí me parece, que fueron las ratas”

Él refutó: "¿Tú las vistes?"

Ella todo lo que hacía era reírse, su esposo, que la ama demasiado, dijo:

“”A mí me parece que esa rata, en vez de tener 4 patas, tiene 2"

Con una mirada cargada de amor y un rictus de felicidad, agregó:

"Tu castigo será que en noche buena no te deleitarás con los deliciosos bocadillos"

Margarita, muy exaltada, refutó: "¡No seas malo, conmigo¡"
Después de este episodio. Cipriano se vistió y salió en su carro, en breves horas retornó a su casa, bajo del coche y en sus manos cargó todas las bolsas de almendras que le habían comido
Cuando llegó el dieciocho de diciembre, al recibir sus vacaciones colectivas, se preparó, para elaborar sus bocadillos: colocó su coco en trocitos muy pequeños, de igual forma hizo con las almendras y los manís. En una paila muy grande colocó en baño de maría a derretir el chocolate, cuando este estuvo listo votó el agua caliente de la paila, la secó y vertió en ella el chocolate derretido, luego agregó todos los demás ingrediente, que ya había triturado. Cuando esta cocción estuvo lista. Fue fraccionando los bocadillos en papel de aluminio que eran sus envolturas. Luego los colocó en un refrigerador, que tenía llave, y un día antes de la noche buena, los colocaba en cajas de cartón que las guardaba con mucho recelo.

En esos días decembrinos, en su casa, su esposa y sus hijos prepararon el arbolito, el nacimiento, toda su casa estaba decorada con motivos decembrinos, todos esperaban con mucha alegría la noche buena.

Por fin llegó el día de la noche buena, Margarita, en compañía de su esposo e hijos, preparan las hallacas, el pavo horneado, ensalada de pollo, arroz con guiso de pollo y por supuesto los bocadillos que ya tenían días que se habían elaborado.

Al caer el ocaso, colocaron en el patio techado de su casa, varias mesas decoradas con manteles rojos con verde. Sobre de ellas colocaron en bandejas, todos los platos culinarios que había preparado. Sumados a estos, los bocadillos en varias bandejas. En las paredes luces de bengalas, alusivas a la navidad. Al pie del arbolito de navidad, junto al nacimiento, los regalos para los niños.

Al poco tiempo sus niños lucían sus ropas de estrenos y diez niños más, del Departamento donde él los atendía, también con sus ropas de estreno, que él les compró. Jugaban en el patio, mientras él y su esposa se arreglan y esperan a los amigos y familiares más allegados, para sentarse a la mesa
Cuando estuvieron completos todos los asistentes, se sentaron a la mesa, al poco tiempo el reloj dio las doce dela noche, todos se sentaron a comer, de todo lo que se preparó, lo que más deleitó a todos los presentes, fueron los bocadillos de chocolate de almendras, coco y maní. Cipriano fue felicitado y todos los asistentes, le pidieron la receta.

En cuanto terminó la cena, los niños fueron al pie del arbolito, al lado del pesebre y tomaron sus regalos, los cuales destaparon con mucha alegría y le cantaron los villansicos al niño Jesus nacido en el pesebre. Esa felicidad de esos niños, deleitó a Cipriano, más que sus deliciosos bocadillos.


Your tale of Cipriano and his enchanting family immerses us in a true Christmas paradise on the streets of Anaco, Venezuela. Your words envelop us in an aura of magic and generosity that illuminates every corner. Through your captivating story, you transport us to a world where solidarity and family love intertwine with the delicious Venezuelan cuisine in a truly magical way.

I loved your comment. May God give you health and have a happy night with your family.

Hello @rammargarita , I love your story, the most beautiful thing is the love that enveloped Cipriano and Margarita and the love that reigned between their children and the other children. I love the recipe and I'm going to put it into

You’ve done a good job of imparting Xmas spirit here, that’s something we all relate to. Delight in the offerings of forgiveness and food should always be celebrated.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day

The readers' delight first came from the couple's love expression however, it's glad to know the children had great delight in the recipe

Thank you for your comment.

You're welcome