From forgetfulness to reality- TheInkwell Creative NonfictionPrompt#67

in #hive-1707988 months ago

From forgetfulness to reality

Since I was a teenager, I dreamed of being a great gymnast. In addition, I liked to practice Yoga. I could not do it because in the Academy where this discipline was performed, I had to pay a monthly fee, my mother, Leonides, could not afford that expense, but she always supported me in everything. However, every morning when I got up, after doing my personal grooming, I would go jogging in the immense areas of the Polideportivo "Félix Lalito Velásquez." Located in Cumaná-Venezuela. Which is a sports center, completely free, very spacious, with a Boxing Center. Soccer, baseball and cycling fields, 2 swimming pools, departments for training: Karate and Taekwondo.

A space with equipment suitable for Rhythmic Gymnastics. I went there to train under the direction of the trainer. Soon after I returned home to fulfill my other activities.

A colleague gave me a yoga book, with which I learned to meditate, relax and breathe, and that allowed me to eliminate stress. When I entered the University in my academic curriculum there was a subject called Extra Academic, in it I enrolled in Yoga, I studied, practiced and passed that subject, in addition to the knowledge acquired. It helped me to solve some emotional problems. In addition, I took a first aid course. Over the years, I graduated, got married, had children and worked at the University in the General Library for 25 years. During those years, I dedicated myself to being a good worker, mother, wife and homemaker. My aspirations to be a great gymnast failed.

When I retired from my job. My mother, at that time, was 87 years old, she suffered a fall and was disabled, I took her to live in my house, from that moment I dedicated myself to take care of her, I taught her to breathe exercising her with the exercises I learned in the Yoga discipline. In my free time I wrote my stories. When she turned 90 years old her blood pressure went up, I realized why she spoke incoherently, her look was lost, her face turned yellow, similar to the yellow of the Neon Butterfly, her hands trembled, difficulty to breathe, I gave her mouth to mouth respiration. Then I called an ambulance and we took her to the hospital, where she was stabilized, the next day I returned home with Leonides. I bathed her, dressed her and sat her in her disability chair. I observed that she was speaking incoherently, I asked her: What is your name? She laughed. I asked her another question: What is your older brother's name? He did not answer me. Then I realized that I was forgetful.

I looked for a book that I had at home entitled "How to remember", I reviewed its contents, I took from a paragraph, a synthesis that I assimilated:

""Take a sheet of paper, make a list of the activities you do since you wake up from sleep. You write them down in the order you did them, if you forget them. You do the task again. Until you don't make a mistake. That way you won't lose your memory"".

I decided to apply this knowledge in a questionnaire, which although they were not activities, they were questions with answers to be able to remember. From that point on, I took pencil and paper and worked it out.

Here is the questionnaire:

What is your name?


How many siblings do you have?


What are your brothers' names?

     Efraín and Emilio

How many sisters do you have?


What are their names?

      Eleuteria (Tera), Raquel and Bertha.

How many children do you have?


What are their names?

      Hernán, María Teresa, Miguel, Aurora and Ramona.

What is their mother's name?

  Aurora Mariña

Where were you born

   In Sotillo

Every day I read them to him and asked him questions, in order, so that he would memorize them. At first she answered with great difficulty, but as the days went by she answered a little better. At the end of the month, I asked her: what is your name? She answered:

"Leonides" I kept asking her and she answered them all in the same order and without making a mistake. At that moment my heart beat fast, like the second hand of the clock, the joy I felt made me shudder. I realized that I had coordinated her words and her memory. I hugged and kissed her. Then I thanked God.

For fifteen more days I continued with this therapy, my mother returned to her former self, lucid and clear-headed.

Unfortunately, at the age of 92, he departed to eternity. But he will always live in my heart.

Use the translator DeepL

Source from pixabay


De Desmemoriada a la realidad

Desde adolescente, soñé con ser una gran gimnasta. Además, me gustó practicar yoga. No podía hacerlo porque en la Academia donde se realizaba esa disciplina, había que pagar una mensualidad, mi madre, Leonides, no podía costearme ese gasto, pero siempre me apoyó en todo. Sin embargo, todas las mañanas al levantarme, después de hacerme mi aseo personal, me iba a trotar en las inmensas áreas del Polideportivo “Félix Lalito Velásquez.” Ubicado en Cumaná-Venezuela. Que es un centro deportivo, completamente gratis, bien amplio, con un Centro de Boxeo. Canchas de Fútbol, Beisbol y Ciclismo, 2 Piscinas, Departamentos para entrenar: Karate y Taekwondo.

Un espacio con equipos aptos, para practicar gimnasia Rítmica. Al cual fui, a realizar entrenamiento, bajo la dirección del entrenador. Al poco tiempo regresé a mi casa, para cumplir con mis otras actividades.

Un compañero me regaló un libro de Yoga, con el que aprendí a meditar, relajarme y respirar, y eso me permitió eliminar el estrés. Cuando entré en la Universidad en mi currículum académico había una asignatura llamada Extra Académica, en ella me matriculé en Yoga, estudié, practiqué y aprobé esa asignatura, además de los conocimientos adquiridos. Me ayudó a resolver algunos problemas emocionales. Además, hice un curso de primeros auxilios. Con los años, me licencié, me casé, tuve hijos y trabajé en la Universidad, en la Biblioteca General, durante 25 años. Durante esos años, me dediqué a ser una buena trabajadora, madre, esposa y ama de casa. Mis aspiraciones de ser una gran gimnasta fracasaron.

Cuando me jubilé de mi trabajo. Mi madre, en ese momento, tenía 87 años, sufrió una caída y quedó inválida, la llevé a vivir a mi casa, desde ese momento me dediqué a cuidarla, le enseñé a respirar ejercitándola con los ejercicios que aprendí en la disciplina del Yoga. En mi tiempo libre escribía mis cuentos. Cuando cumplió 90 años le subió la presión arterial, me di cuenta porque hablaba incoherencias, su mirada estaba perdida, su cara se puso amarilla, parecida al amarillo de la Mariposa Neón, sus manos temblaban, dificultad para respirar, le hice respiración boca a boca. Luego llamé a una ambulancia y la llevamos al hospital, donde la estabilizaron, al día siguiente volví a casa con Leonides. La bañé, la vestí y la senté en su silla para discapacitados. Observé que hablaba incoherencias, le pregunté: ¿Cómo te llamas? Se rió. Le hice otra pregunta: ¿Cómo se llama tu hermano mayor? No me respondió. Entonces me di cuenta de que era olvidadizo.

Busqué un libro que tenía en casa titulado "Cómo recordar", repasé su contenido, tomé de un párrafo, una síntesis que asimilé:

"Toma una hoja de papel, haz una lista de las actividades que realizas desde que te despiertas del sueño. Las escribes en el orden en que las hiciste, si las olvidas. Vuelves a hacer la tarea. Hasta que no cometas ningún error. Así no perderás la memoria".

Decidí aplicar estos conocimientos en un cuestionario, que aunque no eran actividades, eran preguntas con respuestas para poder recordar. A partir de ese momento, cogí lápiz y papel y lo elaboré.

He aquí el cuestionario:

¿Cómo te llamas?


¿Cuántos hermanos tienes?


¿Cómo se llaman tus hermanos?

        Efraín y Emilio

¿Cuántas hermanas tienes?


¿Cómo se llaman?

       Eleuteria (Tera), Raquel y Bertha.

¿Cuántos hijos tienes?


¿Cómo se llaman?

     Hernán, María Teresa, Miguel, Aurora y Ramona.

¿Cómo se llama tu mamá?

     Aurora Mariña

Dónde naciste

     En Sotillo

Todos los días se los leía y le hacía preguntas, por orden, para que los memorizara. Al principio contestaba con mucha dificultad, pero a medida que pasaban los días contestaba un poco mejor. Al final del mes, le pregunté: ¿Cómo te llamas? Ella contestó:

"Leonides" Le seguí preguntando y contestó a todas en el mismo orden y sin equivocarse. En ese momento mi corazón latió deprisa, como el segundero del reloj, la alegría que sentí me hizo estremecer. Me di cuenta de que había coordinado sus palabras y su recuerdo. La abracé y la besé. Luego di gracias a Dios.

Durante quince días más continué con esta terapia, mi madre volvió a ser la de antes, lúcida y con la mente clara

Por desgracia, a la edad de 92 años, partió a la eternidad. Pero siempre vivirá en mi corazón..


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This was a beautiful story of love and patience and a desire to restore what was lost to your mom. Wonderfully structured and written, and very informative. Thank you for sharing this story from your life, @rammargarita 💗

Thank you for your excellent comment, may God bless you and give you a happy day.

This is an inspiring story, @rammargarita. Your methodology is clear and seems to make sense. One can never know exactly what happened to your mother to make her lose her memory. She obviously had an episode of some kind. Instead of accepting this hard situation, you decided to help. Your approach seems to be very much the same as would be the approach of a physical or speech therapist. Use the muscles. Practice.

Your perspective obviously was that your mother's presence in your home was a gift. You wanted her to have the best quality of life possible. That would never have happened, probably, if you had turned her over to an institution or had not invested your time, effort and intelligence in her care.

This not only reads well, but also can be quite instructive to others who find themselves taking care of a loved one. Thank you for sharing this experience with us, @rammargarita. Your CNF piece was a pleasure to read.

Thank you for your comment. I feel very proud and happy for everything I did for my mother, may God bless you and your family and give you a good weekend.

This is so lovely and heartwarming 💕
Your love and dedication showed through till your mum's passing. !hug

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Thank you so much @palomap3 and @ecency. I appreciate your time and consideration for this post. How are you doing, Paloma? I hope you are well, my lovely 💗 !LUV !LADY

Hi, my dear Sam!! I’m doing well, or that’s what I think… 😁 Trying to get balance and focus. I disperse too much. 😅
I hope you are okay too. Take care! ❤️🤗 !LUV

It's a difficult balancing act, right? You seem to do it so well... but I know what goes into keeping all those balls in the air. Make sure you take time for yourself too! okay? I'm ok... trying to get back to having time to write and publish. It's not been easy. I keep saying soon... hehe... and maybe soon will come one day. I hope it is soon haha... But for now, I am at least around. Look after YOU 🤗🥰💗

Make sure you take time for yourself too!

You’re absolutely right and I’m doing, some days. 😅 I was planning this morning to get the resting time as a must do task. I will tell you if I achieve it!

I hope to read you soon but seeing you commenting is a good point. I’m glad to know you are ok, this is the best thing. ❤️🤗

aw thank you, my lovely... yes I am at least around and enjoying the engagement and trying to support writers in the community. Enjoying the reading.

I was planning this morning to get the resting time as a must do task. I will tell you if I achieve it!

👆 THIS! Did you ever hear dreemsteem talk about writing in the breaks? This means that you schedule downtime to ensure that you have rest. It is why Dreemport closes over the weekend. SO Dreemport staff can rest from the week of admin and curation and spend time offline with family and friends. So yes...make sure that you write in those break times for you. It's healthy and creates balance. Much love !LUV !LADY

Aww dreemsteem is another lighthearted person like you… Yes, balance include rest and enjoy with ourselves. ❤️

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