Sweet as honey - The inkWell Creative NonFictionPrompt #70

in #hive-1707988 months ago

Sweet as honey

In 1960 we moved to Barrio Bolivar, Bolivariano sector, in a house with option to buy. When that neighborhood was one year old, its neighbors decided to form the neighborhood council, they held the election in the street, improvising a platform. Don Isidro Cedeño, explained the guidelines for the election: ""It will be done by a show of hands, they will vote only once, for the candidate for President, then the other candidates for the other positions will be elected"". A client of my mother's nominated her as a candidate for the office of president. My mother said to her through the crowd "I don't know why you nominated me," she replied, "I did it because I know you have what it takes to be president.

Other people came forward. Then the candidates were called to the podium, my mother, Leonides also went up. The vote was taken. My mother received the most votes and was elected president. The majority of those present applauded, elated that she was the winner. Then, everyone present voted for the other nominees, leaving each of them in the positions of Treasurer, Secretary and Vice President. That night I felt very happy, because my mom had participated, and won in this event.

That same year I entered the Bolivarian School, very close to my house. It was a small school, it had a principal's office, a dining room, which did not work, a library, three classrooms, a hallway and a bathroom. My teacher's name was Ana Dolores Muñoz, she was a very sweet lady. When she would say good morning to us and enter the classroom, she would start by teaching us the importance of values. Then she would ask us if we had had breakfast. I noticed that my teacher acted like a mother, carrying in a bag arepas filled with cheese, sometimes with butter. She would hand them out to all the students who had not had breakfast. That teacher was so kind, she stole my heart. She looked like my mother. At my desk I thought: when I grow up I am going to be a teacher like Ana Dolores. I made this comment to my mother and she told me that she saw me in another specialty.

One day at recess I saw how a student from another class snatched the snack from the hands of another student and ate it with great appetite. The other student began to cry. The principal, who was passing by, called the one who had taken the food and the other. And asked them: "Tell me what happened", the victim explained what happened, the principal said to the other one: "Why did you do it? he answered: "I am hungry, I have not eaten since the day before yesterday". Where is your mother? "She abandoned me, I live with my grandmother and she is sick". The director she scolded him very hard. That attitude of hers, annoyed me, I felt my heart beating, fast like the second hand of the clock.

As soon as I got home, I sat down next to Leoni des, who was working on his sewing machine, and told him what I had witnessed at school. Then I asked him:

"¿Will there be a chance for you to make an extra arepita, when you prepare breakfast?". She answered me, "What is the purpose, of doing that?" I replied, "It is to take it to that child who has no mother and is hungry."

My mother got up from her work and kissed me affectionately, hugged me and said, "I thank God for having a daughter with such feelings." She paused, her voice breaking with tears, and then said: "Continue your studies at the University, so that you can graduate, and help in society, so many people who are so needy. Above all, lacking affection". I replied: "I thought of being like my teacher, I better follow your advice".

The next day, I got up very early, got ready, checked my lunch box and there was an extra breakfast. I gave my mother a kiss and left for school.

When the bell rang to leave for recess, I looked for the boy and gave him breakfast, I invited him to sit under a tree, he accepted and I watched as he devoured his breakfast, with great appetite. Then we talked, the bell rang and I had to go back to the classroom.

Another day, at recess, I was eating breakfast with my friend and saw other children snatching breakfast from several students. This situation worried me.

When I got home I told my mother: "As you are the president of the neighborhood council, write a letter to the person who runs the school canteens, so that they install one in my school, there are many children who have no parents and go very hungry".

The next day my mother told me, I am going to go to the school so that the Director of the school approves the communication, where we request that they install a dining room in your school. I hung on her neck and told her: "May God help you and may you get what you are asking for". We left together for school, she stayed in the office, I continued to the classroom.

When I returned home I asked her: "What have you solved? She replied: "I gave the communication and they will give me an answer in 15 days. Within the stipulated period they gave him an answer, by means of an official letter: "Prepare the dining room space, so that this service can work. Next week we will provide it with all its equipment".

That day Leonides took the letter to the school. He handed it to the school principal. He was very grateful and thanked him for his social action. A few days later, the canteen was up and running. From that moment until today it has been working, improving the living conditions of the children.

Over the years. Following my mother's advice. I entered the University to study Sociology, in spite of which I graduated and worked in that house of studies for some years. In my spare time, I did community work for the benefit of the community. When I visited the neighbors of my community and the surrounding ones, they missed my mother, because of how loving she was and for all the benefits that she obtained for them through her errands, and that still remain in the historical space and time.

Source from pixabay

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Dulce como la miel

En 1960 nos mudamos al Barrio Bolívar, sector Bolivariano, en una casa con opción a compra. Cuando ese barrio cumplió un año, sus vecinos decidieron formar la junta de vecinos, hicieron la elección en la calle, improvisando una tarima. Don Isidro Cedeño, explicó las pautas para la elección: "Se hará a mano alzada, votarán una sola vez, por el candidato a Presidente, luego se elegirán los demás candidatos para los otros cargos. Una clienta de mi madre la propuso como candidata al cargo de presidenta. Mi madre le dijo entre la multitud: "No sé por qué me has nominado" ella respondió: "Lo he hecho porque sé que tienes lo que hace falta para ser presidenta".

Otras personas se presentaron. Luego llamaron a los candidatos al podio, mi madre, Leonides también subió. Se procedió a la votación. Mi madre recibió el mayor número de votos y fue elegida presidenta. La mayoría de los presentes aplaudieron, eufóricos de que ella fuera la ganadora. A continuación, todos los presentes votaron a los demás candidatos, quedando cada uno de ellos en los puestos de tesorero, secretario y vicepresidente. Esa noche me sentí muy feliz, porque mi madre había participado y ganado en este evento.

Ese mismo año ingresé a la Escuela Bolivariana, muy cerca de mi casa. Era una escuela pequeña, tenía una oficina del director, un comedor, que no funcionaba, una biblioteca, tres aulas, un pasillo y un baño. Mi maestra se llamaba Ana Dolores Muñoz, era una señora muy dulce. Cuando nos daba los buenos días y entraba en clase, empezaba por enseñarnos la importancia de los valores. Luego nos preguntaba si habíamos desayunado. Me di cuenta de que mi profesora actuaba como una madre, llevando en una bolsa arepas rellenas de queso, a veces con mantequilla. Las repartía a todos los alumnos que no habían desayunado. Esa profesora era muy amable, me robó el corazón. Se parecía a mi madre. En mi pupitre pensaba: cuando sea mayor voy a ser maestra como Ana Dolores. Le hice este comentario a mi madre y me dijo que me veía en otra especialidad.

Un día, en el recreo, vi cómo un alumno de otra clase arrebataba el desayuno de las manos de otro alumno y se lo comía con gran apetito. El otro alumno se puso a llorar. El director, que pasaba por allí, llamó al que había cogido la comida y al otro. Y les preguntó: "Cuéntame qué ha pasado", la víctima explicó lo sucedido, el director le dijo al otro: "¿Por qué lo has hecho? respondió: "Tengo hambre, no he comido desde anteayer". ¿Dónde está tu madre? "Me abandonó, vivo con mi abuela y está enferma". La directora le regañó duramente. Esa actitud suya, me molestó, sentí mi corazón latir, rápido como el segundero del reloj.

En cuanto llegué a casa, me senté junto a Leonides, que estaba trabajando en su máquina de coser, y le conté lo que había presenciado en la escuela. Luego le pregunté:

"¿Habrá oportunidad de que hagas una arepita extra, cuando prepares el desayuno?". Ella respondió: "¿Cuál es el propósito, de hacer eso?". Le contesté: "Es para llevársela a ese niño que no tiene madre y tiene hambre".

Mi madre se levantó de su trabajo y me besó cariñosamente, me abrazó y dijo: "Doy gracias a Dios por tener una hija con esos sentimientos". Hizo una pausa, con la voz quebrada por las lágrimas, y luego dijo : "Continúa tus estudios en la Universidad, para que puedas graduarte, y ayudar en la sociedad, a tanta gente que está tan necesitada. Sobre todo, carente de afecto". Yo le contesté: "Pensé en ser como mi profesora, mejor sigo tus consejos".

Al día siguiente, me levanté muy temprano, me preparé, revisé mi fiambrera y había un desayuno extra. Le di un beso a mi madre y me fui al colegio.

Cuando sonó el timbre para salir al recreo, busqué al niño y le di el desayuno, le invité a sentarse bajo un árbol, aceptó y vi como devoraba el desayuno, con gran apetito. Luego hablamos, sonó el timbre y tuve que volver al aula.

Otro día, en el recreo, estaba desayunando con mi amigo y vi cómo otros niños arrebataban el desayuno a varios alumnos. Esta situación me preocupó.

Cuando llegué a casa le dije: "Como eres la presidenta de la junta de vecinos, escribe una carta a la persona que lleva los comedores escolares, para que instalen uno en mi colegio, hay muchos niños que no tienen padres y pasan mucha hambre".

Al día siguiente mi madre me dijo, voy a ir al colegio para que el Director apruebe la comunicación, donde solicitamos que instalen un comedor en tu Colegio. Me colgué de su cuello y le dije: "Que Dios te ayude y consigas lo que pides". Salimos juntas para ir al Colegio, ella se quedó en el despacho, yo continué hasta el aula.

Cuando volví a casa le pregunté: "¿Qué has resuelto? Me contestó: "Lleve la comunicación y me darán una respuesta en 15 días. En el plazo estipulado le dieron una respuesta, mediante un oficio: " Preparen el espacio del comedor, para que este servicio pueda funcionar. La semana que viene lo dotaremos de todo su equipamiento".

Ese día Leonides llevó la carta a la escuela. Se la entregó al director del colegio. Él se mostró muy agradecido y le dio las gracias por su acción social. Pocos días después, el comedor empezó a funcionar. Desde ese momento hasta hoy ha estado funcionando, mejorando las condiciones de vida de los niños.

A lo largo de los años. Siguiendo el consejo de mi madre. Ingresé en la Universidad para estudiar Sociología, a pesar de lo cual me licencié y trabajé en esa casa de estudios durante algunos años. En mi tiempo libre, realizaba trabajos comunitarios en beneficio de la comunidad. Cuando visitaba a los vecinos de mi comunidad y las aledañas, extrañaban a mi madre, por lo cariñosa que era y por todos los beneficios que les obtenía con sus gestiones, y que aún permanecen en el espacio y tiempo histórico.


Rendering community service is not just good, but can make everyone in the community remember your impact when you are not there. Your mum has tried.

Thank you for your comment and have a nice day.

You share a beautiful and moving life experience with us today, if all people had that attitude of service to others outside of all selfishness and envy, all this would be better.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day.

You relate this history well. We understand now about not only the needs of your childhood community, but we also understand a motivation for your career choice. This story paints a picture of circumstances in the school, and it paints a picture of you as a child, and of your mother.

The scenes you describe are quite touching. The image of a hungry child moves all of us.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @rammargarita.