The most precious gift - TheInkwell Creative NonfictionPrompt#64

in #hive-1707989 months ago

< The most precious gift

When my four children were in elementary school, at the Bolivarian School, located very close to our house. The youngest of my children, Simon, brought to our home a friend named Frederic Fuentes, he lived in a community, Cerro los Cachos,in a very humble house. with his three brothers, and his mother, who worked as a seamstress.

Frederic, in spite of his young age, learned to play cuatro and to sew shoes, he worked in a store. He sewed by hand the shoes that were not original and then the owner of the store sold them as originals. With that craft he brought his mother money to contribute to their household expenses.

We learned to love this young man. My children: Ernesto, Engels, Leocarmen and Simon, love him like a brother. And I like a son.

When they became teenagers, they graduated from high school. My children entered the University of Oriente. Frederic decided to enter a private academy to study for 2 years, Engineering assistant, with the resources he obtained from his work, he paid for his studies. He graduated in the stipulated time, with excellent grades, since he had experience in the area of masonry, electricity and everything that had to do with the construction of houses and buildings. He never abandoned his love for playing his musical instrument, the Cuatro.

Every year, on December 24th, on a pleasant night, Frederic would accompany us and sing aguinaldo. Engels took the drum, Ernesto the maracas, Frederic the cuatro, Leocarmen the furruco and Simon the guitar. At the dinner we had when they were still single. Each one of them gave thanks to God for all the actions received. They asked the Lord to grant them health and all good things. Frederic surprised us by thanking God and asking:

"Lord heavenly father, I ask you this coming year to repair me a wife who will grant me, several sons and within these a daughter who has an affinity for several musical instruments! That would be the most precious gift of my life!"

After a few months, this young man met a beautiful young woman named Raiza, a native of a small town called Cariaco. She came to our city, Cumana, with her godmother to help her with the housework and to study in her free time.

Soon after Frederic asked Raiza to be his wife, she accepted and they went to Cariaco to notify her parents. When they returned to Cumaná, they got married. Frederic built a very small house.

The Misión Constructora de Viviendas Francisco De Miranda hired him to work building them. He earned little money, but they gave him all the materials to build his house. With those resources he enlarged it and it was very nice and comfortable.

Raiza became pregnant, with the passing of the months, she began her labor process, Frederic, was very nervous.

When he arrived at the hospital with his wife, she was admitted and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, whom he named Natalia. For him, his happiness was so great that his eyes were flooded with tears, these slipped down his cheeks, wetting his shoes, at that moment he realized that he had put them on backwards.

The next day, when he arrived home, with his wife and his newborn baby girl. In her crib, Frederic had placed a gift for her, a mini cuatro with musical strings. In his spare time he would lull her to sleep with children's songs, which he improvised, accompanied by his cuatro.

This was the environment in which this little girl grew up. Then came two little brothers who complemented that family group. As for Natalia, she began her primary education. Her father enrolled her in the Symphony Orchestra of this city. Since she joined the orchestra, she has had an affinity for various stringed musical instruments. She plays all these instruments perfectly. At the age of 12, the girl was already studying at the Secondary School. At that time, Natalia went to a concert at the Luis Mariano Rivera Theater in this city. She made her debut as a soloist on guitar and singing with the musical piece, Mariposa No 12, by Mauro Giuliani. That performance was a great success. The governor of this state gave him a scholarship to go to Caracas to the conservatory to study singing.

My children and their wives and I went to the theater. There we met Frederic and his wife. When he saw us, his eyes filled with tears.

When he came out of the theater, accompanied by his wife, very moved, he ran to his daughter, hugged her and looking at the sky he sketched a praise:

"Lord, I thank you for giving me the most precious gift of my life, this daughter!"

Natalia, very moved, added

"Thank you, God, for having parents like you!."

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El regalo más preciado

Cuando mis cuatro hijos estudiaban primaria, en la escuela Bolivariana, ubicada muy cercana a nuestra casa. El menor de mis hijos, Simón, trajo a nuestro hogar un compañero de estudios llamado Frederic Fuentes, él vivía en una comunidad, Cerro los Cachos, en una casa muy humilde con sus tres hermanos y su madre, que trabajaba como costurera.

Frederic, a pesar de su corta edad, aprendió a tocar cuatro y a coser zapatos, trabajaba haciendo ese oficio en un almacén. Cosía a mano los zapatos que no eran originales y luego el dueño de la tienda los vendía como originales. Con ese arte llevaba a su madre dinero para contribuir con los gastos de su casa.

Nosotros aprendimos a querer a este joven. Mis hijos: Ernesto, Engels, Leocarmen y Simón, lo quieren como a un hermano. Y Yo como a un hijo.

Al llegar a la adolescencia se graduaron de Bachiller. Mis hijos ingresaron a la Universidad de Oriente. Frederic decidió ingresar a una Academia privada a estudiar durante 2 años, asistente de Ingeniería, con los recursos que obtenía de su trabajo, se costeaba sus estudios. Se graduó en el tiempo estipulado, con excelentes calificaciones, ya que tenía experiencia en el área de albañilería, electricidad y todo lo que tenía que ver con la construcción de casas y edificios. Nunca abandono su afición por tocar su instrumento musical, El Cuatro.

En cada año, el 24 de diciembre, en noche buena, Frederic siempre nos acompañaba y todos cantábamos aguinaldo, Engels tocaba el tambor, Ernesto las maracas, Frederic el cuatro, Leocarmen, el furruco y Simón la guitarra. En la cena que tuvimos cuando ellos aún estaban solteros. Cada uno de ellos dio gracias al Todopoderoso, por todas las acciones recibidas. Y que les concediera salud y todo lo bueno. Frederic nos sorprendió al dar las gracias a Dios, diciendo:

“¡Señor padre celestial, te pido que este año venidero me repares una mujer que me conceda, varios hijos y dentro de estos una hija que tenga afinidad por varios instrumentos musicales! ¡Ese sería el regalo más preciado de mi vida!”

En el transcurso de pocos meses, Este joven, conoció a una hermosa joven, llamada Raiza nativa de un pueblecito llamado Cariaco. Ella se vino, para nuestra ciudad, Cumaná, con su madrina, a ayudarla en los oficios de su casa y a estudiar en su tiempo libre.

Al poco tiempo Frederic, le pidió a Raiza que fuera su esposa, ella aceptó, luego, fueron a Cariaco a notificarles a sus progenitores. Al regresar a Cumaná, se casaron. Frederic construyó una casa muy pequeña.

La Misión constructora de Viviendas, Francisco de Miranda, lo contrató, para trabajar construyéndolas. Él ganaba por hacer ese trabajo poco dinero, pero en compensación le proporcionaron, todos los materiales para que construyera su casa. Con esos recursos él la amplió, y le quedó muy bonita y cómoda.

Raiza quedó embarazada, a lo largo de los meses, comenzó su proceso de parto, Frederic, estaba muy nervioso.

Cuando llegó al hospital con su esposa, la ingresaron y dio a luz una preciosa niña, a la que llamó Natalia. Para él, su felicidad era tan grande que sus ojos se inundaron de lágrimas, estas resbalaron por sus mejillas, mojando sus zapatos, en ese momento se dio cuenta de que se los había puesto al revés.

Al siguiente día, al llegar a su casa, con su mujer y su niña, recién nacida. En la cuna de esta, Frederic, le había colocado un regalo, un mini cuatro de cuerdas musicales. En sus tiempos libres él la arrullaba con canciones infantiles, que improvisaba, acompañadas de su cuatro. En ese ambiente creció esa niña. Luego vinieron dos hermanitos que complementaron ese grupo familiar.

A la Natalia, iniciar sus estudios de educación primaria. Su Padre, también la inscribió en la Orquesta sinfónica de esta ciudad. Desde que ingresó tiene afinidad con varios instrumentos de cuerdas musicales, los cuales toca perfectamente. Además, ya a los 12 años de edad, la niña, cursaba estudios en el Instituto de Secundaria. Para aquel entonces, Natalia fue a un concierto en el Teatro Luis Mariano Rivera de esta ciudad. La Orquesta le asignó actuar como solista en la guitarra y en el canto con la pieza musical, Mariposa No 12, de Mauro Giuliani. Esa actuación fue todo un éxito. El gobernador de este estado le regaló una beca, para que fuera a Caracas al conservatorio, a estudiar canto.

Mis hijos con sus esposas y yo fuimos al teatro. Allá nos encontramos con Frederic y su esposa. Él al vernos sus ojos se les empañaron de lágrimas. Al salir del teatro, en compañía de su esposa, muy emocionado, corrió hacia su hija, la abrazó y mirando al cielo esbozó una alabanza:

“” ¡Señor, Gracias por concederme el regalo más preciado de mi vida, esta hija!””

Natalia, muy agradecida, agregó:

“Gracias, a Dios por tener unos padres como ustedes”


A wish that was fulfilled just as the man requested. It is very possible that if we ask for something with our heart, it can be fulfilled and change lives drastically.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day

Thank you for commenting on my story. Have a nice day

This is a lovely piece, @rammargarita. You describe the arc of a life well lived. We learn about Frederic, who is in a sense a part of your family. You share with us the experience of knowing him, and of appreciating with him the gift of children who are accomplished and content.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @rammargarita

Thank you for your comment and have a nice evening.

Frederic has made me to understand that our prayers are always been answered if we are specific about them. I just loved the way he prayed. And it came to pass like in fairy tales.

Thank you for your comment and have a nice day.

God listens indeed, and we get to see our prayers answered only if we have faith and are patient. Thank you for sharing your story😊

Thank you for reading and commenting on my story. Have a nice day