Medical tea recipe Today is one of the most interesting topics for me because it is very important to know about recipes. As you know, I love cooking, so let's talk about the history of tea, and then we can talk about the recipe for medical tea. Yes, guys, medical teas also exist in our society, and they are very useful for every situation, like various free ideal fevers and so many types of medical.
So let's talk about the history of the party as you know history will start with India and India is known for its history let's talk about British history because the Britishers are involved in this history of the day. After all, the t will be introduced or also the introduce I will but the so many theories will be there that that with the because the three will be starting from China whatever in another conspiracy will be there but today we talk about the British conspiracy theory of about t so they claim that they invented the tea and as you know the Britishers exist 200 years in India on that time the earlier stage of the Britishers rule in India but that time that the Asian times the Britishers have invented the tea and that tea will be created from the plantation of the show me types of tea.
The Darjeeling Sikkim and that is a one of the way of production in the tea to the market and that time onwards the no one person no one the single person will be interesting in the eating of tea in the day time night time and time in the matter for eating for the today's generations word but as per the time and as per the time would be the evolution at the in the earlier in the stage of 17 and 18 century the tea is not buying a thing because that time onwards the Britishers sell the te a like a free free things for a person like some I give you some the examples that you know about and clear about the teaching the t is the one of the plant and one of the eating plants in boiling the water And the recipe will be rest I am talking than in the later Butler talk about the selling of the tea the selling of the table we starting from the 17 and 18 century from the India and the production area is totally dedicated to the Darjeeling Sikkim are totally exist in the state of the West Bengal in the top of top not area and in the North side of the west Bengal so let's talk about the history of selling in the tea so first of all the Britishers cell that t by free of costliest guys the cell that trees in market so many platforms so many Railway platforms so that is a one of the way to promoting the tea in the market so the Britishers to provide or promoting the tea culture in the market they provide fee 30 tho cook them for a time and day by day the craze of the t will be extremely increasing and now a days it took a peak of our day so yes guys I am talking about the tea the today's generation very upset with the stock about some record some data of the selling and the growth of the Indian market and the tea is the one of the biggest player I guess for my side because the generation will be today depending of that types of T for and the so many peoples also famous with the type of tea in the market in the social media.
Talk about the data NIOS told about in the above lines less talk about the data of monthly basis growth by the country of the Indian history and that will be make you the very precious and very special for us less talk about the tea back to the topic first of all the talk about the data and the data will be providing 13 million turns in a month to growth and the 70% will be consume by the India only Indians can consume the 70% of that process of that totally growth of the tea that is a very use number as per my perspective because the TZ one of the way to releasing your stress and let's talk about the medical tea recipe from my side so first talk about the recipe and that totally organic and not so many things will be added on there so less talk about the tea so first of all we don't attet sugar customer as you know that that's sugar is the one of the harm one of the bad thing for me and bad thing also for our health so sugar we don't at them in a medical recipe but in the other as a consumer in the society is the also consume the sugar for their knees and for their taste so we don't about talk the taste we talk about the medical and some features and not a features the medical thing are the medical recipe so let's talk about the medical tea recipe.
So first of all took a bowl and we want to boil a water for a few minutes and when the properly water will be cooked then we add some leaves or some dry leaves as weak in the proper words of the tea so win put down some tea and after a few minutes we give a time to boil them and after we add some long and LIC for the better for our health so that is the one of the best way to relaxing and also for the medical recipe from my side and I always consume this when I have some fever or some cold in my body so they always relief them and they always took he think and some hitness in our inside our body so that is a one of the way to healing your wealth healing your strength and also healing your properties of the body very properly so that is way to add the recipe in your list for your better health and T is the one of the greatest thing I ever had seen my love because I am also a tea consumer for a medical tea also for the socially so guys soti and the market of it is very use in the today's life.
Here is my entry for the #januaryinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team.
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