A heads-up for the coming generation

in #hive-1538508 months ago

What a wonderful prompt! We are now in a technological and civilized age where everything is likened to the lifestyle of white men and women. We are gradually forgetting the cultural values that made us African, especially the Yoruba tribe. The younger generations of then are now becoming parents, and morals and values have lost their places. What is important right now is financial capability.

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I was privileged to talk with a friend a few weeks ago about the coming generation, and he said some things that I found so true and possibly an answer to all the shenanigans going on in our society today. Although it might be difficult to achieve due to differences in background, it is possible that it doesn't work out to be a means of correction. He said, and I quote, "The generations of the old that people see as being old-fashioned seem to be the best after contrasting them with this present generation. For the generation of our parents, for example, there is a fear of protecting the family's name, and they always keep that at the back of their minds before engaging in any act. Once they see it will tarnish the family's image, they quickly withdraw, unlike today's generation", which is true.

We are now in a generation where no one cares about good names. I even hear people say, "A good name does not pay the bills." What then do you expect from someone who has such a mentality? We are now in a generation where people are no longer mature physically, mentally, and emotionally before getting married; therefore, raising children who are nothing more than a pain in the neck for society causes others who are well brought up to lose their values. My friend further said, "The coming generation would be a lot worse than the present generation, and the only solution he could propose is for potential parents to wake up from the mentality that life is more civilized now, leaving their wards to rotten all in the name of the jet age. Values should be instilled in children from a young age, letting them know the importance of culture, morals, and values from a young age and monitoring them to abide by them.

One piece of advice for the coming generation

If I'm to advise the coming generation to navigate life successfully, my advice will be, "Never follow the crowd that says don't do things because others are doing them." This has led many to their early graves; the idea of wanting to do what my peers are doing has landed some in prison, so why then is there so much hurry?

I watched a video recently of a young university boy who lost his life while barking to death. In the comments, some said they knew him to be one of the biggest boys in his school; he has different cars, but the question is, how did he acquire those expensive cars without having any notable job at that moment? Unfortunately, he barked to death, which signifies and justifies how he made his money. This is what the word has turned into. Everyone wants to become a millionaire by working hard for it.

I've learned the lesson of being oneself and not doing things because others are doing them. Just because someone is successful at something doesn't mean you will be successful too. Teaching our children the importance of contentment will make a lot of difference in their generation. Therefore, for the coming generation, I will advise you not to follow the crowd, to be content with who you are and what you have, and to work legitimately to attain the successful life you desire.

With this lesson, the rate of crime would be reduced in our society, at least to some extent. Everyone would have the courage to say what and how they achieved whatever successful height they've achieved. Contentment breeds life and peace, and with this, there will be a positive change in their lives, coupled with a proper upbringing, appreciating one's cultural values and heritage, and also putting it into practice. All these things are lost in our society today; greed has taken over, and selfish acts have become the order of the day, but with contentment, there will surely be a positive change.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.


You are right there ma, the coming generation would be worse than this generation and I love how you said they shouldn't follow the crowd that says don't do things because others are doing them.

Lately people are being pressured by their peers, they all want to be like each other without even minding going the extra mile.

Which might lead to death

Someone barked to death, oh my God, I can't wrap my head around this, young people are so desperate that they want fast money thereby engaging in different things which is likely to hurt them in the nearest future, too bad he had to die that way.

It was disheartening

Evil has paraded lots of human affairs today but with contentment it will go along way.


It is important to remember that we are not sheep who must blindly follow the herd. Each of us has the ability and responsibility to define our own values and live by them, even if that means being different from the rest. Authenticity and individuality are virtues that should be valued and encouraged in today's society, especially in the youth, who represent the future of our world.

Absolutely boss