Peace greetings all hiver hope you are all happy throughout the day. See you again in my post, and today we continue to work on the site.
When the boss wanted us to get the job done quickly, I started bringing in a small excavator with a backhoe.
Our cleaning work was smooth and fast, we started providing equipment and materials to make the fence.
I am thankful that my friend is still there to help me do the work on the site
When the building materials arrived, my friend and I started preparing the fence.
I feel funny with my friend, when we just started installing the fence, he was wearing nike shoes, but maybe because the shoes were torn and the soles of the shoes were open, I had to buy boots for him to wear, go my friend, still enthusiastic friend... hehe
hehehe ... he's cool with boots, hopefully he'll work harder after this.😁
And we worked until the evening and our work went smoothly and then we went home satisfied. After I texted my little brother @tommyl33 what his plan was for this evening, we ended our evening.
Thanks for reading, see you in the next post. I'm too tired to keep typing this post at length😎😂