l never stop to cherish my dream

in #hive-177682last month

Mostly these days, l really enjoyed creating my post around real life matter's, and maybe, that is what i find suitable to write on, as this year was somehow full of ups and down, but i am grateful that in all, we were able to push through and this is december, a month of love that will leads us into a fruitful new year.

The days are going so fast, we are on the 7th december already, hurray 🎉
The aroma of delicious meals have started coming out of our various homes.
That apart.

It seems my efforts are not good enough, because few years ago, l was already assuming that by now, l will be able to get myself to where I want, but it seems it is deeper than i assumed. "do people still do what they love in this world". This is the question i was asking myself and then I realized that lt's just 55% that got that childhood dreams of theirs. Maybe as times goes on, more people will be privilege.

l have been on occasions where people talked that childhood dreams were not truly the best thing for he/she who said they were going to become that.

But I do not seems to get it, or do I need to be educated on that aspect". l know as we grow up we began to see life from a different perspective, but that does not mean we were wrong to said that dream of ourself when we were a child. lt was what we like, and as long as I know, deep down inside of us, in one way or the other, we still like that dream we said we were going to become.

A friend of mine love football, he was different or would l say more intelligent than me and the others, because he never Joke when it comes to it, l did not know how he did it, or where he took such courage as at that time, because he was able to give so much importance to his passion and do less of others things.

He played number 5, and in 2020 luck shines on him, and he got a contract, where he was signed to a local club side, and since then, he has been growing on the niche.

Meanwhile, I and the others, we thoughts everything we wanted were going to come through wishes, but it never happened that way even till today, it does not. This why I have stop making wishes, l have decided to face reality because that is the only way we can get the things we want.

l still understand that every day I am growing older, and in few years times I should be providing for my children's.

Yet, it does not mean we are to let it go, as we care for our daily needs, we still have to chased, than leaving it behind and building our world far from that exciting dream.

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