Fun with Google Search Suggestions... Why are my Balls...?

in #balls2 years ago

I wanted to find out the answer to a certain question that's been bugging me of late.

It was quite a long-winded question to type so I decided to have a little fun along the way by lingering on some of the suggestions that Google made after I'd typed in a certain amount of words and letters...

Why are my Balls?

At this stage it seems there are lots of younger teens worrying about their balls itching and hurting, and a few people of unspecified age with cold balls.


For the record I've never been worried about my balls being either too itchy or too cold, and no that wasn't my full search....

Why are my balls g

The general theme of concern about one's balls continues on among people who search for the above plus a g.. which Google thinks is most likely to be people searching for their balls getting gray, bigger or smaller or darker.


None of the above is happening to my balls, and this wasn't what my full search was either!

Why are my balls generating....

OK so now we're four full words in to my full search and Google has no clue what to predict for me next!


Maybe that's a thing that balls do... just 'generating' but I'm not sure what that means and even if I was there's no answer available, and anyway I wanted to add more...

Why are my balls generating so...

Adding on a fifth word gets Google back into offering suggestions mode....


But actually all of the above are also meaningless, thanks Google, still not my desired search term though!

Why are my balls generating so much...

Some VERY interesting returns here... hair I get, money maybe for pornstars and sperm donors, but POWER?


Not sure if I'd want to meet a man who had searched for that actual phrase, and that's not what I wanted to find out about either!

Why are my balls generating so much s...

So the addition of an 's' produces some more lolz...

People are (presumably) searching for balls which are snowy, spiritual, spacey and sugar...?


But that searcher for these things wasn't me!

Why are my balls generating so much sp

I mean you would have thought my now Google would 'get it' but clearly not!


I'd love to meet the man searching for the relationship between his balls and a spruce tree. I'm sure he'd have some interesting conversations to share!


It's not until you add in 'spun' that you can a proper suggestion!


And actually that WAS the question I wanted to ask Google...

Why are my balls generating so much much Spunk...?

You know I hate to say it, I have no idea as I couldn't find any decent articles on this!

Oh and by the way, I really do have a MASSIVE pair of balls, maybe that's why...?

I dunno, but when I know I will for sure keep you posted!


Lol. Having it you can find different searches from other people too. It's sounds funny, lol

Well maybe Google's suggestions aren't based on past searches but it amused me!

😂 You really made me laugh with this one! (And btw, you are crazy! - In the most positive way! 😂 )
I started reading this post thinking, "What a hack with his balls that it needs the whole post?!"
Then I kept reading and started to laugh. I felt caught like in those commercials where they would keep saying, "But it's not all...!!!" And that "whirlwind" doesn't seem to stop. I was laughing more and more! 😂
Yeah, you are definitely crazy, and I like it! 😂



Lol you're a funny cunt.



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