Technologies are new but working methods are old... why is this so?
I cannot boast that I am an advanced trader in the cryptocurrency market and many opportunities for obtaining crypto coins are still completely new and unknown for me and, probably this is why I have some questions related to trading platforms on the Hive blockchain, which in itself is innovation like each of the trading platforms.
I really liked the functionality and convenience of the interface which I saw much later than which in turn seemed to me to come from a time when the IBM computer hard drive did not exceed 40 megabytes and the operating system was DOS... I don’t remember if Super Mario was already there then or not, but the Prince of Persia was for sure lol.
But I’m not a programmer and let the guys forgive me I’m not criticizing I’m just talking about what I see a critic must first create something himself before criticizing these are just some associations and a bit of a joke.
So, as I already said it seemed strange to me that people who are ready to place a bet in the liquidity pool are not provided with a calculator for the return on their investments.
I didn’t find such a calculator on in theory the site is very technological but to calculate profits you need to use a third-party application such as a regular calculator.
You know there is a joke that everything that is imperfect can be improved with the help of a file a needle file, and with its help you can turn a steam locomotive out of a hammer but this face is blockchain and a little plasticity will not hurt it, so that people can see that everything is being done here for people.
It seems elementary... maybe I'm wrong I'm as I said far from programming, but it seems that adding a calculator would be relatively easy, which would save a lot of time for those who are going to place a bet.
I do not rule out that such a calculator exists and my thoughts are also a waste of time but I would like to know where it can be found, it will take less time than calculating the receipt of LP rewards for each position.
After all I wonder how many of these or other coins you will get at this or that bet?
I think that optimists will place bets more often, but I haven’t seen pessimists who might be scared off by this on the Hive blockchain.
Once again, forgive me for these thoughts, but sometimes simple questions need simple answers lol.
Oh yes, I completely forgot, there should also be a temporary variable indicating the rate period 😃