Rat race
Among thousands,
large-toothed rodents
and greedy eyes show themselves
with their sharp and strong claws.
They go in search of their
rotting food,
they want to satiate their
appetite, with the effort
of the weak and defenseless.
They trample the miserable
in the mire of their disgust.
With their claws they tear to pieces
those who cross their path.
The rats scurry
towards the desired and succulent,
that's all they live for
and their simple existence
is enough for them
to enjoy the delicacies
of the unfortunate.
Carrera de ratas
Entre miles se destacan,
los roedores de grandes
dientes, mirada codiciosa,
garras filosas y fuertes.
Van en busca de su
alimento putrefacto,
quieren saciar su
apetito, con el esfuerzo
de lo débiles e indefensos.
Pisotean a los miserables
en el lodazal de su desagracia.
Con sus garras despedazan a
los que se cruzan en su camino.
Van corriendo las ratas
hacia lo deseado y
suculento, solo para eso
viven y su existencia
simple, les alcanza para
disfrutar de los manjares
de los desdichados.
Edited by Rincón Poético.
Text authored by:
Camilo Torres
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