Photography is a moment with nature

in #hive-117778last year

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. All praise be to God Almighty!
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu!
How are you all,,, hope God's mercy! Everyone is very good! I am also with your prayers and God's infinite mercy! Alhamdulillah I am fine.

Photography is a moment with nature


Everyone knows that currently the rice season in Bangladesh is going on, the smell of new rice is wafting around and our rice has arrived at our house, so we have been a little busy for several days, but we try to come to you on time.





Today is no exception, today I have come to you with my own blog, along with some photographs of nature and drying rice on our roof, I hope you will like the photographs.

The day was going by very busy since morning, then I felt that since I am spending some time with nature, I need to share this beautiful moment with you and so without delay I picked up the phone and took some photographs of the wonderful beauty of nature.



Who doesn't like to enjoy natural beauty, we all try to keep our mind a little fresh, we all try to be a little better and if that can be spent with nature, then there is no more to say.

So friends, let's share with you all the photography that I came to share with you today, because I was very busy, so I didn't want to write much, so I came here with you.

I'm not writing anymore today, I wish you all to be well, be healthy, and leave here like today, God Hafez. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.