Shukh Sad who says you are happy but who is happy

in #hive-1484412 years ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
All praise be to Allah Almighty
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu how are you all I hope you all are very well by the grace of Allah I am also very well by your prayers and by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah.

Shukh Sad who says you are happy but who is happy

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Let's find out from our real life whether happiness is actually happiness or sad people are happy. I think sad people are happy because happiness itself says sad you are happy.
When we are happy when success comes in our life or when we find the person we love or when we are good with our family but we forget Allah we think about how to make our life better.
In order to be happy, people forget many things in life. In order to be happy, people often forget their relatives. He forgets to call Allah.
And that's why happiness said sadness, you are happy, it's real, maybe you need to give my word, but I think it's the best.

Now let me explain to you why I said sadness, you are happy. When many sorrows come in our life, when we suffer a lot from our own people, when we suffer a lot from our loved ones, but we fall down in prostration, we remember Allah because He If we do not have the strength to bear the pain then if there is no one by our side there is only one person who is Allah who once called becomes so happy that it can never be reached.
When we are sad, we start praying, when we are sad, we start reading tasbi tahlil, when we are in danger, we remember Allah and so maybe sometimes Allah takes away the happiness in our life and gives us some sadness in our life. During times of grief they will be more than distanced from you, if anything, or afraid to ever show their face to you because you are going through a time of grief.

That's why I said when we are sad we remember Allah so for me sadness is the best because when we are sad we raise our hands to someone who never turns us away when we want to whom he is happy as much as we ask so for me sadness is the best.
Many people may think many things in my words, but I don't mind. I have presented what I think is good. If you think it is bad, then definitely tell in the comment box.

  # Thank you so much for spending your valuable time reading my article!

Wishing everyone to be well and healthy, I bid farewell here as of today. I will surely appear before you again with some new matter. Until then, Allah Hafez Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.