We had a quite productive and busy afternoon, my children were playing at sunset, which by the way was quite beautiful, while I selected and weighed the Milanese in the trays that I leave for my wife stored in the refrigerator so that she always has the portions for every meal.
I took the opportunity to record the song for the Hive Open Mic contest and while I was editing my daughter was preparing some cookies with the help of her grandmother, she sells them at school and that way she has income for her things, obviously we taught her to manage herself, I told her who will make a post here in the Foodie community.
She already publishes in Hive, however it is still not constant, in fact she has participated in the hive open mic, but she hasn't done it for a while, although I never stop motivating her, she is very talented with many things, she does her publications with the codes and everything, she draws, makes cookies, sings and is an excellent daughter.
The afternoon was actually quite busy and lively, although at night my wife complained about the pain, I couldn't sleep much, the pain is not so constant anymore, little by little she is getting out of it, but the truth is it has not been easy, And I ended up very exhausted, but I will have to take some time the next day to take a nap and regain my strength.
Tuvimos una tarde bastante productiva y movida, mis hijos estaban jugando al atrardecer, que por cierto estaba bastante hermoso, mientras que yo seleccionaba y pesaba la milanesa en las bandejas que le dejo a mi esposa almacenada en el refrigerador para asi tener siempre las porciones para cada cocmida.
Aproveche de grabar el tema para el concurso del Hive Open Mic y mientras editaba mi hija estaba preparando unas galletas con la ayuda de su abuela, ella las vende en la escuela y asi tiene ingresos para sus cosas, obvimamente la enseñamos a administrarse, le dije que realizara una publicacion aqui en la comunidad de Foodie.
Ya ella realiza sus publicaciones en Hive, sin embargo aun no es constante, de hecho ha participado en el hive open mic, pero ya tiene rato que no lo hace, aunque nunca dejo de motivarla, ella es muy talentosa con muchas cosas, hace sus publicaciones con los codigos y todo, dibuja, hace galletas, canta y es una excelente hija.
La tarde la verdad fue bastante movida y animada, aunque en la noche mi esposa se quejaba del dolor, poco pude dormir, ya no es tan constante lo del dolor, poco a poco va saliendo de eso, pero la verdad no ha sido facil, y eso que termine muy agotado, pero tendre que tomarme un rato el siguiente dia para tomar una siesta y reponer mis fuerzas.
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