Very often when I get into interesting subjects here on hive someone will alert me in the comments to another related subject which leads me down a week-long rabbit hole at the end of which I feel like writing another post! In this case I wrote recently about our great past and how the concept of free energy was common to us over a 100 years ago and @woelfchen wrote one simple word in the comments beneath: "Elektrokultur".
I am deeply grateful for people like @woelfchen because this word has taken me on the most fantastic journey, waking a deeper part of me which aways knew this truth, yet didn't have the words or evidence to describe it till now and today as I sit down to write this post I feel as if I have found in the last few weeks the answer to free energy and global famine! Yet I wonder how many people will actually take the information I am providing here and use it to change their lives? Not many I suspect, but those who do will already be feeling the electricity of excitement which leads us inextricably to that joyous place of creativity and discovery where only great things can happen.
Free Energy
Before I get into electroculture I must first explain (for readers who missed my last few posts) that one can easily tap into the free energy of the earth and produce a constant voltage. I demonstrated this on my kitchen table last week by producing 5.2v from a bunch of earth batteries made from copper, zinc, soil & water.
This energy can be used directly or stored in a capacitor or battery for later use. But even better than this, our free & constant electrical current can also be fed back into our garden where it will DRAMATICALLY improve the state of our soil & plants. And this takes us neatly to our next subject of interest.
As is always the case when it comes to great innovations, this idea is nothing new and we are in fact just re-discovering old ideas which have been forgotten. The reason for this (as I have examined in previous posts) is because human life on earth is not linear but cyclical.
Over 100 years ago electroculture was re-discovered by French inventor Justin Christofleau and for a while the idea blossomed again but the chemical fertiliser industry, which has dominated our methods of food production since the industrial revolution, quickly identified these eco-friendly and transformative methods (after which one has no further need to buy anything) as a threat to their profit margins, so electroculture was written out of the history books and forgotten about.
Just in the last decade a few innovators are beginning to re-discover electroculture again and pick up the work of Christofleau where he left off.
I am obviously still new to this subject and have been overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of it but from what I can tell there are numerous techniques all of which are designed to catch particular types of free flowing earth energy or as some call them 'subtle energies'. Let's just say they are the kind of energies the scientific community are still debating.
No matter what you call them or how they function, the proof you seek is never more than one growing season away.
Energy categories
There are two main categories here, the first of which can be described as atmospheric energy (also known as Ether or cosmic energy). The second is terrestrial or earth energy. Though these two categories seem to cross over in places.
Atmospheric energy is captured through the use of antenna, towers, cones & pyramids.
Terrestrial energy can be harnessed with wires and magnets set up in alignment with our north & south poles. It can also be collected using an anode (usually zinc) & cathode (usually copper) placed in the earth. As described in my previous post.
All of the above energies can be viewed as a voltage, but for the purposes of agriculture all we are interested in now is how to collect this energy and feed it back into our garden.
Atmospheric energy antenna
Justin Christofleau pioneered an antenna 100 years ago which was placed high in the air above your land, on top of a wooden post.
Taken from Christofleau's book Electroculture
Christofleau's device was designed to capture not just atmospheric energy but also the energy created by the warming and cooling action of the sun, the energy of the freezing cold nights and humidity of the mornings, the energy of the wind, the rain and even the lightening storms. All of this along with terrestrial magnetism and the energy of the earth which he refers to as telluric currents.
His goal was simple, to create as much natural electricity as possible and feed it back into the land at a specific point or across a long distance in a straight line running from south to north.
A modern version of this antenna can been seen here.
This one is designed by Yannick Van Doorne, a great man who is basically our modern version of Christofleau, having been working in this field for two decades. You can buy the antenna from his website here or if you are like me, you can just figure out what it all is and make it yourself.
The basic principle is to raise them up in the air. The higher you go, the more land you are boosting with energy.
Classic spirals
Inspired by the work of Pier Luigi Ighina spirals are also designed to channel atmospheric electricity. They are placed like this in the ground to direct the energy toward the base of the cone where you have your plants.
When they are placed the other way around they channel the energy up towards the branches of your trees.
Used together they collect the energy in the middle where it can be fed down a pole and back into the earth.
Fibonachi spirals
Much like the classic spirals these are attached to the top of your antenna where they utilise divine ratios to tap into cosmic energy.
Can't be too hard to make these once you have a decent template to work with.
Lakhovsky coil
Invented over 100 years ago by Georges Lakhovsky this basic device is made from copper and placed around the tree or plant you want to boost with energy.
The important things to remember here is that the two ends be close but not touching. The orientation needs to be north/south with the open side facing north.
For best effect it is placed at a slight angle of 20° to 30°, seen here.
Most electrical cables are made of copper so you really can build this yourself with ease.
Replicating the divine ratios present in the Great pyramids one can create copper structures underneath which everything becomes energised.
As I mentioned before these techniques are nothing new. Here is a book on the subject by Les Brown, written in 1978.
Pyramids can be used in your garden or in your warehouse to energise seeds before you plant them.
The best prices I can see appear to be on Yannick's website.
Menhir tower
History is understandably vague about these large man-made structures.
Almost nothing is known of the social organization or religious beliefs of the people who erected the menhirs. Their language is also unknown. It is known, however, that they buried their dead and had the skills to grow crops, farm and make pottery, stone tools and jewelry. Identifying the purpose or use of menhirs remains speculative. wiki
Despite wiki's assurances we have no idea what they were for, I would say it is understood now that these stones catch and re-direct energy to the plants around them (if only their current caretakers would permit the right kind of plants to grow there).
You can thankfully avoid lugging around large stones today as in their modern form they are sold looking like this.
Obviously you just place it in your garden and watch for results.
Irish round tower
This is the same concept as the menhir though arguably the round towers were built by a later civilisation.
Many of them are found in Ireland (hence the name) but they are in fact found all over the world, always built to the same exact proportions.
On a smaller scale they also work great. One seen here surrounded by potatoes.
These can be bought from here along with basalt cones which either sit on top of the menhir towers or directly on the soil.
Yannick encourages us to get creative and try out ideas, like putting them in positions we know to be powerful.
Yannick also makes cool little gadgets for sticking on your garden tools so that with every shovel of soil you are also injecting it with energy.
Looks a lot like something you can do yourself.
I mean really. You can do this!
Magnestism cables
Again designed by Yannick, what you are looking at here is a collection of magnets surrounded by bees wax (believed to have etherial properties) through which runs a galvanised steel cable.
The magnet end of the cable is then placed on the south side of your field and the cable runs in a northward direction to the end of your land.
Everything growing within a 1m distance of the cable will flourish.
Even if it is suspended just above the ground like this.
Yannick demonstrates the effectiveness of his device in this video.
And if you are interested, you can buy it here for €21.00 which seems reasonable enough.
Photographic evidence
While the proof is of course in the pudding and you're just gonna have to bake this cake if you want to see definitive evidence, we do still have some images online of what can be done with electroculture.
The older ones (provided by Christofleau) are perhaps not so convincing due to their age but still interesting none-the-less.
For your reference, this is how high oats normally grow.
What about these, referred to here as trefoil, but you probably know them as clovers.
Again, for your reference, here are some non electrified clovers.
Here we have peas up to 9ft high!
I grow peas myself so I can tell you this is triple what they would normally be.
Hard to find the source for this image but it comes up in a few places as being the product of elctroculture.
This one is certainly authentic and shows a man demonstrating how much his tomatoes have grown since he started using electroculture.
Humans are basically just plants on legs because we need all the same things as them. Warmth, water, light, oxygen, nutrition and as we now understand, electricity.
Lakhovsky coils have been in use for over a century as bracelets or belts designed to benefit our health.
Lakhovsky's multi-wavelength oscillator creates an electrical field between two spirals while a patient sits and absorbs this energy for a short period each day.
It is said this device heals completely any disease you can throw at it. While I cannot at this point verify the authenticity of that statement, I strongly suspect it to be true! And you will never see this device in the office of your local doctor.
Meditation Pyramids
I am going to build one of these for sure. And if it feels good in there I will incorporate a huge one into the design of our future earthship home.
You can even wear them on your head!
These ones can be ordered from Etsy.
Yannick Van Doorne
I highly recommend following the work of Yannick Van Doorne who appears to be very much ahead of the rest and leading the charge of this new movement.
His youtube channel can be found here with a very interesting playlist in english here.
I like him because his understanding of this subject has grown organically from his first thesis on the healing power of music & sound on plants, back twenty years ago. He describes how the people of our great past would sing to their plants in the mornings, creating a resonance which kept everything in balance. I really feel the truth in this and am keen now to start writing music now with my plants in mind! His thesis was inspired by his observation that plants do not start growing in the Spring until the birds start returning and singing their song in the morning.
Yannick later learned how to transfer intentions and chemical formulas to water (using electricity and a Lakhovsky coil) which is later sprayed on plants with amazing effect. Sounds crazy I know but having read studies on the memory of water this sounds perfectly plausible to me and again, I look forward to transferring my own intentions to water which will be sprayed in my garden. Once I spot something which needs adjusting!
He speaks about Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Vitruvian Man’ and the upper position of the arms (where they touch the circle) as being particularly important.
He tells us that when the arms are in this position we become antennas and can in this moment use our intentions to affect our reality. "I want 5cms of rain this week" might be a typical question from a gardener/food producer. Be specific he says, because the Universe likes to joke with us. So if we just ask for rain without the specifics, we may get a flood or just a few drops.
All of this really resonates with me because back in my London days I used to get up before sunrise, trudge up to my local park and sungaze for periods of up to 44mins with my old buddy @sebcam and would often adopt this exact position with my arms. Needless to say, all the things I visualised back while I was sungazing in London, I now have.
For the last ten years Yannick has worked exclusively in the field of electroculture, developing his own techniques and doing his best to share this message with the world.
He recommends, if you are going ahead with these techniques, that you draw the following two symbols in your soil before you begin.
The first represents the four elements and an open circuit. The second is an open heart. Both of which let your land know your intentions and facilitate the kind of relationship which permits you to ask for 5cm of rain and then receive it.
I have listened to around 20h of his lectures in the last week (as is my way when I am into something) and I cannot emphasise enough how amazing this man is. A prophet of our times who will, if we let him, guide us to total food abundance like the world has never known before.
There are other innovators of course, some of them developing passive electroculture (as described in this post), while others are developing active electroculture which uses batteries and standard electricity to boost plant growth. But the bottom line is the same for both - electricity is good for plants.
And also for humans! Assuming we are talking about natural electricity. As someone who doesn't wear shoes I know this very well. Earthed, grounded and in sync with the Schumann resonances and natural energies of our Great Playground for over 10 years!
Since learning about this subject for the first time a few weeks ago I keep spotting evidence of our connection to it, hiding in plain sight. Like this pamphlet which ended up on our table today, advertising a Christmas fair for children.
It's a spiral surrounding a beautiful looking plant!
How weird is that? I shouldn't be surprised really. These things are often presented to me by the Universe as a way of letting me know I am on the right track.
In conclusion
There is evidently a balance to be achieved between cosmic energies and earth energies. Too much of one or the other and you will end up with big but deformed vegetables, pulling either too much toward the sky or the ground. But no two pieces of land require the same balance of energy to get the best out of your plants and even this will vary from year to year, so for the enlightened gardener there must be a constant observation of all techniques and the effect they are having on growth.
Personally I will be buying or building the following things.
- Antenna (I will make one and wire it to the top of a long bamboo)
- Spirals (will make as many as possible, distributing everywhere)
- Magnetism lines (will probably buy a few of these and run them along the longest north/south lines I have on my land)
- Lakhovsky coil (will make a ton of these with a bunch of old cables I have)
- Pyramids (don't have a welding kit, but this may just be the reason I need to buy one!)
It is said that once you've been using these techniques on your land land for five years, your crops will reach their optimum. And from that moment onwards they will always grow quickly, they will always be massive, they will always be rich in nutrition, they will always taste amazing, they will never get sick and they will forever be the talk of town!
All you have to do is set up your passive electroculture systems and never move them.
For this reason you have no time to waste.
That being said I believe the old saying "the best time to plant a fruit tree is 20 years ago" no longer applies because with electroculture we can achieve the same results in a fraction of the time.
Yes my friends, this really can change the world!
Looking forward not only to documenting my own results here but also to seeing yours :)
Love & Light everyone 🌱
Link to Yannick's website in English can be found here
A follow-up to this post (in which I show you some zero-budget ways to get started) can be found here