The fibonacci spiral vortex energiser with Heddeka/quartz resin base

in #hive-19841511 months ago


I dry fasted for seven days this week and one of the many results from what is usually a profoundly insightful period/process has been the creation of a new device, my first version of a water energiser designed for the kitchen table where it will charge not only our water but also the people, plants and animals who sit around it every day.

Keep water in it overnight and you will taste the difference in the morning. This is because it has become living water with its life-force energy boosted by the multiple different frequencies going on inside the device.

I will break down for you now the specifics of this water energiser so that you may understand it fully and gain the capacity to re-create it in your own way.

Building on inspiration

A few weeks ago I saw this image of a creation by Brombo of Shardana Geometries and felt really inspired by its simplicity and elegance.

While I knew I should probably just wait for the last bits of my welding equipment to arrive before getting started with this, I was too excited to hold back and so this creation is therefore made without welding, relying on thin copper wire to connect all the pieces.

Why the Heddeka base?

The triskelion or ”triskele” or “heddeka” is also known as the tri-spiral or “Spiral of Life.” It is an ancient and powerful symbol found originally in Ireland where it was intuitively used by local fishermen who placed the copper spirals in their fish tanks to sustain the lives of the fish longer.


I set mine in resin on a steel base with blue glass, three quartz crystals and decorative spirals.

You can just about see one of the quartz crystals here in the resin.

The piece of wood I am using is a broken swing, infused with the energy of two years worth of children having fun!

It was quite a test attaching the spiral without creating tension which made the whole thing wonky.

Every part of this device has been made using three cubit measurements. Sacred, Lost & Empowerment. With relevant intentions infused into all that twisted wire, so that it all works together in harmony.

Even the piece of wood has been cut (on my new workbench) to be exactly half a lost cubit in length.

The total length of the spiral is x3 lost cubits. It connects the lost cubit tensor ring at the bottom with the sacred cubit tensor ring at the top, while the empowerment cubit tensor ring sits on the outside, running through the fibonacci spirals.

I took it outside yesterday evening shortly after completion and snapped a few different shots of it.

Viewed from above here.

In the lid for the glass container I put another quartz crystal and a Nazca spiral (also known as a Tesla coil).

The Heddeka base just seemed essential given its ability to purify water.

Here it is on our kitchen table, decorated now with other items, orgonite pyramids and crystals mostly.

It also works in sync with my seed of life which can be placed on top like this overnight.

Final thoughts

After its first night on our kitchen table the skies were alive with colour this morning!

I finished building the device on the full moon so it will have heightened energy and I wondered as I marvelled at this beautiful sky if perhaps the Universe was showing me its appreciation with this glorious display?

The way in which I am going to exchange with people in order for them to acquire one of these devices is gradually becoming clear to me, though not yet crystal. It will be something along the lines of a gifting (donation) system but more complex than this because my devices will be tailor made to your specific requirements. In fact, a prerequisite for getting your hands on one of these is agreeing to having a conversation with me. Video call if you feel it, voice call if not.

There is a much more effective Universal method of exchange available to all of us but to use it we must first let go of old systems which hold us to them tightly by playing on our fears.

Bold alternatives await those who seek them!

The bottom line here is that you will soon be able to get your hands on any of these devices I have been creating using a method of exchange which aims to think outside the box on the common problems arriving from our modern understanding of business, which if left unchecked, will quickly over-run the energy of authentic devices being made to help people.

There is a balance to be found and I look forward to sharing more details on this!

Love & Light everyone 🌱




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What did the mayonnaise say to the icebox?
Close the door, I am dressing.

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I must say you have become very proficient at making these wonderful items. They are lovely to look at in addition to being highly useful.

Appreciate you saying so.

I feel like there is no boundary now between electroculture antenna and art/sculpture. Once an understanding is acquired around how everything works, the potential applications become limitless.

Just remembered I forgot to post here the other thing I made this week which was a small Heddeka/shungite/resin pendant I now keep under my pillow. Since putting it there my dreams have been AMAZING every night. Which is quite unusual for me around the full moon and I feel sure they are connected to the effects of the shungite which basically sucks up all the negative energies around my head.

Looking forward to creating some kind of catalogue for all these devices...

Unstoppable 💪❤️

Great to know you are with us on this ride brother.

I feel like we are just getting warmed up here ;)

Still waiting on fire bricks to arrive before I can turn the heat up to 3000°C and start melting metal...

Wow Sam, I couldn't be more impressed. I energise my water in a simple copper pot. LOL
Your design just oozes health and beauty. Will you clean it meticulously as it tarnishes? If so what would you suggest cleaning it with?

Thank you for your compliment. No doubt a simple copper pot is still an effective system. Our intentions and emotions are a huge part of it I think. Also the blessing we hold in our head as we clasp the water, just about to drink it. So much power in this moment, often overlooked.

Will you clean it meticulously as it tarnishes? If so what would you suggest cleaning it with?

I asked the same question of my new friend and guru in this department and his response was that copper is a living metal which reacts with the environment around it so should be left to do as it pleases. The way it changes over time will speak to us and keeping it looking fresh & shiny all the time should not be the goal. Plus, I think with twisted copper wires it must be almost impossible to clean. Easier to just let it go and observe the changes over time.


Excellent approach. Personalized, tailor-made, authentic devices sounds perfect. Looking forward to our call once you have the frames ready 😊

Sabrina & I have been preparing a dedicated room in our house for this new wave of production. She finally bought a massive desk for her sewing machine and I put all my tools in the same box!

What a ride this has been. Honestly I don't think I've ever been so excited about an upcoming winter before ;)

I have a list now of around ten people waiting for devices. Let's aim to chat directly before I start creating yours. Will let you know when as soon as it becomes clear. Hopefully before Christmas!

Having a family and a partner that supports one is absolutely priceless!
In regards to the frames: Sounds great. Let's do that!