Less Roads More Cars

in #hive-153850last month


Transportation plays an important role to the growth of a country's economy by providing a means for goods to be moved from one place to another and by making services easily accessible to people such as schools and hospitals. And to make sure that transportation can proceed as smooth as possible, it is essential to have road networks that will connect to different places, providing a dedicated space for vehicles to move. However, expanding, let alone maintaining roads proves to be a difficult task as roads were used almost 24/7 while over time, the volume of cars on the road just increases which becomes a major problem that only breeds more problems.


One apparent result of having too many cars is the congestion of traffic as cars will find it hard to move on the road, resulting for a longer travel time which may affect the quality of goods, particularly the perishable types and may lead for people getting late for their work which is something that I always have to consider everyday as I heavily rely on public transport to get to my workplace. As cars on the road remains active even when they are not moving during the traffic it also cause for an increased fuel consumption which just propagate air pollution which can harm not only the environment but also our health.

Having too many cars on the road would also result for the faster degradation of the road given that they are receiving more stress than they are supposed to have. Few signs of this are the potholes which not only can make passing the road more difficult but it can also damage the vehicle and at worst, can lead to traffic incidents. Filling those potholes with asphalt might solve the issue for a time but as long as the volume of cars does not reduce, it will be nothing but a band- aid fix and as time goes, more potholes will just emerge, making the cost for the repair of the road more expensive than if they just rebuild the road from scratch.

In what ways do I think will help to reduce car volume on the road?

A huge percentage of the vehicles on the road are owed by private individuals and there are already some steps that government have implement in order to reduce the number of private cars on the road but the people have find ways to circumvent it making their efforts futile. One of those was to implement a number coding scheme where cars with plates ending to a certain group of number would not be allowed to use the road for a day but people have just ended up buying another vehicle so that they can use it when their other car cannot be used, making it barely affect the car volume. Another step that the government does was to provide alternate routes that might take longer distance but will save the time in theory since there are less cars using it but residents of those place would use as their parking lots.

At this point, I do not know any other means to resolve this issue other than utilizing other means of transportation such as boats on areas with river and adding more trains that will connect busy cities while also continuing to expansion of roads but that could take longer to implement and would require tremendous amount of funds. So, if I was really thinking about a more immediate solution, it was to limit the number of vehicle that a household to own and only allow them to buy car if they have an appropriate parking space so that they would not occupy alternative travel roads. But I think it will be hard given that car companies would not want their revenue to reduce and will do everything in their power to prevent this for happening.

Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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