Facing Life’s Challenges: How Financial Decisions Shape Our Future

in #hive-16792218 days ago

Financial decisions are something that is very important and can be very crucial to laying the foundation of something that is going to be extremely important in the future and that is going to help to shape a lot of things that are going to be faced by us in the future and that is why it becomes extremely necessary to be paying utmost attention as well as making the decision with so many things in mind that it is going to be flawless in the end and always going to be looking like as the way we want it to be.


Throughout our lives, there will be a lot of such situations when we are going to be facing ourselves at a point where we have to make a decision and that decision is going to be responsible for the timeline that is going to be followed after that a particular event and that is under our control until that particular point when we are made that particular decision because life is very much impacted by finances and these financial decisions are extremely core to the things that are going to happen and are going to be a factor in every single decision that we are going to be making more or less.

If you ask me personally about financial decisions then it is going to be not so much Cherry find for me because right now I am a student myself and I have made a couple of financial decisions that I would love to discuss and one of the most influential one is definitely going to be choosing to be paying the University fees of mine on my own and not taking any support from my parents and for that doing a lot of activities such as freelancing and been involved in a lot of other activities as well to keep myself afloat and have a chance At looking how the real world looks like when I still have a support at my back if things go south.


I would say that it was something that I took as a challenge for myself but in the process it was very fruitful I got involved in a lot of sectors from a very young age I started to gain a lot of knowledge about these industries which is something that we have to be gaining when we are getting a real-life experience in them and that comes under very older age and I feel lucky to have got that at a very younger age and that could not have had happened if I had not made that decision to be keeping myself involved in all of the activities that are going to be necessary so that I can manage my own University fees.

However, it has not been always a sweet ride even now I have a lot of semesters to carry forward but there have been many instances where I find that I might be facing a lot of difficulties in making ends meet but it is something that we need to be looking forward and always having that particular attitude that we are going to be making prove it and that is what I had and eventually, I got few solutions to those particular problems and I am still afloat even right now and that is something that I am very proud of at least on myself and I believe that I will be ending my education at my expenses.


I have a very positive Vibe about all of this at an overall level because all of this is making me learn a lot of things and the same time also preparing me for the real-life challenges that am going to face in the future because right now I have a support system as the form of my parents but once I enter the real life and I have to manage my bills and everything this experience will count in quite a lot the work experience that I am gaining is also invaluable sour at an overall perspective I would feel that the financial decision the time made about making my own University fees managed is something that has been a very great decision for me.

I feel that all of this is going to an end in a great manner and the plan that I have made is going to be successful in the end that is going to be something that I will be targeting and working very hard to achieve and it is going to be something that I will be having a lot of attention on and this kind of things and going to be face by us well and you would have to face a lot more challenges than me because I am pretty young at this point of time and just 22 years old and that is going to be something that you might surely have a lot of experience than me.

Along with that, today marks the #hpud or the Hive Power Up Day, and for the initiative, I am going to be powering up 10 HIVE and be a part of it. It's a great way to show our trust and belief in the platform and it's also a great financial decision to be getting ahead with. I don't have much liquid HIVE at the moment so I powered up a small amount but you can do it accordingly for sure.

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