Trees in Celebration: Honoring Their Role in Our Lives and Ecosystem

in #hive-16144722 days ago

Trees are one of those aspects and our life that hold an immense amount of importance and also have a very important role to be playing as they are also referred to be the lungs of the planet and are also part that is completely irremovable from our environment and the entire ecosystem is very vital with its response as it has a lot to offer for mankind and without which the ecosystem is going to be feeling because many species along with the wildlife and a lot of the biosphere that exists right now is just because trees exist.


Even without the environmental benefits that they have to offer they also hold a lot of cultural as well as economic significance in our society as well because they are a medium through which a lot of people can celebrate their culture as well as there are a lot of things that many communities are celebrating with the usage of trees and also having an enormous amount of importance for their cultural celebrations well because dear is a deeper connection with trees as well as nature.

Trees are something that cannot be ever underestimated because the crucial role that they play in the entire universe is vital especially for our ecosystem by providing us oxygen to breed as solas also the role they play in maintaining the health of the soil as well which is also going to be extremely important as they are going to be providing the fertile soil for other things to be produced along with the fact that they also help in preventing soil erosion as well as reducing the chances of natural calamities which also contribute to the fact that day helps in recharging the water table that is under the ground.

Due to a lot of things that make it so important for us it has become a very special thing for humans and there are a lot of celebrations across the world that are held just for trees, especially in India trees hold a very special place in a heart of people because the cultural significance that day has to offer is also very amazing to witness because that is a lot of celebrations along with festivals that happened to be just directed towards the nature as well as the trees and that is a very good reflection of how deep connection humans have along with the environment in India.


One of the most famous celebrations for trees in India has to be Van Mahotsav, in which an entire day is observed which is during the first week of July in which a lot of plants are planted the Indian government has played an immense amount of role in encouraging mass tree plantations across the country and this has been one of the sources of how it has got so much of awareness among people because this has been a very vibrant celebration of trees as well as nature because people from all age groups come together and plant saplings which is also highlighting the fact that how important they are for us as well as the nature and that has been observed from a long amount of time and it dates back to around 1950

In India, The Banyan trees are considered to be sacred and there are a lot of rituals that are performed in a lot of parts of the country, especially in the rural areas where a ceremony is held and a lot of worship, as well as offerings, are a way in which people express their gratitude and the benefit that they happened to provide to the people because that is going to be a great way with which the reflect that they believe that these trees have to offer are very sacred and they happened to have a very good roll that they symbolize the close Bond people happened to have within themselves a specially the bond of marriage and these trees happened to provide humans the strength with which they can be withstanding any problem in their life and may help them from getting imparted.

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Personally from a very young age I was also taught the importance of trees in my school itself as well as at home and almost everywhere I was surrounded by people because they used to be always highlighting the fact that trees happened to have a very important role to play in our lives and the number of benefits that they Doo have is something that cannot be overstated and that has always met me quite passionate about trees as well as the various amount of education that is about the importance of trees because there is a lot of informal conversation that I happened to have with my friends about what it is and that has made me happened to have developed a very deep amount of appreciation for the environment as well as nature, especially the trees which happened to have the most important role.

Nowadays in the modern lifestyle trees have gained a lot of tension, especially after a lot of human activities that have led to the decrement of forest life around the world and that has also gained widespread attention from environmentalists as well as people in higher authorities as well that they need to be locking the benefits of trees as well as also protecting them to be making sure that they do not happen to get extent which will be very harmful to our environment and also may raise questions on our existence as well.

We need to acknowledge the fact that trees are definitely an indispensable part of our lifestyle as well as nature itself and we always need to be very grateful for their existence because the amount of importance that they hold is going to be extremely important across generations and we need to have that responsibility within ourselves that the future generations often have not to think about what are the problems that are going to be caused without trees and that is what we need to understand and also encourage people to have that awareness and end up contributing towards a greener and healthier world

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It is up to us to make sure that the following generations give them the importance within the ecological balance. It just reminds me of the movie The Lorax, in which people bought bottled oxygen, because in that city there were no real trees, only some made with balloons that served as decoration.
Remember that the images to be used must be of free use, it is not enough just to quote them. Likewise, we must take care of our children's image, so exposing them without the right of their parents may be compromising.

Indeed we must understand the fact about the importance trees have for the entire ecosystem which is totally reliant on it's existence.

I understand the aspect about the photos, I'll surely take care about that from my future posts.

Thanks a lot for stopping by !