
in #hive-1484413 months ago

I feel it must be an act of fate for me to chose to write on this prompt just two posts after my burnout.
A typical example of a hard challenge after a breakthrough, cause truly, for someone who writes basically by instinct.
How does he get inspiration to write about inspiration?

Well after a few hours, I figured it out. He doesn't.


"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." — Pablo Picasso

Looking back at some of my best stories and articles, I had no divine template in my head before I opened my notepad and began typing. I simply took a look at the topic and/or prompt, gave it a thought -'what it means to me or what i could make it mean'- and then began writing.
It was always those three basic steps.
Inspiration just came along the way, as I spun words and smithed stories, I begin to smile and have the particular act that I've created iny head being played out.

Yet there are some times when it's not that easy, most times when I do need to do some prep before writing.


"Inspiration is the spark that sets the fire of creativity ablaze."— Unknown

Most times, I gain inspiration from other forms of art, other people's stories, movies or music.
They move me so bad that I just have to write and try to share these emotions. Try to pass them along.
Inspiration is a fleeting thing, hence I'm always ever ready to use it when it visits.
Sometimes it may not even be a full song or movie or book.
Some times it could be just one verse or scene or chapter, inspiration isn't bounded by the quantity of the material, but it's gleaned by how the audience takes it.
For a story isn't told but received.


"Inspiration is the whisper of your inner voice, guiding you towards your highest potential." — Unknown

Yet there are some few times when I'm writing a story that I do have a second voice in my head.
Trails of a co-director, telling me how this scene should go and how exactly to put the required amount of 'oomph' to make this scene stand out.
I make it a point to never ignore that voice, especially if I'm writing a story that I'm expressively passionate about.
A story that even without a high payout, I can look at and be proud of what I've created. A story that to me the author, just looks magical.
When I'm through, and I read the story or most likely, have some friends read it after it's been posted, I see that this tale is truly a peak for me.


"Inspiration is a fleeting thing, it's a chosen perspective"- Unknown

After all these, some may ask what exactly is inspiration or how does one get it.
The answer is quite simple.
Inspiration is everything and at the same time nothing, it can be anything and at the same time be just one thing.
It depends entirely on the creator who yearns for it.
Plus inspiration isn't something that one sets out to catch, it's more like something that comes to someone.
Like how a cat might come to snuggle close to you but if you try to catch her she'll run away.
That's how fickle inspiration can be.
Although I may be writing from the viewpoint of a writer, I feel that this is the same for all creatives and content creators... Isn't it?

This is a response to the #juneinleo monthly prompt Day 27: "How Do I het Inspiration from my creations or Posts" posted by @leogrowth.

You could check this prompts out if you don't know what to write and need some ideas...


As always there are some lovely prompts on here...

All Images source are embed on the images. Click on the images to go to its source.

My Instagram page.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Keep up the good work. 👏

Recognized by Mystic artist Gudasol

You are loved.

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if it comes to prompts you can be creative, there's no need to discuss the word if you mention it, it's enough. I rarely write about the prompt because about 70 percent of the time I have no idea what it means. For years I have used prompts and better not ask how many times I searched in dictionaries what exactly is meant by the word. Now I write what I like to write about and that's it. Well, sort of it... at a certain point I leave that prompt behind or add it later if I don't forget. I forgot once or twice but then I don't mention I used it. Also if it comes to a prompt there's no need to write about it specifically if you use it for a title and blah blah around it. Free writing I use to empty my head and nothing else. It's not important if I use the prompt, although I like to puzzle it in the text.

I'm sorry to hear about your burnout. Just write and let go of whatever you wrote before. It's not important.

With Prompt writing, most times I don't include the prompt in the text.

Other times it's all about the prompt.
I try to be an impulsive writer that if given and intends to use the prompt, he writes based on the first thing he thinks that relates to the prompt.

I'm not big enough on here that I can write about whatever and get a high payout.

Although that is the plan 😂😂😂