Is rehabilitation of crime resistance is the correct solution?

in #hive-1538504 months ago

Rehabilitation is an important and controversial topic in our society. We have received various opinions from different people on this issue over time. We see many types of rehabilitation cases around us. In our society, it is a crucial matter to consider whether rehabilitation is an effective solution and how significant this process is for society and the state. Today, I want to discuss this topic with you. Today's discussion topic has been provided. I hope to express valuable opinions on this subject, which I hope to share with you from my perspective. However, everyone is trying to create a blog based on everyone's opinions. I am presenting my personal thoughts beautifully.

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Rehabilitation is primarily the process of reintegrating criminals into society as acceptable and productive members, a process that is not seen as simple in our society. Rehabilitation involves bringing a criminal back into society. This process faces social resistance because it is uncertain whether a criminal, who previously committed crimes and left society, can live properly upon return. There is significant concern among people regarding this issue. Therefore, when a criminal seeks to regain social acceptance, many people oppose it, believing there is no place for this person in society. Concerns about the possibility of repeat offenses create various thoughts and attitudes among people.


However, I can present some effective methods to reduce the recurrence of crimes and improve the quality of life for prisoners, which can make a prisoner acceptable to society. I will try to share these points with you below. I will also discuss arguments for and against rehabilitation. I hope you will accept these points thoughtfully.

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Below I'm trying to give some argument against full-resolution that I am completely sharing my own personal opinion.

Arguments for Rehabilitation

1. Humanitarian Perspective: We must cultivate a humanitarian perspective towards prisoners. Everyone deserves a second chance. Many people in our society commit various crimes. If these individuals are not given a chance, how will we know whether they will commit crimes again after returning to society? Many people engage in crime due to adversities, social and economic problems, or mental health issues. It is our responsibility to investigate why someone is driven to crime. Therefore, rehabilitation can be an opportunity to bring positive changes in their lives.

2. **Reducing Crime:** This is very important in our society. Research shows that successful rehabilitation programs can reduce recidivism. If you give someone a chance to return from committing crimes, they will not always feel like a criminal and will not constantly engage in criminal activities. If they are allowed to reintegrate into society, they can acquire new skills and start a new life.

3. Economic Aspect: The economic aspect is very significant for a prisoner. Keeping prisoners is expensive, which is very costly for a government and a state. If you implement rehabilitation programs, you can reintegrate criminals as productive members of society and economically assist the government. To reintegrate a criminal into society, social acceptance is necessary, and providing the opportunity to return to society can help the government avoid financial losses.

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Arguments Against Rehabilitation:

1. Security: Ensuring constant security for a criminal is crucial. Many believe that serious offenders might commit crimes again even after participating in rehabilitation programs. This belief is widespread among people. Therefore, if constant security measures can be implemented, bringing such criminals into rehabilitation programs, especially those involved in violent crimes, can be considered.

2. Costly Process Rehabilitation programs are very expensive. Everything needs to be arranged by the government. It will be very challenging to implement if you cannot manage everything properly and timely. Improper management can lead to ineffective rehabilitation processes..

3. Weakening the Justice System: Effective punishment management may weaken the justice system. Many believe that if rehabilitation is implemented, the punishment for severe offenders might be reduced, leading to a problematic future. Rehabilitation might be seen as lighter than punishment, failing to provide appropriate justice to criminals. This can pose significant issues for society.

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Considering the above points, you can see the varying acceptability of opinions regarding rehabilitation. I have tried to present some arguments against rehabilitation beautifully. However, I believe that murderers and fraudsters, if they come through this process, can learn from their mistakes. Fraudsters are not necessarily bad people, and murderers have different mindsets. Therefore, I support punishment based on the type of crime.

However, I can also argue in favor of rehabilitation. Providing education and training to prisoners is crucial. Education and technical training can help prisoners leave their criminal pasts behind and integrate into various jobs upon release. Proper training and education can significantly change a person, guiding them towards a better path. A prime example is setting up educational and technical education systems for those in rehabilitation and providing them with financial support.

Mental health is crucial for criminals. If you can provide humanitarian support services or counseling, it can help address the mental and behavioral issues of a criminal. Counseling can resolve the distress within a criminal's mind, helping them to leave crime behind. When they enter the rehabilitation process, they will no longer have any issues, focusing on how to earn a livelihood instead. Providing opportunities for new education in prison and training them on how to earn can encourage them to live well in this world.

Social support is also vital. When someone commits a crime, they are ostracized by society. Upon release, they do not receive the necessary social support. Establishing a comprehensive social support system can help them live well. Ensuring employment for released prisoners through social management can help them live properly and avoid engaging in bad activities. Therefore, society needs to establish a system to prevent them from committing crimes.

Overall, if the rehabilitation program is planned and implemented correctly, it can be an effective way to reduce crime. I believe a proper decision and appropriate plan can adequately solve a problem. If properly planned and managed at the right time, social issues can be resolved. When the state discusses this matter, a proper plan and effective rehabilitation program management can be implemented. Ensuring measures for social and personal security is crucial because human behavior is unpredictable. Thus, when a criminal enters the rehabilitation process, the state must ensure they cannot harm anyone else. Therefore, I believe a well-planned and managed rehabilitation process can be successfully implemented.


Thank you all for your valuable time reading my blog


I agree with you about the crime rate, it will reduce drastically because they will be treated with love and care.

The State must participate much more in the process of rehabilitation of offenders, but it must invest and plan, it cannot be in the same rehabilitation process the one who steals for food hunger and the one who swindles many people to steal their money. They are different types of therapy, different profiles. Likewise, money should be invested in crime prevention by talking about it in schools, colleges and universities, telling citizens what the consequences and punishments are. The rehabilitation of a prisoner is possible depending on the state of mental health of the person.

You beautifully outlined the pros and cons of integrating rehabilitation. Personally, I don't assume that there would be a 100% positive result from having these people go through rehab but one think I think is certain is that there will be more positives from it than negatives.

You’ve really made great points here and I totally agree with you.

All we do is dump these individuals in prison without paying attention to their needs or even how they are treated. I believe if the government would look into this, criminals could even come out of prison better than when they arrived. We need to implement programs that would help these people in the outside world while they serve their time.