[EN/PT-BR] Dividend Earnings - Commenting on Some Tokens.

in #hive-1679223 months ago

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It's been a while since I talked about my updates in search of creating a passive income here within Hive and I believe that today could be a good time for that. To show you what I've been focusing on, I'll first share with you the image below, showing the APR that I calculated from my assets. Holding these Tokens guarantees a daily or weekly payout in Hive. This table corresponds to today, the 25th, minus 7 days of calculations.


I will comment lightly on the three best on this list.



At first, we can analyze that the SIM token, with its daily payment, has done very well in terms of APR, being marked at 33.74%. In this case, to carry out this calculation, I use HiveSQL to add up how much I received in Hive in 7 days, to carry out all the calculations. With those who already make payments once a week, I don't need to worry about the calculation.

The interesting thing about investing in the SIM token, being the dCity game token, is that you can hold both liquid in your account and put it in the Liquidity Pool (LP) SWAP.HIVE:SIM and so, regardless of where they are, your holding power will be counted by adding up everything you have. Leaving it in the pool, you still have the daily reward gain for providing liquidity for it, increasing daily, whether a lot or a little, your total for calculating the daily gain in Hive.




Secondly, we have the DAB token, the result of mining carried out by the DBOND token. This project was recommended by a friend, unfortunately I didn't get it as much at first, but I was able to take advantage of the prices when purchasing the DBOND. In this case, starting from scratch, I currently have 504 in Stake, which perform a small mining on DAB. Depending on the amount of DAB tokens you hold in their liquid state, you receive a daily hive payment.

If you choose to stake DAB, you receive a little DBOND daily, thus creating a complete Ecosystem of earnings that is self-complete. For now, I stopped at 504 DBONDs, but I will soon buy more again. If you want to win by delegation, you can do so by delegating Hive Power (HP) to the @dab-vote profile. With this, the APR is really very good, staying around 33%, slowly and steadily I will continue increasing my liquid DAB hold.




Lastly, we have EDS, a token that pays us net weekly, also based on the amount of tokens you have in your Wallet. It doesn't need to be staked, just leaving liquid in your second layer wallet already provides the payment that happens every Monday. You can obtain the token by purchasing directly through hive-engine or by staking it from one of its miners, such as EDSMM for example.


You get the EDSD token in a 1:1 HBD:EDSD ratio when you send HBD (Hive Backed Dollar) to the @eds-d profile and so by also holding it in your wallet, you receive EDS once a week, on Mondays. In this case I won this only token that I have, I haven't invested in it yet, preferring to take the EDSMM mining company for now, but in the future everything could change.

Another detail is that the EDS token provides us with a small vote for anyone who has at least 100 tokens in their wallet, this helps with posts if you make them. In the calculation above, I didn't include this return of votes in the account, after all, what I'm looking for are just the returns of earnings that come, let's say, without effort, so, these tokens are part of this objective, after all, they are just for holding them.



Together with some delegation returns, this last week a total of 5 hives were obtained, demonstrating that I still have a long way to go, but that's what's interesting. Learning more and more while having fun during the process, understanding better, looking for new strategies and understanding that achieving a good dividend income takes time, but it is normal that we slowly manage to create something that will help us in the future.


In certain periods I can even get more than 5 Hive per week, depending on how the whole process goes, I have already managed to get some higher amounts. You need to be calm and understand that the process of financial freedom takes time. Speeding things up without planning can be more of a hindrance than a help, think about that!




Faz um tempo que não falo sobre minhas atualizações em busca de criar uma renda passiva aqui dentro da Hive e acredito que hoje possa ser um bom momento para isso. Para mostrar no que tenho focado, primeiro compartilho com vocês a imagem abaixo, mostrando o APR que calculei dos meus ativos. Segurar estes Tokens garante um pagamento diário ou semanal em Hive. Essa tabela corresponde a hoje, dia 25, menos 7 dias de cálculos.


Irei comentar de leve sobre os três melhores dessa lista.



A princípio, podemos analisar que o token SIM com o seu pagamento diário, tem se saído muito bem na questão do APR, sendo marcado em 33,74%. No caso, para realizar essa conta, utilizo o HiveSQL para somar o quanto recebi em Hive em 7 dias, para assim realizar todos os cálculos. Com aqueles que já realizam o pagamento uma vez por semana, não preciso me preocupar com o cálculo.

O interessante em investir no token SIM, sendo o token do jogo dCity, é que você pode segurar ele tanto líquido em sua conta, como colocar na Liquidity Pool (LP) SWAP.HIVE:SIM e assim, independente do local em que eles estão, o seu poder de hold será contabilizado somando tudo o que você possui. Deixando na pool, ainda se tem o ganho de recompensa diária por prover liquidez para a mesma, aumentando diariamente, seja muito ou pouco, o seu total para o cálculo do ganho diário em Hive.




Em segundo lugar, temos o token DAB resultado da mineração realizada pelo token DBOND. Este projeto foi recomendado por um amigo, infelizmente não peguei ele tanto no começo, mas deu para aproveitar bem os preços ao realizar a compra do DBOND. No caso, começando do zero, no momento tenho 504 em Stake, que realizam uma pequena mineração no DAB. Conforme a quantidade de tokens DAB que você segura em seu estado líquido, recebe um pagamento em hive diário.

Caso opte por realizar o stake do DAB, você recebe um pouco de DBOND diariamente, criando assim um completo Ecossistema de ganhos que se auto completa. Por enquanto, parei na numeração de 504 DBONDs, mas, em breve, voltarei a comprar mais. Caso queira ganhar por delegação, pode fazer isso delegando Hive Power (HP) para o perfil @dab-vote. Com isso, o APR é realmente muito bom, ficando na casa dos 33%, devagar e sempre vou continuar aumentando o meu hold de DAB liquido.




Por ultimo, temos o EDS, um token que paga semanalmente hive líquido para nós, baseado também na quantidade de tokens que você tem em sua Carteira. Ele não precisa de stake, apenas deixando líquido na sua carteira de segunda camada já proporciona o pagamento que acontece toda segunda-feira. Você pode obter o token comprando diretamente pela hive-engine ou então realizando o stake de uma de suas mineradoras, como o EDSMM por exemplo.


O token EDSD você obtém na relação 1:1 HBD:EDSD ao enviar HBD (Hive Backed Dollar) para o perfil @eds-d e assim ao também segurar ele em sua carteira, você recebe EDS uma vez por semana, nas segundas-feiras. Neste caso eu ganhei esse único token que possuo, ainda não investi nele, preferindo pegar a mineradora EDSMM por enquanto, mas, no futuro tudo pode mudar.

Outro detalhe é que o token EDS nos proporciona um pequeno voto para quem possuir pelo menos 100 tokens em sua carteira, isso ajuda com as postagens caso você as faça. No cálculo lá em cima, eu não coloquei na conta esse retorno dos votos na conta, afinal, o que busco são apenas os retornos de proventos que venham, digamos, que sem esforço, então, estes tokens entram nesse objetivo, afinal, são apenas por segura-los.



Juntando com alguns retornos de delegação, nessa ultima semana um total de 5 hive obtidos, demonstrando que ainda tenho um longo caminho pela frente, mas é assim mesmo que é o interessante. Aprender cada vez mais enquanto me divirto durante o processo, entendendo melhor, buscando novas estratégias e compreendendo que conseguir uma boa renda de dividendos leva um tempo, mas é normal que devagar conseguimos criar algo que vai nos ajudar no futuro.


Em certos períodos consigo até mais que 5 Hive por semana, dependendo de como for todo o processo, já consegui alguns valores maiores. É preciso ter calma e entender que o processo de liberdade financeira leva tempo. Acelerar as coisas sem planejamento pode mais atrapalhar do que ajudar, pense nisso!



🔹Hive Games: Splinterlands | dCrops | Terracore | Holozing🔹

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Parabéns Shift! Na cotação de hoje você esta ganhando $1 por dia, isso é muito legal. Isso inspira outra pessoas como eu a fazer o mesmo.

Valeu mano, to sempre correndo atrás para conseguir melhorar minhas posições de ganho rs, o caminho é longo e é construído dia após dia! Bora que bora mano!

Keep up the good work. 👏

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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I really appreciate reading about your experience with various income tokens, as they're kind of my thing, and I'm always on the lookout for new reliable ones. I did not know about being able to receive DBOND from delegating to @dab-vote. I'll delegate to that account soon. By the way, you can also receive EDS by delegating to @eds-vote. DRIP is another excellent income token that I wound definitely recommend! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Hello, sorry for the delay in responding! If you like income tokens then we already have something in common, I will follow you to see what your strategies are like and everything, I love learning something new and above all I know that everyone has something to teach!

I have a little bit of DRIP, but it's really very little, but now that you've mentioned it I'm going to take a closer look at reading and learning about it, thank you very much for the tip!

Finally, about eds-vote, actually, I even delegate it to them and I ended up forgetting to put it in the post about it haha 😅, my fault, it happens sometimes! Even so, thank you for the comment and for interacting, a hug and see you next time!

Warm greetings! No worries at all! I'm getting back to you a little late too! Yes, I've been focused on building my Hive Multi-Stream Passive-Income Machine for most of my time on the Blockchain, and solid income tokens are one of the main components of it! Excellent, and I just followed you as well! I very much agree, I learn so much from people writing about their experiences with things like income tokens!

I had a small amount of DRIP, too, until I learned how good it was, and that on July 1st the APR for DRIP payouts (it's a self-growing token) is going to be dropping from 149% to 1%, which would make buying it from the market, or adding assets to its diesel/liquidity pool, necessary to grow it further to any great degree. It has quite a high daily payout in SWAP.HIVE. I ended up using the almost 5,300 SWAP.HIVE that I was growing on Hive Engine as my trading fund (on my @tydyn.rain account) to buy 2,158.414 DRIP (along with 624.355 BXT, 22.628 INCOME, and 50.331 SORT) so I could grow it as much as possible before the July 1st APR change. All SWAP.HIVE that I received from my staked DRIP on that account was used to buy more DRIP, and the DRIP received was sent to this account to stake. The DRIP on that account is to create passive income for trading, and to buy more income tokens. The DRIP on this account (almost 51) will be used to to add to diesel/liquidity pools. The other cool thing about DRIP is that the SWAP.HIVE payout continues to be raised, with plans to continue that moving forward. From the 2,158.414 DRIP staked on that other account, I receive about 0.645 SWAP.HIVE each day, along with 5.396 DRIP.

Hehe...I so understand, as I've done things like that a fair number of times before too! Absolutely, you're most welcome! I'm always happy to help and share useful information! A warm hug to you too, and until soon! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

WOW, I was blown away by this strategy and numbers you shared, you really are light years ahead of me on this issue of passive income, incredible! Yesterday after reading your comments I bought some more DBOND, ARMERO and DRIP too haha, I focused on these tokens.

I put 5 more SWAP.HIVE in the pool that is next to the SIM token and now I get 200 SIM a day, from grain to grain the chicken fills the pot and so I'm growing my portfolio! Thank you very much for sharing this knowledge and information with me, I will leave it written down for further study later!

Thank you very much and a big hug to you!

I'm really grateful that the information that I shared was helpful for you, excellent! I've been building and growing my passive income streams for a while now, and learning how to create a sysrem, where assets from one can be fed into and used to boost and grow others. I'm so curious about ARMERO, as that's one with which I don't have any experience yet!

That's marvelous! I just started buying SIM yesterday, to add more to the pool. I've got to add a lot more! Exactly, little my little, consistently over time goes a very long way! You're so very welcome, absolutely! We're here to help support each other, and to help each other grow, so I'm truly very happy to be able to assist! I wish you overflowing success as you build, grow, and save your assets! Have a glorious weekend, brother, and a big hug to you too! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

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