Printing an ecological thinking in our city. Los Palos Grandes, Caracas, Venezuela. [ESP/ENG]

in #hive-1787082 years ago

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Hola amigos de Hive! 🌱

Hoy quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para reincorporarme nuevamente en la plataforma, y enseñarles uno de los motivos por el cual me encontré totalmente ausente de la página en los últimos meses. También aprovecho de saludar a los integrantes de esta linda comunidad ya que es mi primera publicación acá.

Estudiar arquitectura, precisa cierto grado de constancia y persistencia. La mía se ha visto quebrantada en distintas oportunidades, pero me dedico este post como muestra de que mi pasión e interés por lo que hago, me da suficiente fuerza para sobrellevarlo, seguir desarrollando y aprendiendo cada día que puedo sobre mi carrera.

No es sencillo para todos generar un equilibrio para ser consecuente con cosas más allá de los estudios, y admiro ampliamente a aquellos que son capaces de lograrlo. Hasta cierto punto estuve de tomando consideraciones y siendo muy flexible conmigo misma, pero decidí que por los subsiguientes meses me dedicaría plenamente a mis responsabilidades académicas, y aunque se presentaron muchos altibajos, logré finalizar mi semestre sin ningún inconveniente.

Este semestre fui adquiriendo herramientas de estudio que me ayudaron a imprimir un pensamiento más crítico en lo que estoy diseñando. También he aprendido la importancia que trae consigo el estudio del espacio en el que trabajamos. La arquitectura en cierta forma puede degradar lo que representa originalmente un sitio, por ello su estudio previo nos ayuda a proteger su contexto, su historia, y a trabajar con la intención de corregir errores del pasado sin irrespetar la identidad de la zona. Les voy a comentar a continuación un poco de lo que fue mi trabajo de Diseño 1.3.

Hello friends of Hive. 🌱

Today I want to take this opportunity to rejoin the platform again, and show you one of the reasons why I found myself totally absent from the page in the last months. Also will take this opportunity to greet the members of this beautiful community due this is my first publication here.

Studying architecture requires a certain level of perseverance and persistence. Mine has been broken on several times, but I dedicate this post as a reminder that my passion and interest in what I do, gives me enough strength to cope, continue to develop and learn every day what I can about my career.

It's not easy for everyone to generate a balance to be consistent with things beyond studies, and I really admire those who are capable to achieve it. To a certain point I was taking considerations and being very flexible with myself, but I decided that for the next few months I would fully dedicate myself to my academic responsibilities, and although there were many ups and downs, I managed to finish my semester without any inconvenience.

This semester I was acquiring some study tools that helped me to print a more critical thinking in what I'm designing. I have also learned the importance of studying the space in which we work. Architecture in a certain way, can degrade what a site originally represents, that is why the previous study helps us to protect its context, its history, and give us the chance of work with the intention of correcting past mistakes without disrespecting the identity of the area. I'm going to explain a little about my work in Design 1.3.


Mi semestre inició con un par de interrogantes y muchas lecturas para generar un pensamiento al respecto de la relevancia y la relación del lugar con la arquitectura. Tomamos como punto de partida tres ensayos bastante interesantes sobre este tema, ‘‘El murmullo del Lugar’’ de Rafael Moneo, mi favorito, ‘‘Ensayo sobre arquitectura moderna y lugar.’’ de Josep María Montaner, y por último pero no menos importante, Mimesis En Las Arquitecturas de «Lugar»: Louis I. Kahn. de Juan Miguel Ochotorena Elícegui.

Tras todas estas distintas perspectivas, yo decidí enfocar mi estudio a una problemática que se ha venido agigantando con el pasar de las décadas en las ciudades, la desaparición del entorno natural.

La realidad contemporánea en la ciudad se limita a hacer prevalecer el patrimonio artificial e idealizar a la naturaleza, haciendo que el verdadero entorno natural se desaparezca. ¿A qué me refiero con esto? Pues, sin hacer mucha cabeza podemos imaginar muchos restaurantes con paredes verdes artificiales, aceras con arboles que desean con vehemencia saltar de dicha cárcel de concreto, y arboles tropicales instalados en ambientes urbanos o poco acorde con sus necesidades.

My semester started with a couple of questions and a lot of readings to generate a thought about the relevance and relationship of place with architecture. We took as a starting point three quite interesting essays on this topic, ''El murmullo del Lugar'' by Rafael Moneo, my favorite one, ''Ensayo sobre arquitectura moderna y lugar.'' by Josep María Montaner, and last but not least, Mimesis En Las Arquitecturas de "Lugar": Louis I. Kahn. by Juan Miguel Ochotorena Elícegui.

After all these different perspectives, I decided to focus my study on a problem that has been growing over the decades in the cities: the disappearance of the natural environment.

The contemporary reality in the city is limited to make the artificial heritage prevail and idealize nature, making the real natural environment disappear. What do I mean by this? Well, without doing much thinking we can imagine many restaurants with artificial green walls, sidewalks with trees that vehemently want to jump out of that concrete prison, and tropical trees installed in urban environments or little according to their needs.

Mi pensamiento para atacar esta problemática fue incorporar un pensamiento ecológico al momento de pensar en plantear una arquitectura, buscar un punto medio entre el entorno en el que se trabaja y la arquitectura, conocer y entender el lugar para evitar la continua degradación de estos espacios. Esta solución va un poco tomada de la mano de una estrategia propuesta por el arquitecto Kenneth Frampton, denominada regionalismo crítico, la cual sugiere, una relación un poco más didáctica con la naturaleza.

Toda esta respuesta surgió de manera idealizada, pensando en cómo debería pensar cuando se presentara un espacio, pero el verdadero reto inició cuando me proporcionaron un lugar que no contaba con ninguna de las características que yo tenía en mente.

My thought to attack this problem was to incorporate an ecological thinking at the moment of thinking about an architecture, to look for a middle point between the environment in which one works and the architecture, to know and understand the place to avoid the continuous degradation of these spaces. This solution goes hand in hand with a strategy proposed by architect Kenneth Frampton, called critical regionalism, which suggests a more didactic relationship with nature.

This whole response came about in an idealized way, thinking about how I should think when presented with a space, but the real challenge began when I was provided with a place that did not have any of the characteristics I had in mind.



Para empezar a imaginar posibilidades, se nos otorgó una parcela de 2000mts2 ubicada en la tercera avenida de los Palos Grandes, en Caracas, lo cual me genero muchísimo dolor de cabeza por ser un espacio plenamente pavimentado, y encontrarse situado entre dos monstruos enormes dimensiones pertenecientes a la urbanización, como lo son el centro comercial Parque Cristal, y la torre de Seguros Caracas.

To begin to imagine possibilities, we were given a 2000mts2 plot located on the third avenue of Los Palos Grandes, in Caracas, which caused me a lot of headache because it is a fully paved space, and is located between two huge monsters belonging to the urbanization, such as the Parque Cristal shopping center, and the tower of Seguros Caracas.



Sin poder defraudar a todos mis objetos de
estudio por la zona asignada, me tocó lanzarme a todo este proceso de investigación sobre el lugar de los Palos Grandes, lo que me llevó a sentir un amplio nivel de tristeza por sus condiciones actuales.

Los Palos grandes solía ser un sector muy arbolado, donde se apreciaban calles anchas tierra, caminerías sin acera, y agua natural recorriendo su rumbo natural por la quebrada. Pero que con el tiempo, y para satisfacer las necesidades urbanas, todo este concepto natural se fue degradando, trayendo consigo el crecimiento descontrolado del sitio, con la manifestación de locales comerciales, problemas de circulación, y reducción en el tamaño de sus calles.

Without being able to let down all my objects of study for the area assigned to me, I
study for the assigned area, I had to throw myself into this whole process of research on the place of Los Palos Grandes, which led me to feel a wide level of sadness for its current conditions.

Los Palos Grandes used to be a very wooded area, where you could appreciate wide dirt streets, walkways without sidewalks, and natural water flowing naturally through the creek. But with time, and in order to time, and to satisfy urban needs, all this natural concept was degraded, bringing with it the uncontrolled growth of the site, with the manifestation of commercial premises, circulation problems, and reduction in the size of its streets.




Los palos grandes constituye actualmente un eje empresarial importante para Caracas, así como aloja zonas turísticas importantes, y una considerable cantidad de edificaciones residenciales que también ejercen función de negocios.

Para trabajar con este sitio, y con la naturaleza que era mi objeto de estudio, hice una comparativa, donde la separe de la arquitectura para evaluar qué porción de este lugar permanece siendo un espacio natural, lo que me llevó a percibir que, a pesar de que el espacio se ve invadido por una masa de edificaciones y estructuras artificiales, los Palos Grandes se encuentra alojado en medio de dos puntos naturales de vital importancia para toda la ciudad, como lo son el parque del este y el Ávila.

Los Palos Grandes is currently an important business axis for Caracas, as well as housing important tourist areas, and a considerable amount of residential buildings that also serve as a business function.

To work with this site, and with the nature that was my object of study, I made a comparative, where I separated it from the architecture to evaluate what portion of this place remains a natural space, which led me to perceive that, although the space is invaded by a mass of buildings and artificial structures, Los Palos Grandes is located in the middle of two natural points of vital importance for the whole city, such as the park of the east and the Avila.



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En esta oportunidad como trabajo para culminar todos estos estudios, me vi involucrada en un nuevo reto que no había tenido con anterioridad, diseñar un espacio arquitectónico, pues mis actividades anteriores se habían limitado a configuraciones espaciales, piezas abstractas, y ejercicios para fortalecer todos estos conceptos que de igual manera son imprescindibles en la enseñanza de este arte.

Mi respuesta a esta problemática del crecimiento descontrolado de la ciudad, se basó en no abordarlo con nostalgia por la naturaleza perdida, sino a trabajar para hacer esplender la naturaleza que persiste aún en la zona, y ahí fue donde surgió mi idea de realizar un Mirador.

In this opportunity as a work to culminate all these studies, I was involved in a new challenge that I had not had before, to design an architectural space, because my previous activities had been limited to spatial configurations, abstract pieces, and exercises to strengthen all these concepts that are also essential in the teaching of this art.

My response to this problem of the uncontrolled growth of the city, was based on not approaching it with nostalgia for the lost nature, but to work to make the nature that still persists in the area splendor, and that is where my idea of creating a lookout came from.


Pensé en que, la función del mirador seria obtener una mejor apreciación de este entorno que nos rodea, pero que el resto de la parcela sería un parque, o un espacio libre y transitable para poder despejar un poco la mente al momento de acercarse.
I thought that the function of the lookout would be to get a better appreciation of this environment that surrounds us, but that the rest of the plot would be a park, or a free and passable space to clear the mind a little at the time of approaching.



Mi proyecto constó de un complejo formado por el mirador, una torre de recorrido vertical, con distintas configuraciones que alojaban distintos programas, pero cuyo final es la llegada a la apreciación de las vistas.

Y un recorrido subterráneo que aloja una sala de conciertos, Toda la disposición del proyecto me termino generando un terreno montañoso, que regala un espacio abierto y de fácil acceso en distintos niveles.

My project consisted of a complex formed by the lookout, a tower of vertical route, with different configurations that housed different programs, but whose end is the arrival to the appreciation of the views.

And a subway route that houses a concert hall, the entire layout of the project ended up generating a mountainous terrain, which gives an open space and easy access at different levels.



Sin más que decir, espero que les haya interesado este breve resumen de lo que hice, y ojalá en el futuro pueda compartir más en esta linda comunidad. Gracias por leer ฅ^-ﻌ-^ฅ♡
Without more to say, I hope you were interested in this brief summary of what I did, and hopefully in the future I can share more in this nice community. Thanks for reading ฅ^-ﻌ-^ฅ♡


🌱 Dividers and banner made by me in Paint Tool Sai

🌱 Illustrations made in Sketchup Pro 2021

🌱 Pictures by me, and Google Earth

🌱 instagram



Wonderful work, you put a lot of effort into your project. Keep up the good work. Many successes and a thousand blessings @shinfxx


Your project is great, I loved the idea of looking for ecological architectural strategies. Welcome back, a hug 💕

These ecological strategies should be mandatory in any architectural project to be completed in the future, we must begin to take into account the importance of nature in our lives.
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you are amazing, the design of the city and the buildings you make really fascinate me.

Thanks for your comment and your time!

With existing forest areas and other natural environments under the mercy of rapid urbanization, it's extremely challenging to incorporate green spaces in cities that have prioritized buildings. Thus the popular coining of the phrase "concrete jungle", causing the disappearance of nature. Unless the government and private sectors work together to seriously implement environmental programs that ensure the sustainability of the place, nature wouldn't survive. An ideal model is Singapore where gardens, parks, and other organic resources have been strictly executed for their long-term growth.

Your ideas for an elevated lookout and park with a mountainous terrain below for the rest of the building plot are brilliant! Providing more awareness for inhabitants by offering them panoramic visual experiences to appreciate their natural surroundings is a huge advantage. Plus their immediate access to the attached park would surely improve their living conditions. At the end of the day, it's all about taking the necessary actions. Impressive proposal! 👍

Greetings @shinfxx, a warm welcome to the Architecture+Design Community! 😊

In recent years in Caracas we have not had many positive developments in terms of new construction, but recently these urban areas have remained with the same model of buildings, new commercial and business premises, and nothing that genuinely brings a positive effect to the needs of the city. It would be good to include as a requirement this thinking and this way of treating the little natural layer that we have left in the city, since in the long term, it is productive and certainly here, we need it.

I'm glad you were interested in my proposal, and I'm excited to have a direct response to my topic of study. Thank you for the warm welcome, and I look forward to sharing my work in the community again soon. 🤗

Great points @shinfxx. 👍 We look forward to more interesting design proposals, concepts, and projects for our future discussions. All the best to your architecture studies! 😊

Congratulations @shinfxx! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 19. More power!


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I am very glad that you liked my content. I hope to bring you something new soon. Thank you so much 🤗🌱

It is our utmost pleasure to host your incredible publications dear @shinfxx. We look forward to more amazing content soon. Keep it up! 😀

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