How to join the famous Hive Blockchain Based Social Media Platform for Free!

in #hive-1679222 years ago


What is the Hive Social Media platform?

  • It is a social media platform, built on a blockchain, which you can join for free, and in one minute you can be commenting or posting on Hive.
  • You can do it from home or anywhere else you have an internet connection.
  • So clear your thoughts, open your mind and be prepared to execute my instructions, so you can start getting paid for something you already do.

Social Media

  • You have probably heard of FaceBook, Instagram and TikTok
  • These are forms of social media
  • FaceBook is very popular.
  • Most people reading this article have a FaceBook account.
  • FaceBook was very successful in getting lots of people to open accounts, and share pictures, stories and other things collectively called content.
  • FaceBook also taught everyone about Networking which is a fancy word for having FRIENDS on FaceBook who might look at your pictures, read your stories, or to use another word VIEW your CONTENT.
  • And if people view your content, everyone hopes their VIEWERS give them a LIKE
  • Likes are nice, but they aren’t money. On Hive we have Upvotes. Upvotes are money.
  • ‘Curious? Read on..


  • Social Media is FaceBook, Instagram and TikTok, or similar programs like WeChat in China and for other Reddit or Discord.
  • Networking is the gathering of FRIENDS
  • Views means someone looked at your content.
  • Viewer is someone who looked at your content.
  • Friend is someone who agrees to look at your content every time you make new content.
  • Content is pictures, words, stories, music, memes or anything else you share on Social Media.

I told you all that so you understand what comes next, and why it works!

  • You don’t know me
  • You have no reason to believe me
  • So I will explain what I say, so you don’t have to TRUST me … your brain will say Yep, it’s true.


Hive is a social media program like FaceBook, Instagram, TikTok, WeChat, ….

  • You can open an account on Hive for free
  • You can look at pictures, read stories, enjoy music, and leave COMMENTS for Free and get Paid.
  • It doesn’t cost anything to leave a comment
  • The person who LIKES your COMMENT pays you cryptocurrency.
  • You can transfer that cryptocurrency to a Cryptocurrency Exchange and Exchange it for your countries currency, or US Dollars, Euros, Yen, Won, etc, etc, etc
  • That’s all you need to do.
  • It sounds simple and once you learn how to use the program, just like you learned how to use FaceBook, it will be easy.
  • Many people spend hours Viewing Content on FaceBook, InStagram, TikTok and other Social Media Sites for free.
  • I am telling you to spend some or all of that time on Hive getting paid.

Let’s Review

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  • You can also sign up using your Twitter account, MetaMask or your Facebook account at this link :


  • You can now View Content on Hive and leave comments to get paid.
  • Once you are signed into the blgging site start reading articles, click the comment button and leave a comment.
  • In seven days you will check your wallet page and see a list of payments made to you for comments that you made.

Create an Account at a cryptocurrency exchange.

You can create an account at anyone of 30 exchanges which have Hive token there.

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Change your Hive into Money

  • Create an account at one of the above exchanges or use the echanges linked from the wallet page of Hive Wallet page Blocktrades or Ionomy.

Ionomy, a cryptocurrency exchange

  • Go to Ionomy and read the instructions for transferring money from Hive to Ionomy
  • Send your Hive you earned to Ionomy, exchange it for Bitcoin, exchange your Bitcoin for your countyries currency, withdrawal it to your bank account. Ionomy Link
  • OR-
  • Open an account at
  • Repeat above
  • OR-
  • Open an Account at Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange
  • Then send your Hive to Binance, exchange for Bitcoin or a stablecoin, then exchange that for your countries currency and send it to your bank account.


Leave a comment below, and I will upvote your comment, thus pay you for commenting and answer your question.

Or contact me on Twitter I am shortsegments


Learn more about Hive Here






Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @shortsegments ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Excellent pointers!

What’s the chance of new people stumbling upon this and deciding to join Hive, though?!

We need to make this a viral post! :)


Very True!
I read a recent article about Hive by Yahoo Finance and wondered the same thing about that article!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I am very impressed with Yahoo Finance recognizing Hive. Yahoo may not be the big financial news website it once was, but I am still happy that Hive was recognized.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes indeed, that would be great. Please Tweet and ask your friends to ReTweet. @Leogrowth perhaps you can assist with this? @anomadsoul

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@cryptothesis(1/10) tipped @shortsegments (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Thank you

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