Leofinance Power Up Day Suggestion: Post Leofinance Social Media Links with your LPUD post!

in #hive-1679222 years ago

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Leo Power Up Day

  • And of course I powered up some Leo!
  • But I am also thinking today is a good day to spread the news of Leofinance around via your social media connections.
  • Yes Leofinance Social Media Links

The Life Blood of Business Growth is marketing!

  • One of the amazing things people notice about projects like Chainlink are the "Link Marines" people from the community who are always active on social media spreading news about their project.
  • Grass Roots or Community Based Marketing is very effective because people are talking about a project they love and are passionate about.
  • And even if you don't think you can give a good description of the Leofinance Project, you can still spread knowledge of the project by sharing it's social media links!
  • but of course that requires you to have the links!
  • So here they are:


First What is Leofinance?

  • A social medial community on a blockchain, the Hive blockchain. Where you can create a written block, a video blog or 240 character Twitter like comments to share financial topic content and to earn cryptocurrency. Leofinance is a passionate social media community.


Learn more about Leofinance with this quick Seven Minute overview and QuickStart Guide.

Click Here

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Check out how easy it is in this video:

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Leofinance Social Media Links


Leofinance Discord Channel Link


Twitter: https://twitter.com/financeleo

Medium: https://medium.com/@leofinance

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXZAjUMby8yDXBRo4h-6wrQ

Sharable Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/E4jePHe

Telegram: https://t.me/leofinanceio

Daily LEO Newsletter: https://leofinance.substack.com/


GIF created by @mariosfame

If you know of any more let me know and I will add them.




About @shortsegments

Shortsegments is a writer focused on cryptocurrency, the blockchain, non-fungible digital tokens or NFTs, and decentralized finance for over four years.

He is also a project builder, with two current projects:

No Loss lottery,

A prize linked savings account here on Hive, which awards more the 100 Leo in prizes weekly, and which has over 5000 tickets sold. @nolosslottery

Easy DeFi,

A community investment pool allowing community members to invest in the Cubfinance DeFi project.

  • Cubfinance was created by a known Hive Community member and whose code is audited and modeled after PanCakeSwap, the largest and perhaps safest project on Binance.
  • This allows pool members to benefit from being liquidity providers and earning high APR yields as high as 128% on their investment capitol.
  • Cubfinance is the Hive communities home grown Yield Farm and is audited by CertiK, a third party which certifies DeFi projects on Ethereum, Binance and polygon ecosystems.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The lifeblood of any business is marketing, and marketing is my business, so I know both the value of it, and how it has helped me build my business.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Marketing is indeed of immense importance in making a project known. Though finance, especially crypto based concept and terms, is something that doesn’t make too much sense to me but yes I can spread words to reach out to someone whom they make sense

Agree, we need all the marketing we can get. Thanks for stopping by.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @shortsegments ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.