in #hive-1525249 months ago


Greetings my dear virtual friends and faithful coffee lovers. A warm welcome to my blog.

In my town we have had a week full of many events and activities in order to commemorate the teacher's day, first time we take a full week and let me tell you that it has been fun, we have made games, cultural activities, dynamics, choreography and even a set of lectures in order to encourage and thank them for their persistence in this work.

For the event 4 conferences were selected, each one with a very special message and that without a doubt was transmitted in an effective way, we could glimpse in each one of those present how they embraced the messages transmitted and they were pleased with the celebration that we gave them.

In this case I was part of the protocol team along with a group of beautiful women, we received with a big smile and a handshake to all those who were encouraged to be part of the event, we also had the role of accompanying the attendees to their table.

It should be noted that the event was completely free and was not exclusive, after the second conference came the most awaited moment for all, the coffee break, where we shared some crispy and rich golfeados with a unique black coffee.

This was undoubtedly one of the most attractive parts of the event, because as well as receiving new knowledge, this was adorned with the aroma and flavor of coffee, which all of us teachers love and continually include in our diet.

During our planning stages and correction of pending exams, it always has a place on our table, desk or workspace to be our evening something energetic and revitalize us after long days of work.

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.


Saludos mis estimados amigos virtuales y fieles amantes del café. Tengan toda una cordial bienvenida a mi blog.

En mi localidad hemos tenido una semana colmada de muchos eventos y actividades con la finalidad de conmemorar el día del docente, primera vez que nos tomamos una semana completa y déjenme decirles que ha estado muy divertida, hemos hecho juegos, actividades culturales, dinámicas, coreografías y hasta un conjunto de conferencias con la finalidad de incentivarlos y agradecer su persistencia en esta labor.

Para el evento se seleccionaron 4 conferencias, cada una con un mensaje muy especial y que sin duda alguna fue trasmitido de manera efectiva, pudimos vislumbrar en cada uno de los presentes como abrazaron los mensajes trasmitidos y se mostraron complacidos por el agasajo que le hicimos.

En este caso fui parte del equipo de protocolo junto a un grupo de mujeres hermosas, recibíamos con una gran sonrisa y un apretón de manos a todos los que se animaran a ser partícipe del evento, también teníamos el rol de acompañar a los asistentes hasta su mesa.

Cabe destacar que el evento era totalmente gratuito y no era exclusivo, después de la segunda conferencia llego el momento más esperado por todos, el coffee break, donde compartimos unos crujientes y ricos golfeados con un inigualable café negro.

Esta sin duda alguna fue una de las partes más atractivas del evento, pues así como recibieron un nuevo conocimiento, este fue adornado con el aroma y el sabor del café a quien todos los docentes los amamos y lo incluimos continuamente en nuestra dieta alimenticia.

Durante nuestras etapas de planificación y corrección de exámenes pendientes, siempre tiene un lugar en nuestra mesa, escritorio o espacio de trabajo para ser de nuestra velada algo enérgica y revitalizarnos después de largas jornadas de trabajo.

De ante mano agradezco el que dediques parte de tu valioso tiempo para leer mi trabajo y que Dios te multiplique el apoyo que le aportes a mi publicación. Bendiciones

Todas las fotos aquí utilizadas son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con la cámara de mi teléfono Redmi Note 9T. El diseño fue realizado con la aplicación GridArt.


There is no better way to accompany a meeting, whether business or reunion, than with a delicious coffee to socialize.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

As educators, coffee is part of our daily life and in this opportunity we could not miss the opportunity to taste it and take advantage of its benefits.
Thank you for your kind visit ☺️ @rinconpoetico7

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thanks for making me a part of this great community @cinnccf

Nothing better than a coffee to enjoy a good company or an event of any kind. Excellent event. Greetings friend

I totally agree with you, coffee has its reserved place everywhere and that is because of how rich and tasty it is for the general public.
The event was magnificent. Thank you for your visit @milik80

It is gratifying at any event to have those beaten rich people and that little black guy who cheers up the soul.

This was my first experience with golfeados and they are definitely very delicious and if I add a good coffee, it is the perfect combination.

That's how it is @sidalim88 That's right, coffee would be an ideal companion to eat it