Night walk in the snow - POBphotocontest: NIGHT

in #pob-photography2 years ago
Introductory remarks

This is my entry for the #pobphotocontest "NIGHT" from @friendlymoose. If you also want to participate just have a look at his post for more information about this contest.

💡 Hint: This is my second upload of this post. The first version was uploaded with liketu, but the upload got messed up. The images are visible in the liketu frontend, but the detail page of the post doesn't exist. That's why the other frontends (peakd, can't show the post either.

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A snowy day in april

04-02-2022 It had snowed a lot all day and we had several centimeters of fresh snow (10 cm / 4 in) or even more.


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It's roughly 4:30 a.m. and my dog decides it's time for a walk. We dress warmly and head out to the outskirts of town to walk a little in the fields.

While we were sniffing around, we found a deer family at the edge of the forest.

The fawns romped in the snow while their parents nibbled on the fresh grass covered under the snow.

They paused briefly to watch us and then continued eating and romping. 🙃

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In this picture you can see them like black spots at the edge of the forest. (Fullsize images are linked at the bottom of this post.)

We watched them for a few minutes and then headed back home as we were starting to get cold.

(It was also not long before the new day dawned, and we wanted to sleep at least a little bit. 😉 before would go for our next walk.)


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Through the snow, it wasn't really dark and, thus, a few quite interesting night shots arose.

These pictures are completely unedited because they give the impression of being from a (bad) horror movie due to the poor quality.

This picture I had taken with the flashlight. As you can see it has been snowing heavily all the time.

For the other images, the snow was completely removed by the camera software of my mobile phone.

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Technical mumbo jumbo

SubjectNature in the dark
CameraRedmi Note 8 (2021)
Full size imagesImage 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5
(If you really want to enjoy the poor quality in all its glory)

◾️◽️◾️◽️◾️ That's all for now, enjoy your day, and thanks for reading! ◾️◽️◾️◽️◾️


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people(@celf.magazine) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Your photos of this snowy, almost nocturnal environment offer an appealing visual effect, and tell a little story. Thank you y greetings, @siiiiichfried.

Tu post ha sido votado por @celf.magazine, proyecto curatorial y revista digital sobre arte y cultura en Hive. Únete a nuestra comunidad y comparte tu talento con nosotros.
Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.

Thank you very much!
I'm happy that you liked it. 😀

(I already joined your community, and there will be more to see from me in the future)