Today is the last day to write the first part of a three-part fiction story for @Dreemport. Now, if you look at stories and life, they all have a beginning, middle, and end. The question becomes, which part do you make the beginning? There are many ways to start a story and wind it around, so the future could be the story's beginning.
You could start at someone's funeral and backtrack to explain how they wound up in a casket with people telling each other how wonderful their friend looks when all they want to do is cry. Would that be the beginning of the end? And is that really the beginning or the place the author needed to start because they had no idea where to start but knew the main character would die in the end?
It gets complicated writing stories. It is more complex when you want to do well, and you know everyone is hoping you play along with the task they are trying to accomplish. You start to second guess yourself, and that bubble of self-doubt grows larger and larger until you are surrounded by a vast globby mess in your mind and heart.
You give yourself a pep talk. How this story is like any other. Just relax and go with the flow, except right now, your flow is self-doubt. You want to give up because it is too complicated and what if you fail? How silly would you look!! No one likes to be considered foolish for trying to do something they are not good at.
If you never try things out of your comfort zone, you never know what the outcome will be, now do we? I have seen so many wonderful people write stories who said they never could. The trick, or one of them, is to write just for yourself and no other. You will find yourself relaxing sitting in front of a keyboard.
Once relaxed, your mind is free to tell your fingers where to go on your keyboard, and low and behold, words start forming on the page, and in your head, you can not type fast enough.
But it all has to start with that terrifying beginning.
I wonder when the world first started if God was scared too. Is that why it took him six days to make the world? Was God too afraid to make a mistake, so they took each part of making the world one slow step at a time? We are made in his image, and we, too, want to make something perfect and right. These are interesting thoughts, but a fiction story is still not being written.
I wonder how many days of thinking and planning God took before they felt perfect about starting the making. Do we really think that even God just woke up one morning and said to themselves, "huh, let's make a new world today!" and Poof! It began.
If we go with this theory, I wonder what would have happened on the eighth day. Do you just build this beautiful place and then walk away? I feel this would be very hard to let go of. I think most would feel some responsibility to leave someone in charge to oversee what you just spent all your time and energy making.
I think too that after making a new world, you would need a lot of rest. Building a world that is designed to run itself cannot be easy. Designed to give all those who choose to live on it the resources to accomplish just that. I know I would need a nap. A pretty long rest, to be sure! So who in the new world would you pick to oversee your creation?
Unicorns, of course! How can there be any other choice if you think about it? They are magical creatures that would help in case something unforeseeable happens. They are connected to the earth and sky in ways we humans can never understand. Now we are getting somewhere. A beginning. Unicorns. Right.
I guess next would be naming the unicorns in charge of New Earth. We want to feel connected to them, and names help a person do that. I am horrible at remembering people's names, but this isn't about me. It's about everyday people, of which I am not.
To make life fair for all boys and girls, we should probably have a girl and boy in charge of New Earth. Hmm... I'm going to go out on a limb here and make the two unicorns married. I should not be the only person blissfully married for life. Right, Queen Isla and King Elgar are now running the show. Sigh, we are getting somewhere, maybe, I think.
Everyone needs a place to call home. It makes a person feel grounded on this earth. We could put our King and Queen in a beautiful meadow filled with wildflowers, but if it would rain, you can not have royalty getting wet and muddy. It just isn't done. Trust me on this. Mud is a wonderful thing, do not get me wrong, but there is a time and place for it, and it just isn't done on a King and Queen of New Earth.
A large field of wildflowers surrounded by water that is the clearest blue one will ever find is surrounded by mountains that reach the sky. In the middle of this stunning sight is a castle that gleams bright white. On the top of the uppermost walls are huge shiny copper bowls that glow during the day and are lit with fires each night to show the way for weary travelers that might come this way.
The castle is filled with all the creatures of New Earth. Each to play their part. It is now up to the king and queen to assign tasks to everyone. This is the part where magic comes in handy. Queen Isla has the gift of looking someone in the eye and knowing what they excel at and what makes a person happy.
Do not get me wrong, it is still a long process to look each person in a new castle in the eye and figure out what the heck you are going to DO with them. All the while keeping in mind the bazillion tasks it takes to run a castle and a New Earth.
The King and Queen had better hoped they slept well the night before they got plopped into their new castle and were given a poop ton of work they now were responsible for. I'm thinking it is going to take about a year to get everything up and running smoothly for the two.
I also think we, as readers, should give them the privacy they need to learn how to be King and Queen in their first year on New Earth. It really is the proper, polite thing to do.
Yes, Yes, I promise we will check on them after their learning year is up.
I guess? We just made a new beginning for a tale that will need to be told. Huh, imagine that!
You can find Part Two here: In the Beginning Part 2 - New Earth
Here is my Bingo Card for the Bingo Doohicky. I had a ton of fun reading everyone's answers to the questions and became very hungry also!!
Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.
Thumbnail volcano: Photo by Clive Kim
Stressed: Photo by
Sleep: Photo by Pixabay
Crown: Photo by Monstera
Unicorn: Photo by Karolina Grabowska
All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.