In the Beginning Part 2 - New Earth

in #hive-1992752 years ago

Part one can be found here In the Beginning

Queen Isla and King Elgar's first year of reign was a little rocky for them both. The first hours of rule taught husband and wife they could do anything if they worked together. They were newlyweds; after all, plus now had a kingdom to run on top of everything else. Yet, they were up to the task. A task that would be put to the test all too soon.

Queen Isla called the heads of all the races to start figuring out housing, meals, and general work. They needed to form a plan that was fair to all involved, or nothing would work.

Amid the meeting, while gnome and ogre debated who would be in charge of security, a tiny fairy flew in, screaming at the top of her lungs. For such a small person, her scream vibrated through the halls for fifteen minutes.

Nurse Tabby of the fairy clan flew right to the King and Queen and implored them to save the new baby fairies' life. You see, she had tried to fly too soon and fell and hit her head on the new bricks. Now the newborn was blue in the face with her drooping wings. Never a good sign for a fairy.

King Elgar popped both fairies on his nose and took them to his personal chambers at the fastest pace he could. Queen Isla galloped ahead, opening doors as she went. Once in the rooms, the fairies were laid on the bed. King and Queen bent their heads and breathed on the newborn fairy together. You could slowly see warmth come back into her face.


Nurse Tabby turned the newborn on her side. The King and Queen again breathed upon the tiniest of fairies they had ever seen. A little more color came back into the newborn. The King did something by instinct that shocked those looking on. He grabbed a part of the tiny fairies robe and shook her upside down.

Between the gasping of those that followed, the Queen saw a tiny piece of mucus come out of the fairy's mouth. King Elgar quickly dropped her back on the bed. The force of the soft landing made the stale air leave her body and clean, fresh air enter.

Soon the room was filled with the cries of the newborn fairy while Nurse Tabby deemed her name Bricky Blu. With tears in her eyes, Nurse Tabby thanked The King and Queen for her daughter's life. With that, she flew away to cuddle her baby all night long.

The couple learned on the faithful day they worked best together. Both bring unique views and instincts to each situation that comes their way. The people who found themself living at the castle and surrounding areas knew Queen Isla and King Elgar to be fair in how they treated everyone.

Ninety-Nine years, three hundred and sixty-four days passed...

The old attic room was filled with books on every subject imaginable. From the homemade quilt, the extraordinary paintings hanging from rafters to the chair that looked handmade, the room gave off a comfy vibe except for the sparks flying off the wings of the tiniest fairies ever seen.

Her name was Bricky Blu. A fairy was to be named after her lifelong calling.

At 100 years of life, fairies are officially an adult. Bricky Blu should be on her way out of her attic room into a new house all her own and in charge of whatever the Queen deems her life's calling.

The problem was she was not like all the other fairies. She loved learning all kinds of different things. She loved baking, sewing, carpentry, and, yes, even brick making because she got to get dirty and play in the mud.

The best part is that she could not be yelled at for bringing dirt through the castle as she made her way up to the attics to wash off the day's grime. She loved that part best of all. She had to admit she did smile while getting as much mud all over the hallways. It just made her heart happy to be a little rebellious once in a while.

But now is not the time for happy memories! Bricky Blu thought as she stomped her tiny leg. What in the world is she going to do for the rest of her life? She doesn't like any one thing and has tried them all.

Every two weeks, you were assigned where you were going to be working. This practice usually lasted about a year. By then, the head of the guilds knew who excelled at which craft.

After your first year, most workers moved to trade houses and became integral to their life's craft. By the time it was your one-hundredth birthday, it was just a formality to be named into your lifelong Guild.

The problem for Bricky Blu started a couple months into her work rotation. The Master Forger wanted Bricky Blu to come back again the following week. A fight had broken out between all the Masters of the various guilds at this request.

It came out then all the guild masters wanted Bricky Blu to work for them. While she wasn't the best by any means, she was a joyful soul. She learned fast once you showed her how to do anything, and she put her heart and soul into her work.

She made any workplace happier. So much so that the other workers worked twice as hard and production for the weeks Bricky Blu was employed skyrocketed. Everyone wanted to be around Bricky Blu, it seemed. Not for her work but just her personality.

The Master Guilds all sat down, unbeknownst to Bricky Blu, and had a long meeting under the full moon. There was a lot of talking, arguing, and others trying to calm down the loudest, so the conference would not be heard by those that should not know. Meaning the King and Queen of New Earth.

A compromise was finally come to and passed the voting process by one hundred percent of the guild masters. Bricky Blu would now be on a two-week rotation with every Guild until Bricky Blu herself showed favoritism to one particular Guild. They were all reasonably sure within the next year, a guild would have their hands on Bricky Blu, and all these secrets could be swept under the table, never to be talked about again.

Little did they realize this pattern they had set in time would be followed for over ninety years.

Bricky Blu was so deep in thought about her past she didn't hear the knocking on her door. The loud knocking became shouting along with pots and pans banging against each other. Finally, Bricky Blu's head registered extra noise and slowly walked over to her door to see why there was so much noise in the hallway at this time of night.

Opening the door resulted in four friends laying on top of her as they tried to push the door in to open it. Bricky Blu started laughing while asking what in the world was going on! She was told to get her bum down the stairs NOW! The Queen of New Earth required her.

Bricky Blu didn't move.

Her friends grabbed her, shoved the first veil and flowers they saw on her head and pulled her down the stairs into the palace's main meeting room.

Bricky Blu was blinded by a flash of light as she stood wondering why she had been called.

You can read the next part Here: In the Beginning Part 2 and a Half~ New Earth

Here is my Bingo Card for the Bingo Doohicky. I had a ton of fun reading everyone's stories and can not wait to read more this week!!

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


Castle: Photo by Oliver Lechner from Pexels

attic: Photo by beytlik

Forge: Photo by Lars Mai

Veil: Photo by Milad Farhani

full Moon: Photo by Joonas kääriäinen

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Gif made by @Snook


I was totally absorbed in it all and can’t wait to see the next part @snook :)))

Thank you so much for letting me know that! You made my heart very happy!! This story is very special to me so each part is scary to let out into the world. Your positive comment really was wonderful to read.

Thank YOU again!!

It is a pleasure and deserved :)

I can totally understand the part about it being scary to let out but it is a beautiful story and I for one (I am sure there are plenty more) am very grateful to be seeing it.....thank YOU ❤️

Very cool, @snook
Loving this series

Thank you Blue! That means a lot!!

A great burden falls on the perfect person. We will follow the continuation of the topic. Very successful. @snook

Una gran carga se le viene encima a la persona perfecta. Seguiremos la continuación del tema. Muy exitoso.

Thank You @sacra97!!!
So happy you came back to read part 2 :D

Dang it! I got so carried away I failed to notice the temporary stop... Lol. Ohkay. Now, What could possibly be the reason for Blu's summoning....???? Do I really have to wait till Friday??? 😩

we will see how the week goes LOLL

I am very happy you liked it :D

You made my heart very happy!

😉😉A pleasure MiLady❤️

Part two and one half is now posted :D
If you care to read more. LOLL

What a great story so far! ❤️

Thank You so much!!!!!

Quite a feat to read this second part, that shows how much dedication. I finished exhausted and I think it's not for less. Imagine waiting a hundred years to be an adult. Open to see how this experience ends with the little fairy. Excellent.

Thank You very much!!

Part two and one half is now posted.
If you care to read more.

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Oh I soooo hope you will expand on this world and Bricky after the third part.

Assuming it all goes well for her?
Why shouldn't it.
Oh, for the twist?
No, that wouldn't be fair.

To whom, Bricky Blu?
Yes, and to the read, to me and you.
Please stop whining you little shrew.
And you keep on writing. So go, shoo shoo shoo. (please 😉)

edit: changed 6th line of poem from no to yes

THANK YOU so Much!!

I really needed to hear that from you. To know you care about her as much as I do!!

All I can say is ...she will not die :D

Oh I'm so curious about how this ends 😅

Can you give the last part already! I love your story ma'am Snook ❤️

You're amazing!

Thank YOU so very much!! It makes me so happy that you are liking the story!!

I wrote part 2 and 1/2 and posted it today if you want to read more...... Part 3 will be out on Friday :D

Oh great! Will check it out soon 😊

Snook... my Snook! You've outdone yourself. 💥❤️

Thank You, Nickydee :D

Like I told Steve, this story means a lot to me, so I am happy you enjoyed it!!

One more part... Then breathing once again. :D

You're doing great!

Always breathing please

Very well done and looking forward to Part 3 <3

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Thank you for all your hard work!!

You're welcome @snook, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍

What will our little fairy do with the life she is so fortunate to have? Whatever it is, it will be full of joy 🙌

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It will :D

Thank you so much for reading and for your great comment! It really does mean the world to me!!

And I thank you for the great story ♥️

This is a good follow up, have to get Luna to read it to the sibs!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I am so happy you liked it. I hope the girls also do!!

Upvoted on behalf of the VYB Curation project

By then, the head of the guilds knew who excelled at which craft.

I wonder, was this a play on words? It made me smile whether it was or wasn't. So, in that way, job done. You made someone smile today and it didn't hurt even a tinsiest bit.

Isn't it lovely to think of someone moving around from job to job making everyone happier? That surely is the most perfect job for Bricky Blu 🤗

It made me smile also so I left it in there :D

I am so happy it didn't hurt :D

Ohhhhhh, not the Perfect job yet.... but getting closer...

The story needed more telling than I could do in one final post, so today, part two and one half is now posted if you care to read it. :D

Oh, how lovely, I will pop over now. 💛

This is just wonderful Snook❣️ Bricky Blu is a very special fairy indeed. I just love that she brings effervescent energy to all those whom she touches in life. She has certainly determined to turn life on its head and to do things her way... taking her time to share of herself... I wonder if the reason that she hasn't chosen to settle in any one particular guild at the moment is that she somehow realises how special and meaningful her existence actually is... and that her presence brings so much joy and light to those around her that it would be a shame to concentrate it across so few. Perhaps her greatest skill is already being employed and shared... and everyone already knows this at a deeper level. Can't wait for part 3 !ALIVE !PIZZA

Thank you Sam!!!

Oh, Bricky has been training her whole life for what is to come. Do not worry, she will be very happy in the end :D

@snook! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (7/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

What happened next?...
I didn't see this coming bricky blu pulled to the meeting room?
Thought they already have a conclusion over her matter?
Okay cant wait for part 3.
Nice one champ
You got me glued to the end

Thank you for that!! I am very happy you enjoyed it.

Part Two and one half is out now. Part three will be posted on Friday. :D

This is such an unbelievably special book that is being cooked before our very eyes hehehehe

not a 3 post series- but something more magical and meaningful

and I can't wait to read it all. I've found myself loving the unicorn couple last week - that were setting out to change the world and work together.

and thought we were going to follow them a bit more - but no. hehehe Bricky Blu has won my heart now. hehehehehe

Starting off in life sick and needing help - not just any help - but help from the king and queen of the realm! hehehehe and for what? for a special purpose! because she isn't just good at what she does - she's good at making others good at what they do! hehehe

I can just see children (of all ages) finding themselves in the pages of this book snook. i can't wait for more!!!!!!!

Thank You so much Dreem for pushing me to write. I needed the push :D

You are one special Lady!!! Never change!

lady - i adore you.
and i'm so glad that you got what you needed to pull this out of you -i cant wait to be a part of the whole journey! hehehe

The time of ninety nine years..... isn't it too much. !LOLZ. Sorry for this interpretation but it just came to my mind. There is a myth in my culture that a snake gets the power to take an appearance of a human when it is 100. Hehe. The fairy turning to adult reminded me this.

I am really eager to know what would happen to fairy later. Whom she would choose.

What is it called when a writer is sick of writing?

Credit: reddit
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