in #hive-1657573 years ago

While we were anxiously awaiting for our little Princess's arrival, basically you’ll probably wonder not only what they will look like, but how they’ll act, talk, walk, and more. Here are a few traits our baby inherited from her mom.


My wife sleeps with almost a fisted hand in a crucifix position.


Be aware,our babies can inherit a lot more than just eye color and height from its parents. As you anticipate the delivery of your new baby, you’ll probably wonder not only what they will look like, but how they’ll act, talk, walk, and more. Why some babies look more like Mom, while others are the spitting image of Dad? It boils down to a combination of genes and lifestyle.


Transfer of inherited genes are passed on from both parents, there are some traits; that can be linked directly to the mother or father. Maternal or paternal inheritance are fascinating things, and this further illustrates the powerful connection between mom,dad and baby.
These are some physical and personality traits you probably didn’t know your baby will inherit from their mom:

  1. Sleeping Style
    When you're frustrated with a baby who just won't go to sleep, it could be that insomnia runs in the family!
    Our little Princess sleeps for long and even eat while sleeping and this is the same trait my wife carries.According to my family Pediatrician, mothers often have more of an edge or advantage on the sleep habits of their children as they typically spend more time with youngsters than fathers do. According to our family Pediatrician “Results reveal children of mothers with insomnia fall asleep later, get less shut-eye and spend less time in deep sleep. We do not have association between fathers' sleep problems and those of their children.”


Speaking to us,she said between tossing and turning, insomnia, and even being a fan of naps, babies can pick up on these from mom during nap time and turn them into their own lifelong sleep habits,she dropped this adage:Monkey see, monkey do..... Lol.

  1. Temperament

Can your little one not stop crying or screaming? Maybe have yourself to thank (or blame) for that! While their environment does play a part in this,i have said that genetic makeup could play a larger role in your baby’s temperament.
Our bundle of joy is always calm and doesn't have to cry when not necessary.


“Cases has confirmed few Persons who carry a specific type of allele, or alternative form of a gene, are far more likely to be angry than those without this allele.” However, in the battle of nature vs. up bringing, the environment your child grows up in also has a huge impact on their behavior and temper as they grow into adults. So,in our home,we try to demonstrate healthy communication strategies starting when our daughter is still very young. It’s been confirmed that kids with parents who regularly screamed and fought in front of them are more likely to exhibit these behaviors.
And this is very true,in my last post,I talked about how much love we surround ourselves with when our Baby is born,things to do and not to do,vulgar language not to be spoken and thank God we live in a very quiet environment to aid her in being focused and less of too many friends or people.
Lastly,I noticed our Baby has my kind of temperament, especially whenever she's hungry and needs to be tended to, sometimes it's seen when it's time to change or check her diapers........ Lol.

  1. Exercise Endurance

Anyways,if dad ever starts bragging that his kids inherited their athleticism and sports prowess all from him, it might not be true! In nearly every mammals, our mitochondrial genome (commonly called the powerhouse of the cell) is inherited exclusively from the mother, surprised right?
Whereas, the other type of DNA, nuclear DNA, is inherited from both parents. This Mitochondrial DNA also plays a role in how a person uses oxygen cells during exercise.
Also note that in this traits babies pick, we've the Dominant Gene and the Ressecive Gene.


Most physical appearances as a whole is heavily biased towards the father's genes and not the mom's genes.

There are at least about 700 variations of genetics that are responsible for determining height. Even as this trait comes from both mom and dad's genes, there is evidence to show that a dad's genes play a greater role in the height department.


When you want your baby to have dad’s sweet smile, you’re in luck! Dimples on the Cheek are a dominant trait and more commonly passed down on the father’s side. Most parents can’t get enough of their baby’s adorable dimples, so if dad has that facial feature, you’ll both have something to smile about every moment!


It's known that no two fingerprints are the same, a baby’s fingerprints may look a lot like their dad’s! Fingerprint patterns are genetically inherited traits. If possible, check for yourself, look at your baby’s and the father’s fingertips up close, and see if you can make out any similar grooves and line patterns in their fingertips!
Besides this,our daughter has my kind of fingernails, straight and sleeky.
Will like to stop here,as I go through my fatherhood journey, I'll continue to post my original account of fatherhood with our daughters picture for originality, thanks and bye.


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Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

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