How i stay organized in my workplace

in #hive-19588011 months ago


Organization is a skill that everyone needs to have. It is not just in the work place but in every aspect of your life as individuals.

What organization helps you do is to structure your day and make it run smoothly and efficiently.

When you schedule your time and activities for the day, you will realize that you achieve so much more than when you are disorganized.

It reduces stress, helps you focused and not miss out on assignments or tasks too.

I personally had to learn how to stay organized and it has really helped me achieve so much in my work place. Organization is a skill that is gotten through commitment and dedication. You have to consciously put in the work to achieve iAPIs*
Different APIs

In my company, I am the production manager and I cater for 9 staff every single day. My company deals on Mud engineering, Waste management (oil & gas waste) and Solids control (Shaker Screens). We supply shaker screens to at least 3 companies every day. And part of my duty is to ensure these screens are delivered in the right quantity, right APIs( we have so many APIs), mesh , size,model, and in their correct cartons. This is a lot of work and requires me to be active to ensure i don't mix up orders.

Shaker Screen

Sometimes, different orders are sent in at the same time and we have to deliver at the same time too. I had to figure out ways to help me stay organized which includes:

Writing a list:

Before now, I would just get to know what and what needed to be supplied and try to store them in my head.

One time I made a mistake and supplied a different API to a company that needed another type of API. It was so bad that my company almost lost the contract with the company that period.

Thankfully my boss swung into action and gave me another chance to prove myself again. That's how I learnt that I am not a machine and needed to always write down things to help me remember.

Keeping things mentally is draining and if you are not careful, you will end up mixing a whole lot of things thereby messing up the whole business.

Free yourself and just write down things. It saves a lot and also helps you keep things in check too.

Prioritize tasks

First thing I do when I come to work is list out things to do for the day and prioritize them accordingly.

Just like my boss will always say that there are big and small tasks. I try to figure out what email to respond to that is of utmost importance, what supplies is most prioritized and so on.

So instead of wasting my time fulfilling tasks that do not carry weight and loosing out on money completely, this strategy helps me know where the big money bag lies first.

Working with Task Time

Time is a very important factor to overlook. I try my best to allocate time to each duty and even though sometimes I end up stealing some time to complete a task, at least it helps me know what to do at what time and when to finish it.

This has helped me pay attention to how much time I give to a particular task and also helped me work fast to beat up time for each duty.

Take a break

I remember falling Ill one time at work and guess what? the work didn't stop. It continued with someone else standing in the gap for me.

I learnt since then that self-care is very important and it is a healthy man that can work.

So I take care of myself as much as I can. I ensure I check my vitals and eat healthy too. When it feels like the work load is becoming too much ,I log off by taking a walk, listening to some music and just do something to cool off for some minutes.

By the time I come back, I find myself re-energized and ready to work again. At the end of the day there is much productivity too.

These are the few things I do to help me stay organized in my work place.

How do you stay organized in your workplace?

Thank you for reading. All pictures are mine.


Wow! It’s amazing to know how organized are you at work my friend. How I love to work when things are organize as it always gives us peace of mind. Indeed, you are incredible! Best regards and more power!

The last time I had to get as organized as you describe here, I was a teacher in higher education, in The Netherlands . This was back in 2015-16. I didn't know about crypto.

I got organized, realized the healthiest thing to do was to quit my job. I was burnt out and depressed.

I then traveled to the canary islands to follow my passion, work on a film project and find back my Zen.

Two months after my return, Spring 2017, I learn about crypto, started blogging and, early 2018, I moved towards Portugal.

I have been my own boss, basically 100% into crypto and writing, since then.

I got organized, realized the healthiest thing to do was to quit my job. I was burnt out and depressed.

Wow. I am glad you found your feet in doing what was right for your mental health. One thing I have come to understand is that sometimes we push too much in areas we do not fit in.

But the moment we step back a little and take a break, we will realize where we fit in and trust me, we will do so amazingly well in that area.

Glad you found your passion and held to it.

One thing I have come to understand is that sometimes we push too much in areas we do not fit in.

But the moment we step back a little and take a break, we will realize where we fit in and trust me, we will do so amazingly well in that area.

Nicely put. I didn't study to become a teacher, although I like to inspire small groups of people outside of the educational system.

Have a great day!