Yellow House 🏡 Casa Amarilla

An architecture with historical meaning

It is comforting to see that in your city the government is restoring an old house, which has a historical heritage for the community, especially when they have more than 25 years without doing anything, absolutely nothing, during that time have passed several mayors both opposition and officialism, that is right or left and none complied with the management of minimum public works in the center of the parish, that said I mean that finally someone is fulfilling the citizen duty that was assigned.

The yellow house is one of the works of architecture that have been restored in my city, in a small town called Cagua in the state of Aragua, Venezuela, this place has been here even before my birth and before my mother was born, it has been used for different purposes, when my mom was little it worked as a public school "Felipe Larrazabal" which now has another location, then as a cultural center, and in the last 20 years as a political center managing political campaigns.

I could see how the walls and thatched roof were crumbling, inside there was only darkness, rooms with cracked walls, and a musty smell that was suffocating, I know this because of the few times I went inside to look for information. When they started I thought they would demolish everything, but that would not be a restoration, but a new construction, and the historical heritage value I mentioned before would be lost, in the restoration they kept its colonial style intact.

Una arquitectura con sentido histórico

Es reconfortante ver que en tu ciudad el gobierno está restaurando una casa antigua, qué tiene un patrimonio histórico para la comunidad, sobre todo cuando llevan más de 25 años sin hacer nada, absolutamente nada, durante ese tiempo han pasado varios alcaldes tanto de la oposición como del oficialismo, es decir de derecha o izquierda y ninguna cumplía con la gestión de obras públicas mínimas en el centro de la parroquia, dicho esto quiero decir que por fin alguien está cumpliendo con el deber ciudadano qué se le asignó.

La casa amarilla es una de las obras de arquitectura qué se han restaurado en mi ciudad, en un pequeño pueblo llamado Cagua en el estado Aragua, Venezuela, este lugar ha estado aquí incluso antes de mi nacimiento y antes del nacimiento mi madre, ha sido usado con distintos propósitos, cuando mi mamá estaba pequeña funcionaba como escuela pública "Felipe Larrazabal" qué ahora tiene otra ubicación, después como centro cultural, y en los últimos 20 años como centro político gestionando campañas políticas.

Yo pude ver como se desmoronaban las paredes y el techo de paja, en su interior solo había oscuridad, salones con paredes agrietadas y un olor a humedad qué ahogaba, lo sé por las pocas veces entre a buscar información. Cuando comenzaron pensé que demolerían todo, pero eso no sería una restauración, sino una nueva construcción y se perdería el valor histórico patrimonial qué he mencionado antes, en la restauración mantuvieron su estilo colonial intacto.

Description of the Yellow House

Since its restoration it can only be seen from the outside, they have not opened the doors to the public nor have they said what will be the new organization or organism that will operate here. It is located on a corner in front of the Sucre square and has two main doors on each street.

The doors are made of large wood, approximately 5 meters high by 3 meters wide, with details of 16 carved rectangles. And in the same style the windows are also made of wood in smaller proportion, I would say that 3 meters high by 2 meters wide, maintains the same design of rectangular squares, have iron bars and its base is made of concrete, in previous times the base of the bars used to be also made of wood.

On the front there are 3 windows and on the other side there are 5. The lot of this house is large as the properties of the antiquity used to be. Its walls are still yellow, but different from the old one which was very vivid, this yellow is darker combined with a brown color in the columns to make them stand out. Its thatched roof was changed for a machimbrado one, sealing the edge with terracotta-colored tiles, combining a lighting with classic colonial type lamps.

Descripción de la Casa Amarilla

Desde su restauración solo se puede ver desde afuera, no han abierto las puertas al público ni tampoco han dicho cuál será la nueva organización u organismo qué funcionará aquí. Se ubica en toda una esquina al frente de la plaza Sucre, y tiene dos puertas principales en cada calle.

Las puertas son de madera grande de unos 5 metros de alto por 3 de ancho aproximadamente, con detalles de 16 rectángulos tallados. Y en el mismo estilo las ventanas también son de madera en menor proporción, yo diría que 3 metros de alto por 2 de ancho, mantiene el mismo diseño de cuadros rectangulares, poseen rejas de hierro y su base es hecha de concreto, en épocas anteriores la base de las rejas solían ser también de madera.

Por el frente hay 3 ventanas y en el otro lado 5. El terreno de esta casa es grande como solían ser las propiedades de la antigüedad. Sus paredes continúan siendo amarillas, pero distintas al de antes que era muy vivo, este amarillo es más oscuro combinando con un color marrón en las columnas para hacerlas destacar. Su techo de paja fue cambiado por uno de machimbrado, sellando el borde con tejas color terracota, combinando un alumbrado con lámparas clásicas tipo colonial.




This architecture beautifies the center of Cagua and remains in harmony with the architecture of the other government agencies such as the mayor's office and the prefecture, which in another publication I will write about in detail. I hope they inaugurate the yellow house soon so I can go inside and bring you an update on this place in my city.

Thank you very much for reaching the end of my publication, see you in the comments, in your town there are similar constructions?.

Esta arquitectura embellece el centro de Cagua y permanece en armonía con la arquitectura de los otros organismos del gobierno como la alcaldía y la prefectura, qué en otra publicación escribiré de ellos en detalle. Espero que inauguren la casa amarilla pronto para poder entrar y traerles una actualización de este lugar de mi ciudad.

Muchas gracias por llegar al final de mi publicación, nos leemos en los comentarios, ¿en tu localidad hay construcciones parecidas?





Translated with || traducido con: Deepl Translator. Own pictures || Imágenes propias : Huawei Honor Cell Phone
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I remember seeing this kind of yellow building during my visit to Galle Fort area. It probably had similar architectural features to the building you presented. I love the features of an old building. Especially in that we can find various architectural elements.

In Latin America in several countries there are houses of this color that are part of the government or cultural centers.

In my country Venezuela there are in several regions and the curious thing is that they are all called the same yellow house. 😊

Thank you for your support and kind comment. @madushanka

Hace poco pase por allí y me sorprendí al verla tan linda, existen muchas obras arquitectónicas históricas en nuestros municipios que merecen rescate.

😊 quedo bonita, tengo curiosidad de verla por dentro, saludos feliz día.

😊 it looked nice, I'm curious to see it inside, greetings happy day.

Hi @soyunasantacruz, how beautiful was the yellow house, the railings are spectacular I liked the simple design and the heart ornament at the top, the combination of yellow and brown is perfect; I hope that other outstanding buildings in the city can be restored, so the younger ones can know these landmarks.


Hi @belkyscabrera , those colors have a nice contrast. Heart shaped ornament? I don't think I saw it, you are very observant.

I hope you can restore the old houses and put them to good use, I love your visit, thank you very much.

The architecture is so simple but it's not simple, I think that the creator must have a brilliant brain to come up with an idea like that.


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You are most welcome dear @soyunasantacruz. Cheers! 😀