So, why no beach photos I hear you cry!

in #life2 years ago

Those of you have been following me for a while (even through the multiple breaks I've taken from posting), will know that the majority of my content tends to be photos taken whilst walking the dog on the beach. Well that hasn't been possible. Unfortunately Lola started limping back in November. It wasn't all the time she wasn't comfortable when getting up after resting and seemed to be struggling with her rear right leg.

It got progressively worse over Christmas and a trip to the vets in early January led to feedback that she's probably damaged her cruciate ligament in that leg and that we need to limit her walks. X-Rays (at the cost of £580!) confirmed that to be the case and so we need to take it easy from now on. Surgery is a possibility but the she's a little too young for the standard surgery on offer through normal vets, and is also approaching the weight limit (dogs under 30kg). The alternative is to go private but that cost around £6500 so we'll not be doing that any time soon!

Also, it's classed as a disease in dogs and when one goes the other will likely follow.

She's doing OK though, just a little miffed that she doesn't get to see her pals as much as she used to. We'll slowly try to extend her walks in a month or so, fingers crossed a level of normal boring beach photos will follow then.



That stuff can get seriously expensive if you can't claim on insurance. My sister's dog just had an expensive operation. I hope Lola gets well soon. I guy you miss the outings too.


I certainly miss the exercise! The beach isn't always the nicest of places to visit this time of year 😀

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